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Joined 1 years ago

Can we just… leave him there?

Tolerance of intolerance breeds intolerance. It’s the ‘Nazi Bar’ scenario.

You run a bar. One day, a blatantly obvious Nazi comes in, be he keeps to himself and doesn’t bother anyone. A week later, he comes back but he has some Nazi friends with him. You notice some of your regular patrons get up and leave. Over time, the number of Nazis that show up to your bar increases while the number of regular customers dwindles to nothing. Without intending it, you now have a Nazi bar. If you’d have just kicked the first Nazi out, it wouldn’t have happened.

I'm in Austin, TX. It BAFFLES me how many folks own these huge trucks and SUVs. My wife and I bought a used Ford Fiesta for $12k, payments are about $225. Even that's tough to swing sometimes. Still, it's been worth it for the gas mileage alone. Currently sitting at about 34mpg. I can't imagine what some of those huge trucks get. Not to mention that I don't understand how they're practical to drive much of anywhere in. Just so damn huge and unwieldy. I'm happy with my tiny car. Would be happier with a train.

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There are… but there are loopholes. Which is why the vehicles get bigger every year. They’re all using loopholes to continue not bothering to meet the standards the regulations set forth.

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…then maybe they shouldn’t exist. If you can’t pay the copyright holders what they’re owed for the license to use their materials for commercial use, then you can’t use ‘em that way without repercussions. Ask any YouTuber.

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I’d kill for my rent to only be $1354.

“Walmart is tired of making less money than Amazon.” Is likely closer to the truth.

See, the thing is, those roads that were 45mph have more than enough room for both cars and bike/ped infrastructure. The issue is that, generally, the lanes for higher speed roads are wider. Narrow the lanes and people feel they have to go slower to stay in the lines (which is true for a lot of drivers, bless their hearts). It's an unconscious response to narrowing roadways that can be used to actually make people slow down, rather than just telling them not to. And when you narrow the lanes, that leaves more room in the same space for stuff like bike lanes and sidewalks.

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I’ll believe it when I see it.

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He should lose everything.

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Man, I tried so hard to convince folks to vote. Gave everybody links to register, a voting guide, and where they could vote. I tried.

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Just look at the last thirty or so years in Texas for your answer.

Everyone I know is miserable and sees no way out.

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Money. The answer is money.

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What, are you just gonna not have insurance? Something could go wrong! You don’t wanna go bankrupt because of a health problem, do you? Also, we can’t guarantee you won’t still go bankrupt with our insurance, but you won’t have to pay for basic drugs! Maybe…

She killed herself because, for her, there was no way out. There was no way out because of a system that abuses those that exist within it.

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Fine, then I’ll be upset at people continuing to support a company that systematically abuses its workforce.

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And yet the governments whose officials we’ve elected into office, having no better options, aren’t doing anything about it because the companies they’ve enabled to cause the problems we face keep taking them out to a fancy dinner every now and then.

Not everywhere, Joe, not everywhere. Texas is still well and truly red, much to the chagrin of sane folks everywhere and despite those same folks voting blue wherever possible.

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But that’s what they want. The smart folks will leave the state, and their left-leaning votes with them. That’ll leave the state voting red, and those electoral college votes staying red as well. This is simply a grab for power, nothing more. Yes, it will lead to more folks being less educated, but that’s what the right wants: people too dumb to think for themselves.

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Literally nothing is stopping any of them from cutting a massive check to the government. This is lip service to stop people from hating on the billionaire class.

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Does this mean rent will get easier to pay, or am I still boned?

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Oh, they’ll have a job in prison, too. They just won’t get paid to do it.

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It’s not enough. Not until everyone is paid what they’re actually worth will it ever be enough.

As an American in Texas, I strongly support you not egging on these fucks that want to ruin MY HOME even more than they already are. The repuglicunts have been in power for 30 years and have drug this state down into the dirt with them.

and only then did COVID happen and I lost my job twice. So that’s roughly three “holy shit thank god we saved for a rainy day” events in three years.

You just explained the last three years of my life. I have no savings left. Period. If anything happens to the car, or either one of us loses our jobs, we're done. That's it.

My wife and I are making more money than we ever have in the past. However, before that I was unemployed and was forced to find some way to keep being able to buy groceries, gas for the car, and helping my wife pay bills. As such, the only way I saw to do so was to take out a credit card or two, and they quickly got maxed out. So now I’m stuck paying $700/month in credit card bills, as well as dealing with the increasing food and rent prices. Our bills take a larger percentage of our total wages than before. And sure, part of that’s my own fault, but at the time it was do what I did or starve and get evicted. I wasn’t about to let that happen to my wife.

We’re still able to survive, but it’s by the skin of our teeth.

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In other words, we’re being gouged even harder than they thought!

In the very least, we should be ensuring that any animal bred for consumption should be given the absolute best life possible, not crammed into spaces like sardines and forced to exist in their own shit all their lives.

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It's almost like nobody is able to give 100% at all times.

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And yet you never hear about this happening in Texas, where the districts absolutely need to be redrawn to be more inclusive.

That doesn’t change the fact that there’s suddenly an extra terabyte being uploaded through their pipes.

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So is rent.

Glad I got my flu shot…

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I dunno, I’ve met a few engineers that fancied themselves as being smarter than everyone else. Their ideas were the only ones that held merit due to their belief that they were ‘enlightened’, so to speak.

The vast majority I’ve met are normal, well-adjusted human beings that think the ‘smart’ ones are full of it. Specifically, they they can’t seem to see the forest for the trees.

Replace 'The Economy' with 'Rich People's Yacht Money' and everything starts to make more sense.

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Nothing quite like paying an annual fee to ensure that stuff you can’t be bothered to go to the store for are handled by a multitude of people who are systematically abused by their employer.

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It may fuck the company harder, but you’re also fucking all the mistreated workers that ensure the shit you ordered gets to you.

Good luck! Guess who supplies chicken to basically every restaurant and grocery store?