Whats going on with this community? (Spam everywhere!)

haui@lemmy.giftedmc.com to Open Source@lemmy.ml – 65 points –

I dont know if the moderators cant see this but other instances can. Please remove the spam guys. This community used to be good.


There's a huge amount of it on the fediverse right now. People are working very hard at getting rid, all of them volunteers, and in their own time.

I understand. Thanks for pointing this out. I assumed that the mods of the community could just go through and remove them (same as I‘d do with the communities I moderate). I heard they have been deleted by the admins so the mods wont even see them anymore and I need to delete them manually.

The problem is that the lemmy.ml admins decided to bulk delete these posts from their database directly, which sadly doesn't federate out to other instances, and thus the only way to solve this is for other instances to also delete them directly in their database.

Bulk mod actions are unfortunately a missing feature in lemmy at the moment. Consider donating to the lemmy devs and/or let them know that bulk actions and other modding tools are important features that users want.

People have raised that issue several times in the past, the Lemmy devs prioritized other issues instead

AMA from a few months ago (not the last one)!announcements@lemmy.ml

Yea, it's a bit sad. I hope they will prioritise these kinds of things more in the future.

Thank you for pointing this out. Happy to get some insight. I‘ll delete the posts. Thanks again.

Use the report button and we'll get to them when we can.

I did. I reported all of them I think. But thanks for your service dessalines. Sidenote: I use your docker repo and am very impressed with your work. Have a good one.

FYI, @haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com has posted a request on c/community_requests.

FWIW, I wouldn’t say the spam issue is a function of the lack of mods in this comm. There seems to be a new person or group of people experimenting with automating the creation of user accounts on fediverse instances and using them to post spam. We admins & mods here and on other instances are in whack-a-mole mode at the moment. Clearly this will have to be addressed in a more systematic fashion.

I agree. Its a systemic issue imo. I'm just trying to help since I very much care about open source and think this community needs to be protected against image loss done by being spammed this way. Thanks for elaborating. :)

Yes, in general I see a lot of comms have been abandoned by their mods, which is unfortunate and leaves us few admins having to pick up the slack on comms we’re not even necessarily familiar with. And we don’t currently have any sort of auditing to for knowing a comm is abandoned and haven’t yet developed any sort of playbook or automation tools for it.

And again, we do appreciate the help!

Perhaps create a post in such communities asking its users to step up.

Your "job" as an admin should not be to moderate communities but control moderators; removing abusive or inactive ones and appointing new ones.

Sure, always eager to help. Seeing the work you guys do is impressive. I‘m self taught at coding so if there is anything additional I should help with, feel free to lmk.

BTW I’ve only been admin for a few weeks now, so I’ll leave your mod request to the O.G. admins.

Anyone have a translation?

they appear to be advertising their "criminal organization", listing some of the illegal activities they do and where to find them.

After they post-retire your enemies, they will send you the confirmation images censored with GIMP.