50 Post – 1116 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Interested in Linux, FOSS, data storage systems, unfucking our society and a bit of gaming.

I help maintain Nixpkgs. (Probably won't be active much anymore.)

At least they now allow passwords over 8 characters (yes, serious).

Are you 100% certain they don't just truncate your password to 8 characters?

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What a terrible graph. That "huge" spike is a mere 0.5% increase. That might as well be noise.

Don't believe any graph whose y-axis starts at any value but 0 people.

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I am ashamed of GitLab.

Don't be. Gitlab has to comply with the law.

It's the law that's broken, not Gitlab.

It’s absolutely ridiculous they took it down even though Nintendo didn’t DMCA the Suyu project directly.

Um, no. If shitty corpo X (ab)uses the DMCA to send you a takedown notice for some project and you also host a fork of the same project, you must take down the fork too.

"You see, while this might be the exact same code, the name is totally different, so we don't have to take it down!" will not hold up in court.

Whether the DMCA request is valid or not is an entirely separate question. You must still comply or open yourself up to legal liabilities.

The process to object to the validity of the request is included in the screenshot.

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Yeah, like, I press upvote and I get no spinner. How crazy is that?!

Great job devs :)

I was wondering what Twitter had to do with gaming...

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Distro doesn't really matter here. Choose any that you like.

Why do you feel the need to change phones? Pixel 6 Pro should still be plenty good enough.

If its stock ROM bothers you, you're in luck because Pixels are surprisingly hackable and it's very easy these days.

See i.e.:
No need to worry about Google services, they work:

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Depends on how much of our needs would be covered. Not needing to work to survive is different from not needing to work to live a comfortable life which is again different from living a luxurious life.

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The link you posted is a post by a mod announcing that they will enforce the policy given to them by the LW admins.

From the modlog I can tell that (presumably) you posted a text post to ! about the policy that was then removed.

If you're posting to !, such posts would obviously be removed because that's A. not on topic (that'd be a topic for ! ) and B. not a link to an article. The latter is also the reason given for the removal.

Stirring up drama over absolutely nothing usually ends up hurting someone. Could you not?

And also tar -the fuck is in this file

Planned fix

December 2023


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TL;DR Amazon is building a Linux distro that starts a chromium to run react native apps. Apparently, you need hundreds of people for that.

Security-critical C and memory safety bugs. Name a more iconic duo...

I'd have kinda preferred for public disclosure to have happened after the fix propagated to distros. Now we get to hurry the patch to end-users which isn't always easily possible. Could we at least have a coordinated disclosure time each month? That'd be great.

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A uBlock Origin shield! Amazing.

I'd downvote that comment too. It adds nothing to the discussion and is deliberately confrontative and superficial.

Original price doesn't matter, you need to compare it against current new offerings. A drive like that, I'd buy for 8-10€/TB at max. because current new HDD pricing is 15€/TB at the low end.

What you also need is SMART output. Watch out for high uncorrectable errors, writes and whatever. I'd never buy a drive without having seen its SMART data.

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I’m no earplug connoisseur

7 paragraphs about earplugs

Claims 7-10% performance improvement on an old AMD FX thing. No information about the baseline though; whether it's the terrible Snap or Firefox's official binary package. I suspect it's the former because it has known performance issues IIRC and the latter has quite good compiler optimisations already (LTO+PGO making most of the difference).

When I built Firefox for x86_64-v3, I saw no measurable improvement over x86_64-v1 in speedometer. I didn't dare to build the most security critical application on my system with unsafe compiler optimisations though..

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More likely, people will stop using YouTube at all

Hahaha, no.

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With that kind of hardware, nothing you could tweak would help a whole lot.

You need an upgrade mate.

By funding an API-compatible product, they are giving CUDA legitimacy as a common API. I can absolutely understand AMD not wanting a competitors invention and walled-off product to be anything resembling an industry standard.

The picture made me lol :D

Google has massive swing; there's a whole industry around getting Google to prefer your low quality crap nobody wants to see over others' low quality crap nobody wants to see.

If Google has finally figured out a metric to measure "helpfulness" of a website and punishes unhelpful websites, a bunch of dogshit that would have otherwise gotten top spots may have been banished to page 2.
Reddit results would naturally creep up because of that (and therefore get a lot more clicks), even if they didn't change at all.

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Then let's ship your PC, that's how containers work, right?

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Why is this not being developed inside Mesa? There's even precedent for it; gallium9.

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I agree but it's supposed to be the other way around: Have a bit of vacation while you work. You still get your actual PTO in addition to that which you can use on an actual vacation.

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I don't know what you're getting excited about here; this is all publicly available information which Facebook could scrape at any time they wanted (federated or not), even right this very second.

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I give it 2 days for patches adding initial Linux support to appear.

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I always open YT in Firefox Focus, which doesn’t ever keep cookies or history each time I close it, so there’s no history for YT to mine each time I visit again.

This is not true. Google doesn't much care about cookies; they employ far more effective means of fingerprinting.

A really, really cool solution for problem nobody has.

The other replies answered your question already, but this may solve your little "problem" here: Apple offers free in-person training sessions on how to use their products. They're intended precisely for non-technical people like your mother.
So, if you don't want to be the person teaching her how to use iOS, you could look into getting her to attend these sessions instead.

You can fault Apple for many things but this offer of theirs is just great on every level IMHO.

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You could take the revision number. nixos-unstable has 567011 commits currently.

This locally hosted web application started as a 100% ChatGPT-made application and has evolved to include a wide range of features to handle all your PDF needs.


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The browser could just refuse to attest if you've got an ad blocker enabled. That's the whole point of this.

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In this comparison, the devil is in the detail.

With Ansible, you have an initial condition onto which you add additional state through automatically executed steps dictated by you until you (hopefully) arrive at a target state. This all happens through modification of one set of state; each step receives the state of the previous step, modifies it and passes the entire state onto the next step. The end result is not only dependant on your declared steps but also the initial state. A failure in any step means you're left in an inconsistent state which is especially critical for the case of updating an existing state which is the most common thing to do to a Linux system.

In NixOS, you describe the desired target state and the NixOS modules then turn that description into compartmentalised bits of independent state. These are then cheaply and generically combined into a "bundle"; wrapping them into one big "generation" that contains your entire target state.
Your running system state is not modified at any point in this process. It is fully independent, no matter what the desired system is supposed to be. It is so independent in fact that you could do this "realisation" of the NixOS system on any other system of the same platform that has Nix installed without any information about the state of the system it's intended to be deployed on.
This "bundle" then contains a generic script which applies the pre-generated state to your actual system in a step that is as close to atomic as possible.
A good example for this are packages in your PATH. Rather than sequentially placing the binaries into the /usr/bin/ directory as a package manager would when instructed by ansible to install a set of packages, NixOS merely replaces the bin symlink with one that points at an entirely new pre-generated directory which contains the desired packages' binaries (well, symlinks to them for efficiency). There cannot possibly be an in-between state where only some of the binaries exist; it's all or nothing. (This concept applies to all parts that make up a Linux system of course, not just binaries in the PATH. I just chose that as an easy to understand example.)
By this property, your root filesystem no longer contains any operating system configuration state. You could wipe it and NixOS would not care. In fact, many NixOS users do that on every boot or even use a tmpfs for /.

(Immutability is a property that NixOS gains almost by accident; that's not its primary goal.)

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actual Nazis or like far-right wackos and MAGA nuts

Is there much of a difference nowadays?

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Results for exact term "cats and dogs". If no or few results are found, we'll try to show related results.

Basically useless.

This kind of integration testing is best left up to the individual distros. Same as the integration (as in: packaging) itself.

Distros don't want your binary package, they want your source code, build instructions and a build system that won't make them cry. Some distros even explicitly disallow re-packaging external binary distributions.

As a distro maintainer, I appreciate your wish to do QA on all the distros but that's just too much work. You focus on making your software better, we focus on making it work with the rest of the software ecosystem.

Providing a package for one or two distros (i.e. your favourite one) is good practice to ensure your software can be reasonably packaged but it's not the primary way your users should receive your package in the traditional Linux distro model.
Additionally, you might want to package your software for one of the cross-distro package managers such as Flatpak, AppImage, Snap, Nix, Guix, distri or homebrew. This can serve distro maintainers as a point of reference; showing how it is intended to work so they can compare their packaging effort. If there's some bug present in the distro package but not the cross-distro package, that's a good sign the issue lies in the distro packaging for example.
Again, don't put much time in this. Focus on your app.

amdgpu has a recovery mechanism built in that can be triggered using sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/N/amdgpu_gpu_recover where N is the number of the DRI device in question. You could bind a shortcut to doing that I presume.

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I don't think there is a way to remove that. "Karma" is just the sum of upvotes on all of a users' posts/comments and that info is always accessible.

We could make the decision to not show that value in the front-ends of course but you'll likely have very different opinions on that and some front-ends will inevitably show karma.