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Joined 12 months ago

Came here to say this. As much as I don't like china, there is really nothing to see (apart from the source, that's for everybody to see).

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Yeah maybe this way of handling retirement doesn't work? It's clearly a pyramid scheme.

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It's the american citizens that got stung, not biden

Bots gotta bot

Edit: if you can find a way to make even this look bad, there is no doubt who you are voting for.

A lot of it is pretty flashy imo, but it doesn't get talked about because the media are too busy being owned by the opposing party.

How is it not easy? 90% of all jobs are automated or are going to be automated away in the next few years. I only see one social class that holds us back from de facto post-scarcity. We just need to get rid of it.

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I also think the same, I'm afraid we live in a tech-savvy bubble

Then invest in medical research on keeping me young for longer, instead of keeping me old for longer

In this world, you are judged for what you do. If nobody knows what you did, nobody will vote for you. Instead they will vote for the loud mouthed orange peeled racist rapist. So, making your actions noticed is kind of a moral duty.

2 thoughts:

  • the level of automation we have right now is enough to produce most of the stuff we need with very little assistance, as most of the useful stuff has been automated 30-40 years ago; while i agree that we are missing some important things, i think the real problem is the cleptocracy at the top
  • the stuff that is being automated now is really a problem more than a solution, and is going to stop progress by putting out of work software developers and other creative professions. I'm not saying it's going to replace them all, but if it replaces enough job positions, it's going to make the profession a risky choice for new students and that's going to slow down the engine a lot

This is a direct consequence of Conway's law. You create an organisation with the mission of deceiving and abusing, don't be surprised if they produce deception and abuse.

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Wtf is this fear mongering? I'm totally for luddism but this is something else. Not the first time a machine kills a person, and will not be the last. Put panic stop buttons on any machine that can potentially harm a human, and nowadays you can add a range of sensors that can help identify a living thing from a box of vegetables. This is entirely the fault of designers.

Btw i refuse to read the article if the post keeps this title and picture.

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So, the guy was expected to appear in court for thw second round of questioning and when he didn't show up was found dead in his truck in the underground car park of the hotel. Doesn't sound like someone that wanted to end it. Maybe I'm wrong but I wouldn't book a room to go to court and then on a whim decide to end it.

They should investigate the coroner asap.

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This is outrageous, allright. You steal 40 mil from the kids and try to bribe me with 120k? Go straight to prison!

You don't know? Rich people is above suspect and law

Dammit, I guess we can't complain anymore about how much fuel they waste every day, so we are fine. Oh wait, no they are still pieces of shit.

Same for cleopatra and the pyramids

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I will never understand why capital gains should be taxed less than income. It's in itself a statement against the working class.

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Google meets and zoom work perfectly well in firefox, this is just ms stuff

Statistically insignificant compared to how many women are killed yearly by men.

p.s. it's just a fact, but I'm sorry for her and if this has anything to do with the man-bear thing it's a silly way to die.

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The title should be that the government defeated 50+ proposals against lgbt.

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Meta has ruined the internet

So scaeed of islam yet so happy to implement sharia

Voting for Trump shouldn't even be an option at this point, it's just ridiculous

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I understand his thought process: "i voted nine times and they still won, either I suck very hard or they voted more times than me" Sorry mate, reality is hard

I can definitely kill an hour

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Ms teams sucks in a big way

This happened to me. I was really really into AI when nobody even knew what it meant if not for hal, skynet and matrix, and now everybody talks of llms like they even know what the f they are.

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Of course they do, just not for you

Religion is against science. It teaches that you must have faith unsupported by evidence, which is incompatible with progress and is just an excuse for making up rules in the name of an unseen authority.

Edit: Religion is also vile: whenever they are winning, they try to squash science and its methods. Whenever they are losing, they play the martyr.

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I heard that the human body can produce more bioelectricity than a battery

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I don't want to be the guy that always says Linux, but... ...Linux

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who are prepared to work themselves to death for peanuts

...while having no idea what they are doing

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I think it's time for an open source 2d printer project, we have open source 3d printers and the technology is much more complex than 2d. Time to put HP to sleep

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Isn't this something that could have been done with photoshop in 30 minutes? What's the difference when the result could have been almost perfect just as easily?

Ps. Haven't seen the images being discussed, and this is even more alarming given legislation could be passed based on images you're not even morally allowed to review. It could all be fictional and I would never even know.

Hard downvote because calling people sjw betrays the fact that you don't understand that people just wants to live and let live.

Ok, can you remind me why people should work from the office? At this point a company requesting I work from the office is just a huge red flag

I now understand the feeling of cultural appropriation. I'm atheist but I grew up catholic and that depiction of jesus is culturally inappropriate

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The more varied the sample of individuals you can afford to keep alive in your population, the more chances you have that a subset of them will be able to withstand random changes in the fitness function. If the environment changes abruptly, you will have a hard time adapting as a species if you only ever supported people "within the norm". What happens in those cases is called extinction.

When I become billionaire I also want to buy a company and become its founder. Wait, that's not how it works

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