ABC News cancels New Hampshire Republican primary debate hours after Haley said she would not debate unless Trump also did to politics – 287 points –
ABC News cancels New Hampshire Republican primary debate

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NH is extremely pro Trump unless you're rich. Its really weird here. People are very defensive, even if you're not pro Democrat. Also people think all gay people here prance around acting like girls. It's really strange here. It's kind of addicting trying to figure why people think like that. There's a whole movement to get people to move here to create sovereignty.

I honestly think the civil war already started here.

NH went for Biden by 52.71% to Trump's 45.36%. And while the governor is a Republican, all representatives and senators are Democrats. So I'm not sure you're right here.

I'm not really sure what theyre talking about tbh. I've lived here my whole life -- my entire family is conservative catholic -- and I still know plenty of poor and rich democrats. It's different in the more rural areas though -- they tend to run red. Southern NH probably helps outweigh the red rural areas.

I was about to contradict you but I realized I kinda agree with what you're saying -- although calling my friends up there "rich" is a bit of a stretch. They are not exactly wealthy but they make good salaries doing interesting work with companies based in Boston or remote. Hell, I'm buying land either there or Maine. Got a Starlink and everything.

It's a very purple state. I travel there often from a red state and it's very different. The trump supporters just tend to be way louder than most, he does after all seem to capture the most unhinged people in society.