13 Post – 368 Comments
Joined 8 months ago


It's like America wants to create terrorists.

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I'm so sick of American drama. It killed my ability to give a shit about humanity.

As a kid that grew up with parents that were prudish.... It will fuck your life up. Completely. Entirely.

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It's been banned world wide. Along with papyrus.

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Stop talking about this guy.

I'm part of the problem. 85.4% of my comments are shit posts only I think are funny.

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Now you can hack trains and airplanes and order air strikes!

There's like 2 decent movies released per year. I think people can do without.

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Idk about apologists or whatever, but...

Saying someone's name frequently helps build trust. It's a thing people do in the sales/management/business field too.

Could also just be a non-manipulative thing. But who knows what's genuine.

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😂 disposable income! 💀😐


Apparently where I live it means torture people till they off themselves.

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Why would you go with that brand when there's Jack Links?

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Well, we're poor, the world we knew is dead, rich people rape the world, sudo-"fascists" are dominant, entertainment media is just marketed shit, food is shitty/cancer, we fuck over other people's lives to live this shitty life, Epstein didn't kill himself, careers are bought not built from education, education is marketed is sold for profits, the churches sucks money from hopeless people instead of building spirituality.............and the beat goes on.

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That house must get loud

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NH is extremely pro Trump unless you're rich. Its really weird here. People are very defensive, even if you're not pro Democrat. Also people think all gay people here prance around acting like girls. It's really strange here. It's kind of addicting trying to figure why people think like that. There's a whole movement to get people to move here to create sovereignty.

I honestly think the civil war already started here.

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Jou don't know? It's just a jeme.

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Kinda fitting to have resurrection in the game title!

That's that gay agenda right there!

Wait. I thought the black national anthem was that From the Window to the Wall song.

Around the world around the whiirrlled.

♥️ Harembe

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Well... I mean if I were an alcoholic ....I'd crack the bottle and filter it haha.

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BP. Just to piss off that one dude that got upset when I said BP last time.

You forgot to jeanify your jost.

I've been manipulated by people. I was of age though and kind of too depressed to care because I live in a shitty small town. My sexual manipulation wasn't as bad as some other stuff people go through though. I've been manipulated hard in a non sexual way. So many kids go through shit some adult literally can't even fathom. It's sick. Even as an adult people don't get it.

I remember an older guy that weighed probably 250 laying on top of me doing stuff and I couldn't move. He shoved poppers in my face. I was so depressed and dead feeling back then I didn't care. I felt like I was in a movie. looking back that person obvious would get me liquored up and have his way. It hurts to know someone would actually act like that in real life. On the other side of things... No regular people in my life gave me a minute. No one cared for me. It's fucked to think that same guy did more for me than regular friends or family. Everyone else would have just sat back and watched me and egg me on to kms. Because everyone else I knew were just naive, entitled, and privileged.

Wtf are identity documents?

Kid was probably used by the adults in his life that he thought he was supposed to look up to.

Adults are the people that make the fucked up youth. And those youth then become fucked up adults.

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Same for me in but with homophobia. Family friends and co workers. People act like LGBT people are free... They aren't. I've dealt with more than just jokes. Life is hell. Good luck with your journey.

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"Shoot yourself in the head, asshole!"

That's one I get a lot. The most positive one anyway.

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Arch and endeavor are the same aside from endeavors simplified installation and some apps. Both let you utilize AUR.

Fedora is good. I used it when I used to use gnome (I could use one more use of the word use). Switched to endeavor when I started using KDE.

I like having AUR. I haven't had any update issues.

I'm sticking with endeavor for now. Fedora might be more ready out of the box though if you need regular use apps.


Did homelessness increase as well as rent and cost of living during the time frames they are using?

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They just look for anything to make the case... Ruining lives. It's so dystopian and sad.


Source: self

The telecom system is so shitty.

What does an eclipse have to do with conspiracies?

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I don't think society understands the scale of ignorance and evil of other humans that walk among us. I used to always say it's 50/50. But I think it's more like 75/25 and decent people with respect for life are the minority. It feels like it's game over for humanity.

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.....juice? 🤯

Some words are naturally jean!

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I hate that I feel like school and church lied to me about goodness. Looking back it's like they tried to trick me into thinking there was good in this world. But it seems now any good comes with a darkness or simply is darkness disguised as good.

Sorry if that's off topic.

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It's freeing to just use whatever one you want with zero effect.

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Age gaps in partners.

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