These cows have earmuffs, your argument is invalid to – 543 points –

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In the very least, we should be ensuring that any animal bred for consumption should be given the absolute best life possible, not crammed into spaces like sardines and forced to exist in their own shit all their lives.

they taste better when they've had a happy life

So you must taste greeeeat despite all the antibiotics and microplastics in your body.

what? what are you trying to say here

They're trying to say this is a bs argument

but it is a true fact. theres a huge difference in quality between the basic slaughterhouse meat and full life lived running around and eating what they are supposed to eat meat

For fks sake, the detachment from reality in this comment is astonishing. Would it be ok if I raised you as meat and then slaughtered you when you where 15 years old if I guarantee you that you would have a decent life in the meantime? Of course not, it would still be pretty fucked up.

its not a detachment from reality its actually completely based in reality, the statement being nothing more than quality of taste and a true fact, again completely based in reality. we all get it you think eating animals is wrong but my comment is not meant as some sort of statement on anything more than quality of food

Problem is good life isn't economically sustainable.

That's what they are trying to make you believe. Good life is not sustainable, either for the cows or for you

Right right, as long as you don't have to do anything :)

Nah I just don't touch animals or animal products as much as possible now. Easy