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Joined 9 months ago

Rejoice folks. I think I found a retoot on Mastodon. Direct image-links should work as it's all within the fediverse, right?

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Hello from Europe. Please inform yourself about Project 2025 if you haven't. If you already did and insist on your position to vote 3rd party and still don't get that you won't have fair elections in your lifetime anymore when orange cheato & the heritage foundation come into power I can't really feel sorry for you. I'm sorry for anybody who'll get dragged with you into a christo-fascist handmaids tale nation, though.

You're either a plant or you're dangerously uninformed.

If Trump and his christofascist sect wins, all arabic people in the region will be expelled or genocided.

If the crazies behind Trump with their playbook "Project 2025" get their way it would be really the "Lord have mercy" phase in humanities history.

This article shows the grand picture which should frighten every world citizen, considering we talk about the greatest military power with an unhinged Commander in Chief who is commanded himself by even more sinister manipulators.

"Many Republicans express their unwavering support for Israel in biblical and apocalyptic terms. Rep. Mike Johnson, a Christian evangelical, made his first public appearance after being elected House speaker last October at a conference of the Republican Jewish Coalition, where he said that “God is not done with Israel.”"

Compare that to president Biden openly criticising Netanyahu and vice-president Harris calling for a ceasefire now.

Your insult just doesn't make sense. I hope you see that. I heard that nearly every US president after WW2 was unconditionally pro Israel. And at least some of the dems (including the president) currently seem to begin to grasp that Israel is going terribly wrong with their methods in the war on Gaza. Your current government has the best chances to bring it to an end if they go just one step further. Biden said in the interview on MSNBC he'd always support them with their Iron Dome but it seemed, although he didn't say it directly, that he wouldn't support them above that, if Netanyahu crosses a red line.

Choose wisely.

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Laying hens also are productive way beyond their ancestors with 10-20 eggs, which takes a big toll on their bones. According to a study from the university of Kassel an estimated 23-69% per flock come to the slaughtering line with broken keelbones, wings and legs from egg calcium depletion, rough handling and crammed cages.

Egg factory farming is an all around brutal and despicable industry. Look up what forced molting and maceration means and get your own chickens if you're able or eat scrambled tofu.

The stringy material is probably Seitan (or vital wheat gluten). It's purely plant based and made from protein rich flour. It has the highest content of protein in plantbased meat replacements (close and above than real meat) but is usually low in the amino acid lysine, opposed to soy-based replacement which contain all 9 essential amino acids in sufficient amounts.

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If I would write about this topic as I feel about it this would end in extreme hate-speech about the demographics who eat them and those who do those unbelievable deeds. It's a beyond vile, absolute devoid of any value, twisted & sick industry. Just read the wikipedia entry for shark-finning.

In addition to causing immeasurable suffering and death to a mindboggling number of sharks, with up to 70-80% reduction within a lot of shark-species, they're setting the fate of other marine ecosystems too...

The main task of sharks is to balance out those systems by hunting too numerous species. A Sea-Wolf. Now there's a constant flow of rotting shark carcasses which will possibly let the wrong species thrive which won't be regulated anymore. But those 400 million years old species time has come anyway in the very near future because it won't have anything to regulate anymore.

Look up what happened in Yellowstone with the reintroduction of the wolf (that was killed off previously in 1930) and the resulting self-regulating system. In the adjacent Montana they shoot up to half of the wolf population and in surrounding states the "game" is coyotes and foxes. With cruel traps like sadistic trappers do. Now they have to mow down super-boar herds with MGs. Instead of finding better ways to co-exist with natures ranger-creatures which are doing a way better job in Yellowstone than hunters.

It's the wolfs merit that beavers, foxes, songbirds and willows came back just by regulating elk and deer populations. But in a completely different way than hunters. Disclaimer: I'm from Europe and only read up on that so I may have recited a few things incorrect.

Don't wanted to discuss this topic and I don't expect an answer. Just wanted to vent.

I can't answer your question and wikipedia doesn't as well. I guess it has something to do with speed. Would fit those pieces of walking excrements who run that industry.

FFS it's not only the methane. It's all the GHG sinks we destroy to let cattle graze and feed other animals caught in CAFO. In addition it's the whole infrastructure around the system

Half of habitable land is used for agriculture (5x the USA). 2/3 of that is grazing land. 1/3 crop land. One half of the 1/3 crop land is used for plants that are directly consumed by humans. The rest is animal feed and stuff like biofuel.

Crop land and grazing land for animals combined make up 80% of all farmland. Meat, dairy and fish combined make up only 17% of all calories and 38% of protein.

If everyone went plant based the global farmland use would be reduced from 4 billion to 1 billion hectares and therefore crop death would be dramatically reduced. The land could be rewilded and natural GHG sinks could be established again.

Everyday 5000 soccerfield sized areas of amazonas rainforest are razed to the ground for cattle, leather, soy (for animal feed ofc) and palm oil. Mafia like cartels of cattle breeders threaten and murder indigenous people and activists there and implemented a complicated system of cattle laundering to hide that they burn intact rain forests (green lung of the earth) there. The 10.000.000 anually slaughtered cows there are also exported to US meatpackers. The leather ends up in european car seats. Via container ships.

I saw it in the evening news show of a main TV channel (Das Erste) here in germany that Gov. Huckabee of Arkansas introduced a law to roll back child labour laws, which seems a few other of the GOP reigned, god fearing states also like.

Where several parts of Iowas new law are violating federal child labour laws (e.g. Hazardous Occupations Orders) and that's why those states are under federal investigation.

From Europe, I hope your gov keeps the promise of cracking down on migrant child labour in hazardous environment and other trends to return to pre-industrial times (e.g. caregivers who exploit the child labour) and offers those kids better possibilities. Those voters in Iowa, Nebraska and the likes are lost anyway.

  1. Jup. That execution was extremely dangerous and I'm sure Iran is still pondering how they could take revenge. Another possible fubar situation if he comes to power. Iran launching a new 9/11 as a retribution for their national hero.

  2. Not meant that you insulted me but rather 46. You're free to do of course but I don't think it fits. I can't imagine it's Biden who's giving commands to carpet bomb Gaza, block aid deliveries or to shoot ~100 people fighting for said deliveries.

  3. I'm not well informed about the independent candidates in the US and their stance to help for Israel. But even if there are some very left parties with no-aid for Israel policy would they stand any chance against Orange Cheato? After him it's just game over. He would be dictator for lifetime. And Don Jr. after. Remember it's very hard for US presidents to traditionally not support Israel militarywise. This doctrine seems to become a bit brittle lately with the dems.

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I just installed Nextcloud on Arch and the official packages caused the most headaches I ever had within my 3 years of arch. In contrast I installed the official Jellyfin and Prometheus Server packages and they ran OOTB.

I ended up with not using the official packages but extracting the tar.bz2 into /var/www/nextcloud and slightly modifying the nginx config from their site. I had to move the inclusion of the MIME-Types file to a different block for nextcloud to deliver its CSS, SVGs and images. It wasn't exactly straight-forward too considering permissions. I found it a beast compared to many other server software.

I only read "The Left Hand of Darkness". That novell was fire (no pun intended). Excellent world building and super captivating and immersive writing.

Nice. I started Ratchet & Clank on PCSX2 yesterday. Holy hell is that Emulator a work of art. The graphical options for the emu make that PS2 game still shine and the gameplay is lotsa fun. Sadly the libretro core for Retroarch/Emulationstation bugged out for me and was slow compared to standalone PCSX2.

Also I'm still puzzled how it's possible there are so many retro-achievements for so many games. I looked up how to implement them and it's really complicated. I totally underestimated how big the retro games scene still is. I really want to get into the netplay thing.

Endeavour OS is based on Arch and therefore a rolling release distro. So Plasma 6 should come with regular updates, right?

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No probs. I'll post it on It's the only server I'm on. Elsa content is allowed and wanted there so if you got fresh stuff...sharing is caring, k?

6 years on a Ryzen 1600 with an Asus Mobo now. Intel before. Best buy I ever made in my PC-history, apart from my curved WQHD Monitor. Not playing very much but games like CS2, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Far Cry 5, Yakuza 0, Ghostrunner, Witcher 3 run very well on moderately high settings (Most of them on Linux). If I'd invest in a good AMD graphics-card, I'm convinced I could play most modern games on high settings.

Congrats for going the AMD route. You will be so blown away by your 12-core monster.

Nothing wild about it.


  • vote for the only worthy contender against Trump


  • vote for someone who isn't that contender and therefore not for the only worthy contender Biden

If you decide for the latter you'll risk to never really vote again. Read the signs on the wall. It's the "What would I have done if I was a german under Hitler" phase, the USA citizens are in right now. If your prefer the stuff that's going on in Hungary under Orban or worse, go on, vote 3rd party.


Germany is in a similar situation in the next federal parliament election although we got more weighty contenders in the parliament than only dems and reps. Our Biden vote equals to 2 parties (labour party and the greens) out of 6. The remaining 4 parties would be a Trump vote (AfD). The outcome of that election would define the politics for unforseeable future and was and is the reason for the mass protests in germany.

Edit 2:

We'd probably have more leeway as the AfD would not straight be elected but mainly the CDU who would choose the chancelor (Either Söder or the german Trump light Friedrich Merz). There would be many more compromises made with AfD (farfarfar right) with a CDU chancelor than under a new labor (SPD) and Greens chancelor. The dream would be if The Greens got a majority. Then Habeck would be chancelor.

SUSE CEO is a round-earther confirmed!

From my experience (2 years Manjaro, 3 years Arch) it's the other way round. Manjaro presented me with a terminal way to often after Nvidia updates. Never had that on Arch. Especially the Nvidia updates are very reliable. I don't know what people do with their Arch installations. Mines rock-solid for the 3 years now. Possibly the most stable distro I ever used.

But I understand that you just can't advise newbies to install Arch, even when archinstall is relatively easy to use. Maybe EndeavourOS which brings a lot of convenience features and a graphical installer to the table. A fellow linux newb is running it without problems for a year now.

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  • Lost in Space
  • Firefly
  • The Orville
  • Star Trek: Next Generation
  • Cowboy Bebop (The Anime)
  • Disenchantment
  • Futurama
  • Arrested Development
  • The Office

You can watch video after video from those rallies and the ignorance of their attendees never fails to terrify.

In the linked video some older guy speaks about how Biden was replaced by a body double by the still sitting president 45 and he's secretly preparing the military to intervene next election. Another one thinks Biden will be executed on Trumps coming inauguration.

One attendee is confronted with Trumps ramblings on Truth Social about how he wants to terminate all rules, regulations and articles, even in the constitution and the guy is seriously baffled and promised to look into that. Hard to believe he was honest, considering everyone saw what happened on january the 6th 2021.

I recommend everyone to watch some of the work of Walter Masterson and Luke Beasly.

AFAIK it was tested with the default setting set to no tracker- and ad-blocker. When enabling all the built in measurements it looks a lot better.

I know that it's an herculean task with millions of workhours to build a browser from scratch with all engines JS (SpiderMonkey), CSS (Quantum) and HTML (Gecko) and we can be lucky to have Firefox. I use the very performant version on Android every day and especially appreciate that Dark Reader and uBlock Origin work.

May I have a minute to talk to you about our saviour Vivaldi?

If no other browser could satisfy you, you either haven't tried Vivaldi, you haven't tried it long enough or you tried an old version.

For me no other browser comes close regarding the IMO most important feature of browsers (beside supporting the essential web-standards): tab management. Stacking, tiling, hibernating, pinning and more recently the fantastic workspace-feature.

That's only on the tab-front. How about: built in tracker- & ad-blocker, built in dark website-mode, translator, email-client, rss reader, note-app, reading-list, user definable search-engines, page screenshots, appify websites into sidebar and another killer feature: press F2 for a combined command-window and search-everywhere popup.

The next best thing after the year of the Linux Desktop would be if Vivaldi and Firefox joined forces and Vivaldi would switch to Firefox's engines.

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I need to fresh up some memories here. Have you played it only after sports classes "just for fun" and have you played it with a so called "medicine ball" which made like this sound when hitting someone on the tighs or stomach: "PHHTHUMPBUMP" where the last BUMP is from the echo the impact made through the sports hall? All I know is I hated it the same as being a keeper in handball.

Diamond Age is my all time favourite (although I read it just one time as I do with all books). In the current age of AI it is very relevant. If nano technology and AI will progress we'll maybe head into the depicted scenario and I hope I'm still alive then.

Cryptonomicon, Anathem, The Baroque Cycle are wild rides and masterpieces too. Anathem was a bit hard to get into but it got really exciting after the first 300 pages (of ~1000) or so.

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Vivaldi is my daily driver. It has the best tab-management, dark website-mode (hidden function), build-in tracker, pop-up & ad-blocker, RSS-Reader, e-mail client, site-hibernation and much more. My hope is that the build-in protection will suffice when ublock origin will stop functioning. I can't use any other browser anymore.

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K&P weren't exaggerating probably:

It happened in Berlin at the Breitscheidplatz in 2016 on a christmas fair too where 12 people were murdered by an islamist with a truck. Since these events I feel I've seen a lot more concrete roadblocks capable to stop trucks here in populated areas in european cities.

This helps for sure. And this. Those pesky coyotes seem get along also too well. Time for some harvesting (sic!) and then get out those ARs and gatlings we still have some boar families to massacre.

Yes there are singular cases where wolves can change a whole ecosystem for the good, but what about muh crops and livestock.

About Trumps (or more that of his advisers) connection to Israel

"According to a LifeWay poll conducted in 2017, 80 per cent of evangelical Christians view the creation of Israel in 1948 as a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy."

"The tenet of Christian Zionism is that God's promise of the Holy Land to the Jews is eternal. It's not just something in antiquity," Ms Oldmixon said. "When we talk about the Holy Land, God's promise of the Holy Land, we're talking about real estate on both sides of the Jordan River. So the sense of a greater Israel and expansionism is really important to this community. Jerusalem is just central to that. It's viewed as a historical and biblical capital.

Beyond the rebuilding of the temple, Israel is also important to evangelical eschatology because they believe it will be home to the final battle of good against evil in which God obliterates his enemies and ushers in the millennial reign of Christ."

Do you think there'll be any considerations for the plight of the palestinians left if those absolutely bonkers sect of christo fascists will get their 1000 year reign?

Biden at least adressed his concerns about Netanyahu directly within an interview recently. That would never happen under Trump. So they're far from being equally horrible.


It spits out all the packages with SEARCHTERM in its name or description. The packages are listed like "REPO/PACKAGE" , where REPO tells you if it's from the official repos (core/extra/multilib) or from the AUR.

Then pick the number of the package from the list and that's it.

If you want to update all your packages, even the AUR ones just enter yay and press enter on the follow-up questions. If you update with pacman -Syu then AUR packages won't get updated.

Also Octopi is a nice frontend for yay and pacman. Not as fancy as Discover or Pamac but it does its job well.

My aunt had helicobacter for years. Not a joke.

Apart from that we got lovely H5N1 which has an easy game on poultry farms on animals with weakened immune systems and is bound to break out or mutate if not the whole flock is culled. It's killed people and some virus could emerge when human and avian flu viruses join forces. It's ravaging in non-avian wildlife and even a polar-bear currently. All this screams next novel pandemic.

And stuff like this that sure will effect human health in some way. Those behaviours are deliberate. It's a ruthless industry.

Chickpeas, soyflakes, rice, hemp & chia seeds, quinoa, tofu, lentils, flour. Most of the dried goods have a shelf life of 1-2 years. The cost of them is sinking in germany. I'm fine with people complaining about rising cost of meat, eggs and dairy and ignoring that fine sources of protein, minerals and vitamins. More for me.

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I use zoxide plus fzf which ends looking like this.

My default go-to for a better cd was teleport when I still was on bash. The tp command can be aliased to cd. I don't think it will run on other shells though.

BioNTech has several mRNA based cancer vaccines in different trial stages.

The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is in a phase 2 trial of a mRNA vaccine against pancreatic cancer. The first phase found that the treatment prevented the spread of tumors in 8 of 16 patients.

I can confidently say that I understood maybe 5% of the Nature paper about the phase 1 trial linked in above article but my takeaway is that even 2 years after the study, 50% (8 of 16) of the patients who got the vaccine against pancreas cancer where attested with significantly higher amounts of T-Cells. I can imagine this is pretty remarkable, considering the severity of that type of cancer.

I don't know if the phase 2 trial still is open for patients but I 100% would try to contact them if I was a patient. I mean mRNA isn't exactly new but over 30 years in the making.

Nevertheless I hope this will beat most cancers as well as cultured meat will beat the animal agriculture and renewable/fusion will beat nuclear/fossile. Image the paradise that would be. I know thats naive considering the world rn.

I'm just drawing conclusions...and this. It's very generous.

See nth iso n Rhett-It yes Terdhay + Ever Yonne wasa skyng if-OP hat astro ke

I would have thought it was a quote from Dennis Reynolds.

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Für mich: Logbuch Netzpolitk, Lage der Nation, UKW, Raumzeit, Forschergeist, Hoaxilla. DAS PODCAST UFO, Stay Forever und "WTFM 100, Null" für's Entertainment. Aber Jung & Naiv ist auch super. Tilo auf der Bundespressekonferenz ist immer ein highlight.