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Joined 11 months ago

I live 5 minutes from this. AMA I guess?

The Memphis pyramid was a sports arena and concert venue in the past, eventually the city built another venue that wasn't shaped stupid so it sat abandoned for a decade or so before bass pro bought it.

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They have a duck accelerator inside that fuses antiducks and posiducks together as a source of unlimited power.

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It's a good idea. You may want to plan a second activity like lunch or a walk in the park as well.

And just be direct. Something like "Hey, do you want to go on a date with me? We can grab something to eat and go to the comic store."

If she says no, don't push it. Just say okay and wish them well.

I too was terrible at talking to girls. I still am but my girlfriend doesn't seem to mind lol

Whatever you do, just don't try any pickup artist or smooth talking tactics. It's gross and cringey, doubly so if you don't have the confidence to pull it off.

I would also disagree with a lot of the other comments, if you want to date this person, make it clear you want a date. Don't try to do the be friends then turn it romantic thing. It can work but not when you already know you want to date them.

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If there was a service I could pay like $100-200/mo for and just have every movie and TV show I'd happily pay for it. It doesn't exist, but pirate sites do and they do have every movie and TV show, including tons completely unavailable on any streaming service

GabeN got it right, piracy is a service issue. I haven't pirated a PC game in probably 12 years because steam works great and has basically every PC game I could ask for.

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A lot of IRC communities migrated, and it's pretty much the go to option now if you want live communications for your project or org, but don't want something proprietary. It's a pretty good replacement for Teams or Slack.

The Luxor is ever so slightly bigger I believe.

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While there is no extra muscle, it is factually true that people of West African descent tend to have more fast twitch muscle fibers which is a pretty big advantage in many sports.

This is likely why the myth of the extra muscle originated.

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Not OP but the Toyota MR2 had the following text on the rear window on some units:

Mature sporty personal

More innovation more adult

A man in dandism

Powered midship specialty

I know that phrase is the most beaten dead horse around at this point but the year of the Linux desktop is going to be different depending on what your requirements are.

If you just need to browse the web, it's been there for over a decade. Same for most dev work.

For gaming, it's already there for most titles. Pretty much everything I try works now unless it has anticheat. It's been in a pretty good state for 2 or 3 years now at least.

For media creation and specialized software, it's not there yet. The big stuff like adobe will probably never get ported and the free alternatives vary wildly in quality. Blender is awesome. GIMP is not. There's also issues like lacking color management and iffy HDR support.

Check protondb for reports on whether a specific (steam) game runs.

In my experience, pretty much everything that doesn't have anticheat works. I can't remember the last time a game didn't work fine, from stuff so old it stopped working in Windows Vista to day 1 AAA titles. Even DOS stuff is playable with DOSBox.

Just be aware, Linux is not windows. If you try to use it like windows, you will only experience pain. It's not hard, especially with mainstream distros like Ubuntu or Mint, but you really should invest at least a bit of effort into learning how the system works and how to use it properly.

You can take the quotes off too big to fail, they literally are. Their only competitor in the world is Airbus. Boeing going bust would be catastrophic to the global aviation industry and doubly so for the USA.

That said, I wanna see Lockheed step up and do a commercial plane. Gimme a jumbo jet that breaks the sound barrier and has a radar signature the size of a credit card pls.

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This is kind of a bad translation tbf. It is literally correct but not figuratively. It's more like "Nobody can escape the finality of death."

Caveat: I don't know Japanese but I have seen this frame discussed before. I've also heard some other odd death related sayings in JP media, like "He wouldn't die even if you killed him."

Why ansible? It's the best tool I know of for configuring systems when tyou can't build a premade image. I've tried puppet and chef but really like not needing any agent on the target system despite the pain of YAML syntax.

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Yeah seriously. As a dev, that 30% cut gets you a lot of stuff with absolutely no additional charges. Trying to roll your own distribution for your downloads could exceed that 30% by itself after you:

  • Host the files somewhere that can be downloaded anywhere close to as fast as steam's servers
  • Handle payment processing fees
  • Develop and maintain a site with high reliability

And that's only downloads. With steam you also get:

  • p2p networking tools
  • game server hosting
  • steam community integration
  • analytics
  • cloud saves
  • voip

And like 50 other things. It's ridiculously good value unless you're developing some super low rent single player indie title. Even then, just having it available on steam will get you way more sales to make up for it.

Sure, epic charges 10% but you basically only get distribution and some super half baked community features.

No, they vaporize on reentry.

Don't forget about "every problem in existence is because of capitalism."

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To be fair every FOSS license will prevent a company from having exclusive rights to use your work. Even if you get a bit lax and include MIT and BSD licenses as FOSS, a company still cannot take your work and stop other people from using it.

In the case of Duolingo, it's pretty different because that volunteer labor output is gated in a proprietary walled garden.

Whereas contributing a patch to chromium for example will never gate that contribution, even if it makes it into chrome and produces millions of dollars of profit for google. You can always and forever freely access and use a version of chromium with your patch as long as there's still a copy left to access.

I spend maybe $60 a year on vaping and I do it a lot. Key is though, mix your own juice and build your own coils.

A premade coil costs a few bucks. Replacing the cotton and wire in a diy coil is maybe a nickel. A bottle of premade juice is $20 these days where I am. Mixing my own costs at most, a dollar and that's if I use more expensive flavor additives.

I won't pretend it's good for you, but if you're gonna do it, no sense in half assing it and spending way more than you need. Plus it's fun to experiment with new custom flavors.

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I find the opposite as an ADHD sufferer. When I use a dish, it goes in the dishwasher. If it's full, I run it. If it's clean, I empty it before I put the dirty dish in which takes all of 2 minutes. It basically forces the routine, and I end up running it almost every night and emptying it while I make my morning coffee.

Whereas with hand washing I end up building a pile in the sink and procrastinate until it gets big enough to take half an hour to get through.

Our spending bills have gotten absurdly bloated because it's pretty much the only reliable way to actually pass legislation without getting trapped in filibuster land or having it killed by the speaker.

Congress has become a joke and their refusal to do anything effective has resulted in handing over way too much power to the court and executive branch. It breaks the checks and balances and huge amounts of the federal government dysfunction we see is rooted in that.

Buttons and dials aren't cheap. Even in economy cars it probably costs the manufacturer a few bucks for each one, accounting for the switch itself and all the trim that goes with it.

It only takes a handful to outweigh the cost of the typical LCDs used in car systems.

I had family members who told me the vaccine was going to kill me and various other stuff they heard from Fox News and similar.

They all caught COVID at a party in 2021 and died. Seriously. It's awful what all this conspiracy crap is doing to people. It costs lives and affects everyone around them.

It's like people just memory holed the pandemic and forgot just how fucking bad it was. I won't forget, it literally killed half my family and it's Trump's shitty handling of it that played a big part. The hospitals were so overloaded that my family members couldn't receive the treatment they needed, in large part because of all the MAGAts refusal to follow basic safety protocols that pumped the numbers way higher than they needed to be.

This can't be overstated enough. There are huge swathes of the USA where the only stores within half an hour are dollar general or gas station convenience stores. You literally can't eat healthy on those sources, and the nearest actual grocery store could be an hour or even more away.

Kinda hard to eat well when just getting the ingredients would take half a days time.

Hell, I'm in a city and if I didn't have a car my only options in walking distance are a convenience store and a couple fast food places. Nearest grocery store is a 12 minute drive or a 3 hour bus ride if the bus even shows up.

iGPU+dGPU, esp with Nvidia is pretty bad on Linux. It's pretty flawless these days if you're using only one vendor and it isn't Nvidia.

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It also really enforces the whole binary gender role thing which is not a great message. I'm a straight cis dude but I shouldn't be locked into all the straight cis dude tropes, and neither should anyone else be wholly defined by their gender identity and sexual orientation.

Surprisingly no, not that I'm aware of. If they have, it hasn't made the news.

It's quite steep and smooth in person, it would be very hard to climb. Probably impossible without ropes or mission impossible suction cups.

Yeah it was a terrible concert venue and sports arena other than being a novelty shape.

Pretty much everyone in town loves the bass pro shop and we're much happier to see it in use than abandoned like it was for so many years.

It's still worth using cards for the rewards points. I just set mine to auto pay and enjoy having everything I buy 3-5% cheaper, plus way better purchase protection and customer service. I've never paid a cent in interest or accrued any debt whatsoever.

And if for some reason you ever do need a loan, it's a lot easier to get one with a credit history. It sucks that it is that way but it's ridiculously easy to get a score well into the 700s if you just auto pay a credit card.

WAV is also braindead simple, effectively just a stream of raw PCM data. It would be really hard to hide any sort of payload in it.

I grew up with gmod idiot box and dane cook bits animated with stick figures.

I think the kids today are doing just fine, at least on the memes front.

There's no standalone fan controller in existence I'm aware of with Linux support unfortunately, blame manufacturers for that. I use an aquacomputer quadro and just fire up a windows VM with USB passthrough to change settings the once or twice a year I need to. What else isn't working?

Regarding blender, what render options are missing? If it's GPU rendering that's missing, are you using Nvidia or AMD? I'm not familiar with how mint does things but you might need cuda or HIP packages for Nvidia or AMD respectively.

Not the same guy but this is basically impossible. I was able to get maybe two of the dozens of people I have to contact regularly to use it, then they dropped SMS support and it's been dead ever since for me.

Movies would also stay in theaters longer, sometimes multiple years. You would also see a lot more second runs. I'm not even that old but I used to get $1 tickets to the second run theater when I was a kid in the early 2000s. I don't think I've even seen a second run theater in the last decade.

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A lot of those other games played like shit compared to HL1 too. System shock 1 is pretty much unplayable by modern standards purely due to controls, just as an example.

The principles are really easy though. At its core, neural nets are just a bunch of big matrix multiplication operations. Training is still fundamentally gradient descent, which while it is a fairly new concept in the grand scheme of things, isn't super hard to understand.

The progress in recent years is primarily due to better hardware and optimizations at the low levels that don't directly have anything to do with machine learning.

We've also gotten a lot better at combining those fundamentals in creative ways to do stuff like GANs.

Communism is an definitely an ideology. Literally first sentence from Wikipedia: "Communism [...] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology..."

But yeah, it's kinda suspicious that every nation scale attempt at communism has ended in failure or a system that is decidedly not communist, whether through internal strife or external influence.

I bought a valve index to play Half Life Alyx and Boneworks. I was so excited to see what new and exciting games would come next aaaaand... nothing remotely interesting has come out since.

It's true, but some people go way too far with it. All it means is that people of West African descent tend to have more fast twitch muscle fibers. You could be white as sour cream and get lucky with your genetics and end up the same way. It's having those muscle fibers that's the advantage, not having west african heritage. In sports like basketball or sprinting where fast twitch fibers are a big advantage, you tend to see populations of people who are predisposed to that getting over-represented.

For about 3-4 years. I switched after sway added support for per-display VRR which xorg cannot do still (and probably will never be able to do due to core design limitations)

On AMD it's been better than Xorg for a couple years now in my use case. No more tearing and latency issues, any games that don't play nice have worked fine with gamescope.

With HDR support finally on the horizon it'll be able to completely replace windows for me which I already barely use.

The only issue I regularly encounter is programs handling windowing strangely. Some programs like to switch themselves into my active workspace under certain circumstances which is mildly annoying but just requires that I press the hotkey to put them back where they belong a couple times a day.