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Joined 1 years ago

i like stan lees quote on who would win in a fight x or y

he said "whoever the writer wants to win"

avgn has a pretty good episode on this

i 100% would have gotten a ps3 if i could play ps2, but by the time i was able they werent selling those ps3s anymore. so i went with the 360 and never looked back

no i still have a huge backlog to go through and i still have to pray i dont contract skyrimitis and play that for the 400th time

love your country, hate the government

yeah his royals parody foil where he gets taken away by the cia lizard people for exposing their secrets

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nintendo 64. used to have a playstation as well but it was sold at a garage sale years ago (thank god ps2 allows ps1 games)

what is americas death on the toilet going to be?

uhh idk a nuke dropping somewhere and we all die in M.A.D.?

those will start getting loose. at one point if i even thought about slightly grazing the adapter it would lose connection

i cant believe they managed to get blink-182 in there bahahaha

men are so compliment starved they'd live off that high for years

there is also a lot of communities about programming and linux

there's only 1 common denominator here. we are all nerds

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bring your own pint glass. and a lawyer to every bar you go to. bam ez money

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if a woman has a period and has had sex, there is a good chance a fertilized egg was probably somewhere around the blood, making every woman in Alabama who has had sex a possible serial killer

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i was so fucking dumb at 8 years old. instead of buying a house for renting for passive income i bought a 5 dollar guitar hero rock the 80s game on ps2

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ive had photos fuck up like this before. no clue why it happens. it was also on a old phone i used to have and only on that phone

how often do you quote adrmial ackbar?

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bethesda has historically hated mods and the people who make them. its why their games have such a small modding scene

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awesome! i love unskippable ads! especially when i pay monthly to even use the service! bezos always getting W's!!!

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we are of a higher intelectual standard


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fallout 4 lets you wear anything regardless of gender. also skyrim's hide armor is much more revealing on men than women

bonus: dead rising 1 and 2 let you wear anything but there is no female protag

if anyone here used to go on kongregate a lot, go check it out now. it is depressing. they dont even have chat rooms anymore

remember, gun control started getting stricter and stricter because the black panrher party was arming themselves

like the bojack horseman episode where women start arming themselves and the govt puts on even stricter gun control. seems insane right? well it actually happened when the black panther party started arming themselves

shorts dont have 30 second ads at the beginning of them, unlike the less than 10 second videos i attempt to watch

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there was a subscription to pay for fucking heated seats?? even when you buy a car you dont buy a car

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such a shame it wasnt a sex minigame with switching positions and stuff like that one guy asked the cyberpunk devs

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crash won an oscar for best picture and it was complete and utter garbage

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when i first read this, i thought it was the journalist advocating for homless and lgbtq+ to be shot and killed

ive had ads longer than the video i watch and then ads when that video ends

betty white was older than sliced bread

it is impossible that a fertilized egg can shed? i was under the impression that it may sometimes happen

if cyberpunk and no mans sky and even fallout 76 can make a comeback so can starfield

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anti-putting your clothes away. pro-leaving them in the basket

theres always been games that feel like a chore

donkey kong on n64 had you what go collect bananas or something? is that fun? some werent even found until a few years ago

ghostbusters on nes is an entire chore made into a "game"

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reminds me of the fallout 3 glitch to get some dev kit weapon or something

stack a bunch of 5mm boxes next to a fence and jump over it, theres a chest or something that has something the player was not meant to get

its why even with ads they use sponsers

cant wait for ads in our dreams to happen like in futurama

usually my ps2 would just boot into the game if the disc was in the slot already, otherwise it would go to the menu