
34 Post – 1567 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

I help people and build things that help people.

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Oh wow! Thats gnarly. On that note, have you looked at rustdesk? Tried it this week and it runs great. Its also open source.

The „you have to like people“ part took me nearly 20 years to figure out. I hate people in general with possible remedy for people who are nice. I‘m exceptional at managing people, I just dont vibe with them. This leads to absurd situations where everyone is happy, professionally but folks just hate my guts.

So, I now work alone and am happy with it. :)

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The reasons are plenty, they are laid out here:


I‘m not a fan of reinventing the wheel so feel free to ask questions if you like.

My first instinct was „meh“ but this reads like a great guide for non tech users to grasp the fedi.

The „maya“ convo strongly reminded me of green hell.

Otherwise it looks cool. The synced wolves need some work I guess. I wishlisted it. Good luck!

Btw. What engine?

I am amazed at how evil a company can be. Well, if pirating any company‘s content was ever morally justified, its nintendo‘s.

Yeah, awesome if threads make it easy to go from free to corporate without a hussle /s

If only there was an alternative to windows somewhere!

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Pretty straightforward. You need to host your stuff on your own hardware, ideally. You need good backups. You obviously can pay someone to do it for you but it does add complexity. In any case, streaming services are dead men walking by this point I think.

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Any games that restrict sale of your property to other users are okay to be pirated imo.

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Since the snap store is proprietary, canonical should be liable for it.

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Windows admin here. It was immediately clear to me how this would end:

  1. someone proficient in windows goes back to being a dumb newbie is gonna be frustrating as heck.

  2. being a power user/IT professional most likely means non standard setup

  3. there are very few windows native admins in the linux sphere to test things from a non dev/non user perspective

  4. the companies making „professional“ linux are still not comparable to M$

  5. „professional linux“ would probably be RHEL for you.

  6. you can try and run a windows vm in your linux to try if stuff works then.

  7. your mindset needs to change: you‘re now a guy responsible for implementing rdp correctly, embrace open source and make it work for everyone. See the amount of influence you can actually have.

  8. if you can, consider using windows and linux side by side as long as needed, until stuff works. Find the reasons people abandon windows (i.e. you finally have control).

Just a stream of ideas. Hmu if you have any questions.

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Proprietary software platform makers should always be held accountable for what happens on said platform.

Phenomenal work as always!

My suggestion is mood and topic based prompts derived from the current trajectory of the sub, for example:

Always compared to the day before

  • more swearwords = stormy weather
  • more anti corporate speak = more punky/anarchist pictures
  • more friendly words = sunny weather
  • more people joining = more ships in the background
  • more posts = more loot/gold in the background

This is pretty complex but would give it a unique adaptive vibe instead of randomness alone.

Just an idea. Thanks for reading. :)

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I didnt know there was a mariadb company and that they were public. Does this have implications for mariadb as a product?

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The World Health Organization recognizes videogame addiction as a disorder, and the American Psychiatric Association says that the question of whether or not videogames can be addictive is "still being debated," but that "early evidence suggests that videogames are one of the most addicting technologies around

Its clear that games can be addictive and the concept of „whale fishing“ is openly discussed in terms of game design. Obviously, the weakest of us in terms of addiction make the standard because its those who are harmed.

Obviously, cash shops should be banned in games immediately.

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What is that bs? So they only interoperate with closed source, for profit services or what? I hope the EU rips them a new one.

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Mandatory jail sentences would be ideal.

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Legal doesnt mean correct. Slavery used to be legal.

Copyright is a broken system that gives giant corporations the power to hold art ransom. There is no argument that holds up against art being preserved.

So no, copyright might have had use in the past but by now it is morally sound to pirate.

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Thanks for saying this. I bet most americans dont know that a convicted rapist was their president. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/

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I think pi is on the road to mainstream. Probably time to shift to an open source hardware competitor to boost it. Not saying pi is bad, I have one and its great. Those like me who love tinkering should consider going the extra mile and „radicalize“ themselves to open hardware. The project I hear the most of is Banana-PI. https://www.banana-pi.org

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I‘m glad that the fediverse resists excessive moderation and silencing of unwanted political opinions. I‘m not a fan of some of the things said or done on .ml but we wont do anything which is awesome. You can make your own instance and defederate, ban, block whoever you like.

To make my point clear, I made a large donation to the lemmy devs as I think they are doing awesome work. @dessalines@lemmy.ml especially is a tremendous help for the open source community.

But of course you‘re entitled to your opinion. Have a good day.

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Dont install it, yet. Make a bootable usb stick with balena etcher and put a linux distro on it (I highly recommend mint, pop_os or ubuntu (standard version) as ISO on it.

Ubuntu is very controversial in the more advanced sphere but I learned on it and its great for beginners.

If you want to go a little bit over the top download ventoy and put it on the usb instead. You can then put as many ISOs on there as you can fit and just select one of them at boot.

The most important part for beginners is the desktop environment anyway so gnome should be fine. If you have tried it for more than an hour and still feel like this could be fun, click install and give it a go.

You could also dual boot but windows might fuck you over since they‘re not great neighbors as an OS.

Feel free to ask if you want to know more. Good luck.

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Opinion: Not if that community advertises itself to know/care about open source. Using a proprietary, privacy unfriendly service which uses predatory marketing to get people to spend money on bs stuff and arbitrarily paywall functionalities is both anti open source and anti people. Its enabling those companies. One could maybe argue for a strict bridge which only server to connect those who resist foss platforms.

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The reason these companies are successful is anti competitive behavior and money, not genius. Granted, gates did good when he invented a universally adopted OS but since then, they’re just using their power to bully themselves to more money.

They desperately need to be broken up and I wonder when the rest of the world will come to that conclusion. I hope it happens before we get „privatized government“.

People defending megacorporations of any kind should be ashamed of themselves.

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if you want to own/keep owning stuff, consider supporting with the push of a button.

Stopkillinggames is trying to change this in a huge effort spearheaded by one stubborn individual.

There should be a mandate for companies and profiteers of a library or application to donate x amount of revenue upstream.

For example 1% of your revenue should always go upstream, the next one sends 1% upstream, etc. You can do more of course but imo you should have to do 1%.

I know this is a lot of money in googles example but honestly, its better than just using agpl and keeping them out in the first place. Make them pay their fair share.

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Cable TV for over 10 yrs now. I‘m not blasting my brain with ads and doom news.

Game consoles since after ps3, I was thinking about ps5 in 2020 but I didnt want to buy a small car so now I‘m not interested anymore.

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Definitely sounds like it. This happened to me in a real company as well. It was butal.

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I highly suggest starting to familiarize ourselves with federated git repos. I‘m testing forgejo atm hoping to be able to host it publicly at some point. That way, once something is out there, its pretty much everywhere.

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It said the 62-year-old had died from a "self-inflicted" wound on 9 March and police were investigating.

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The fact that its so heavily geared toward crypto makes me uneasy. Otherwise it seems like an awesome idea.

Everyting to safeguard the broken IP system.

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The fact that a bunch of folks just went and built this, still work on it regularly and fund themselves through donations is mind blowing to me. Absolute heroes.

Edit: went ahead and donated. Not much but something.

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„Fake it til you make it“

There is a debate to be had about how far this is morally acceptable. If you‘re trying to promote your nonprofit and ask friends to ask their friends to look at it I‘d say thats fine.

But asking bluntly for fake reviews is not ok imo. I‘d report this person immediately. I‘d rather make a nice post on every social media platform that fits my topic and plainly ask folks for feedback. This just seems lazy and uninspired.

But you do you.

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I was that person as a kid. I‘m autistic and my proprioception (feeling of body stuff) is all over the place. I didn’t know back then but I do now.

My parents didnt tell me and I had to learn by being bullied for it at school.

Since its not always easy, I have a different take on cleaning:

  • if you can, shower at least every two days
  • if you sweat a lot or work manually, shower daily
  • no need to scrub your whole body, just clean your arm pits, genitalia and butthole, more if a spot is dirty
  • wash your hair according to your skin. Hair should not be greasy but if that can be achieved by washing 2 times a week thats fine

If you‘re in a bad mood/are broke and cant shower use a piece of cloth and spot clean mentioned areas.

Use deodorant daily, if you sweat profusely like I do, use stronger/prescription deodorant.

I hope that helps.

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You dont even install. You download, write to usb and try linux.

Give it a good hour or more, trying to do a couple basic things like browsing the web, using some apps.

If you find yourself liking the experience, hit install and go dual boot. You can then decide on every boot if you need windows or linux today.

In case you feel like getting rid of windows, you can just disable the item in the boot menu (tutorials online) i guess.

So as you see, there are many failsafes which you can use to not get stuck without a computer that you understand.

Have a good one.

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I feel like „site admin“ is a bit misleading. Then again, lemmy doesnt have a proper distinction between local and site wide moderators afaik.

I‘d be interested to help with real admin stuff like docker containers, dns and firewalls. Let me know if that interests you.

Absolutely. Either that or the person was literally born yesterday.

I‘d say I‘m honest and loyal, not particularly nice. To me nice means diplomatic, charismatic and with low temper.

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