
1 Post – 215 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I haven't heard it in years and it got stuck in my head true second I read the name above.

If this lets you monitor the patch status of the end clients in your org, then it's actually cheaper than existing solutions used for managing regular Windows updates.

The only questionable part is how reliable, trustworthy, and secure is 0patch themselves?

Allowing a third party access to patch system level files opens the risk of a rootkit install. (In fact their agent being able to access system would function much like a rootkit itself).

They could easily backdoor something into thousands, or even tens of thousands of PC very quickly. Make a huge botnet, steal data, etc, etc.

Assuming they are trustworthy themselves, if their security is compromised, either from hackers or even a rogue employee, the same results could happen and could take a long time to discover.

Dawww doodooodoodo dodooo daw daw daw daw dawww.

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You're YouTube channel has just been demonitized.

Can't wait to pirate it!

Tech sites say that it's officially licenses by Steam, and it has the Steam logo on it.

Either they have Valve's blessing on it, or Valve's legal team is fuckin sleeping.

This 15% isn't inclusive of ALL bots and trolls. Just the corporate sponsored ones.

Saw a post today with the new "official" Steam Controller. It's trash. None of the features that made the first one cool. Doesn't even have rumble.

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outgoing head of the US Indo-Pacific Command, urged Washington to accelerate military development.

Better yet. Instead of spending a trillion dollars to gear up to join WW3, how about spend that money to develope domestic manufacturing so we can completely embargo all imports from China. Stay out of conflicts between other nations.

Hit them in the economy and it will hurt them far more than hitting them with bombs, plus the bonus effect of not wasting thousands if not millions of human lives.

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On the other hand, 10 years ago there's almost no chance you would think that the Disnet Chanel would be a feature in an automobile.

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All chaps are assless

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So they seriously not remember what thousands of people left Digg and moved to their platform for???

Reddit had a fraction of the users Digg had at one point. Then Digg changed to a new UI no one liked and started putting adds that looked like posts into the main feed.

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It's cloning. That how Neo has been born over and over again.

The machines stores the generic code of all the first humans they put in pods and then they just crank out copies.

Who wants to take bets that Search itself ends up in The Graveyard soon, leaving nothing but the new AI abomination in place?

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Their router probably doesn't support 6, and neither does their devices.

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One of many reasons to use Jellyfin instead of Plex.

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The reality is that it broke "something* in certain lpt2/ipsec connections using certain authentication protocols, although they haven't yet specified which particular connection technologies are affected.

However this does not mean that a blanket affect of ALL VPN connection not working is an issue.

So far we are unaffected on clients using ipsec and PAP protocol authentication, nor connections using Anyconnect (aka Cisco Secure Connect).

I have also not seen any affect on private VPN clients such as PIA or Nord on machines that have this update.

I suspect what broke was clients using MSChap, Microsoft's own protocol for authentication for VPN clients.

Source: an admin with 200+ client machines with VPN connections that are not impacted after installing this update.

If you use any Google service, everything of yours is their business. You are their product, voluntarily.

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Bromer Samson

So maybe stop overfishing the oceans??

We have a dozen local stations...all owned by clearchanel.

Almost every TV doesn't have smart functions if you don't connect them to your network.

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Force Recheck.

I have a lot of these just go to 100% after checking the downloaded files.

Was your last experi nice with Windows with Vista or something? 7,8,10,11 have all been almost entirely work free for installing any hardware that isn't exotic or boutique stuff.

I am not one of the people weighing in based on an arbitrary experience or a small sample set. I've installed Windows literally tens of thousands of computers. The only thing can think of in the last 10 years I needed to find a driver for is some USB barcode scanners that emulate serial devices, and the driver for an android phone to be able to flash the boot loader.

Every device that a computer actually needs to run just work.

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VPN go brrrr. Now you're an EU user.

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There are about the size of a paper towel, and only slightly stronger material.

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XP fucking sucked. It wasn't good until service pack 3.

You skipped 8.1 which was the good version that fixed the stuff that sucked about 8. It's existence is almost completely forgotten.

Then Windows 10 came out and it was bad.

They then had about a 10 different OS builds that all had the Windows 10 name instead of giving each build a new name or calling them service packs. The OS that exists now (22h2) has almost nothing in common with the OS that came out in 2015.

Windows 11 has also had several major leaps since that name started. What's current (23h2) is much much different than the OS that came out in 2021.

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Fucking cowards

Purchase licence key

No, thanks.

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'In the beginning the Universe was created.This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.'

PS> get-appxpackage *teams* | remove-appxpackage
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Look at this smart ass.

QR codes on cards really bridge the gap between the physical card and the digital presence.

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You can even use Microsoft Word for free online.

The whole argument that "a subscription service becomes necessary" is nonsense.

It STARTED from the work of community members. Then Epic jumped in and took over with the promise of their backing of the community team. Then once they had control over it they scuttled the ship.

ifconfig doesn't even work in a lot of Linux distros anymore.

Microsoft could just drop a Windows handheld that can play Xbox games natively.

The Xbox already runs on a custom VM based on Windows 10/11. Microsoft themselves are the only ones keeping the two who systems separated by artificial software limitations.

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No need to get the wallet out when loose pocket change will cover it

The sign is to short for the other o.

Were they Mongolian?