159 Post – 804 Comments
Joined 5 years ago

Dang we really have grown.

I apologize for the innappropriate behavior and bans by in this thread, I've removed them as a mod here, banned them, and unbanned the ppl who they innappropriately banned.

Note: if they get unbanned in the near future, its because of our consensus procedure which requires us admins to take a vote.

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One I didn't see mentioned yet: a rice cooker.

Put in rice, add water, push start button, and you get perfect rice every time. I'm usually against single-purpose kitchen tools but a rice cooker is soo worth it.

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Oddly enough, people are pretty adamant about demanding that we add a lot of addictive features into lemmy, just because they exist on reddit and on other big tech platforms. I usually push back, but I'm always downvoted to oblivion. I conciously wanted to avoid putting these addictive, psychologically harmful things into lemmy-ui.

So its great to see posts like this one. Social media doesn't have to be a negative experience, or addictive. The time we spend here should be short, and positive.

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I'm personally a hard copyleft developer, so I'd prefer that people making apps and tools for the lemmy eco-system, open source them, to benefit the community as a whole. Nearly all lemmy projects have adopted that standard, and are using the GPL and other hard copy-left licenses, and sharing their code freely with the community.

One example: various devs of lemmy apps have asked me how we build comment trees. Because lemmy's source code is open, I was able to share the exact code from lemmy-ui (typescript) and jerboa (kotlin). This is not something closed source developers are able / willing to share.

So I continue to recommend that developers heed calls to open source their applications. I developed my ThumbKey android keyboard, specifically because my requests to the MessageEase developers to open-source their codebase, after development had stopped, went unheeded for years.

Side note, but I've seen a lot of the discourse around Sync confuse FOSS, with making money. Of course developers deserve to get paid for their labor time! The thing is, FOSS makes no demands on how you monetize your software: "free as in freedom, not free as in beer", is the saying. So its entirely possible to open source your app, and still charge for it if you like. And If someone wants your app for free (say via an unlocked APK), they'll get it, whether its closed source, or not.

And yes, if an instance decided to insert ads, or becomes full of blog/cryptospam, I'd def recommend other instances defederate from them. I'd rather not lemmy become the ad-machine that other social media has become.

Its a problem, and at the same time a feature. For example, you can have two communities named !news, that pertain to completely different topics based on their instance:

This also isn't unique to lemmy, since reddit too had tons of duplicate communities for the same topics.

Just like on reddit, the network effect will run its course here: unavoidably there will be a lot of cross-posting on duplicated communities, until people center around their favorites, based on quality of content.

There are a few tools out there too, like , that can help people find communities to subscribe to.

Overall tho, I'm against the concept of "combining / merging communities" that are run on different sites by different people. These should be curated and controlled by the people who created them.

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I've been tagged here, so to answer some of the questions I saw below:

We already have a way to permanently delete / overwrite your comments when you delete your account. That's been done for a long time., and is easily visible in lemmy-UI when you go to delete your account.

We do federate that removal, but there's nothing that stops a malicious server from ignoring that request. Activitypub is ultimately like email; there is no unsend email button.

That ticket is more about image removals, which gets tricky. We recently added a table that makes sure to attach image uploads to the local user, and now what's needed is to build out an interface for handling those also, in addition to handling the removals properly. Issue for that is here.

Data privacy will always be an ongoing issue, and we have to handle new problems as they arise. That's nothing new for us.

The main issue in that ticket is that there are 2-4 of us devs working on software that is now used by over 40k ppl daily, and we're spread extremely thin. So my personal patience for people making demands, while refusing to do anything to help out themselves, is very thin. We are not a multi-million dollar corporation with hundreds of developers. If someone wants a feature that we don't have time to work on atm, they can help out by adding it.

I think maltfield is well-intentioned, but they've also shown no interest in helping out with any of these GDPR-related requests. We have no legal expertise about the GDPR, and lemmy is not european software, it's international software.

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Lemmy-ui supports SEO, and also has opengraph tags. If there's anything else needs to be added, we're open to PRs.

Side note: For me personally, as suggested, SEO shouldn't be a focus. SEO is such a gamed system, catering to a few giant search companies, and results are increasingly becoming unusable, especially in the past few years. I can barely find the things I want to search for, and almost always have better luck using internal sites search engines. So I'd rather focus on improving lemmy's search capabalities and filtering, than catering to google.

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o7. We're out here for yall, and we're gonna make sure the fediverse stays inoculated from threats.

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Removable battery is the big one. I had a phone where they only cost like $15, so I could take 2 of them on a trip and last a week w/o charging.

25 more... and I work full-time on lemmy, and there's a large number of additional contributors, helping out not just with code, but with translations, documentation, moderation, etc. As donations increase, we'd like to add more full-time/paid devs to our little co-op (we're in the process onboarding two more rn).

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I apologize for the stability issues everyone.

People found an exploit and are using it to DDOS several lemmy instances.

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Ya, realized people kept making flutter and javascript / react native apps for lemmy, so I decided to teach myself jetpack compose and build a native android app for lemmy... I love the reddit app boost, so jerboa is essentially an open source reverse engineering of it's UI.

I haven't been able to contribute much to it lately tho, because I've been overwhelmed with a lot of other priorities, but its been getting a ton of great contributers.

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Markdown. Its only in tech-spaces that its preferred, but it should be used everywhere. You can even write full books and academic papers in markdown (maybe with only a few extensions like latex / mathjax).

Instead, in a lot of fields, people are passing around variants of microsoft word documents with weird formatting and no standardization around headings, quotes, and comments.

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Neither or I are too familiar with the GDPR, so we don't know everything that it requires. Lemmy doesn't do any logging of IPs or other sensitive info, but of course instance runners could be doing their own logging / metrics via their webservers.

We have a Legal section under admin settings, that's an optional markdown field, that can probably be used for it. We'd need someone with GDPR expertise though to help put things together. Lemmy is international software, not european-specific, so we have to keep that in mind when supporting GDPR.

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Thank you so much for writing this, it articulated a lot of things I've been thinking about this past week. So many of us are all spending our most valuable resource, time, trying make this a better place, in whatever way we can, and none of these 4 groups (some of us are members of more than one) deserve any vitriol or negativity for their efforts. We all need to think about ways we can reduce that negativity, and not all of them can be fixed with computer code, or at the admin level. We all need to improve how we interact with people, and treat them the way we'd like to be treated, with a view towards their well-being.

I'd like to follow your good example, and send out my genuine thanks to all the users, admins, developers, those doing server support, and contributors in any form to lemmy, and it's ecosystem of apps and tools. Members of all of these groups are absolutely vital, and this place is only possible because of our cooperation.

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Growing up during the US war on the Iraqi people, the jingoistic coverage in media for all US wars, then the subsequent alienation I felt after I started working, is the main thing that turned me to Marxism. Essentially, when the extremely untrustworthy warmongers start calling everything they dislike, "communism / socialism", then it must be worth looking into. And I found that there was good reason they carefully steer populations away from Marxist literature, and deem it a heresy: because its a clear and straightforward description of how things actually work, and it threatens their fortunes. Nearly every communist grows up in liberal-dominated cultures, and goes through their own process of rejecting the world that enshrines property and profit over human lives, and how it affected them personally. Their stories are all worth listening to.

I've worked in many different industries in software, and found the same issues in all of them, and just lost patience, especially seeing that all the work I did creating proprietary software was essentially thrown in the trash, and societally useless. I'd much rather be paid very little, and contribute something positive to the world; time is our most valuable resource, and we should spend it doing things that improve the world, because there is so much that needs doing.

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Its been bothering me too, that the large communities have been swamping out smaller ones.

As one solution, the closed PR linked in this issue has some more context, but we plan to add a Best sort, that retains the qualities of hot, but gives a boost for small communities over larger ones. This shouldn't be too difficult to add, as its very similar to hot.

Another benefit of lemmy being FOSS, is that we have the option to add many more sorts as time goes on.

Any concerns about duplicate communities across multiple instances?

See here.

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Pry unavoidable, but I bet nearly all the questions will be good-faith ones. For the most part the lemmyverse is still 99% less toxic than reddit.

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There will be when we do the release. Its a big one.

Everyone should see how incredibly important this project is, and its potential. Wikipedia is yet another US-controlled and domiciled site, with a history of bribery, scandals, and links to the US state department. It has a near-monopoly on information in many languages, and its reach extends far outside US borders. Federation allows the possibility of connecting to other servers, collaborating on articles, forking articles, and maintaining your own versions, in a way that wikipedia or even a self-hosted mediawiki doesn't.

Also ibis allows limited / niche wikis, devoted to specific fields, which is probably the biggest use-case I can see for Ibis early on.

Congrats on a first release!

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The thing that really gets me with these, is that we are 2-4 devs working on software used by over 40k ppl. It is absolutely impossible to please everyone, and fix every issue, there just isn't enough of us.

Oftentimes we ask for ppl to do the open source thing, and contribute a PR, and many of them do.

Anyone can look at our github profiles and see how busy we've been, and how many moderation related issues we've been working on, this is all out in the open. Yet writers of these articles somehow never bother to look, or reach out to us for questions. The amount of entitlement and second-hand rumors is really dissapointing.

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I mostly imagined the slow but steady growth we'd been having, and def didn't anticipate that reddit would mess up so badly that a massive chunk of users would migrate from a multi-million dollar enterprise software, to a hobby project developed by a couple of marxist-leninists 🤣 . But so it goes, with all these late-capitalist social media companies alienating their users, monetizing them in any way possible in search of declining surplus.

The biggest non-tech problem, is just the overwhelming amount of notifications. Companies have multiple layers between devs and users, to separate, order, and create a more controlled explosion. That doesn't exist here, so we get hundreds of notifications every day, with everyone treating us as their personal issue tracker.... and I basically would get nothing done if all I did was respond to them. Luckily things are calming down a bit now.

The biggest tech-problem was the performance and security issues of so many users joining the network all at once, and luckily we had so many wonderful community contributions to help stabilize that.

And finally, how would you like the platform to evolve going forward, and what your long term vision is.

We should be ambitious, and wantthe fediverse as a whole, on the long term, to replace big-tech. Every user we draw away from them, is one less person exploited for their data and treated as a commodity.

Technically, I'd just like us to continue making the software better, maintaining the code, and adding features.

Does any other human out there love smoked meats ?

Context for those out of the loop

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Thank you! I do have to remind people that jerboa is still very much alpha-level software... something I worked on in my off-time when not working on lemmy.

I'm super excited tho for it now, because it has a lot more skilled contributors, who actually know how to do android development.

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One of the things up next on my agenda, is to re-do . We have the mockup for it done, I just need to complete it.

Also as someone who grew up before the "use this single US-based site to connect to everything", I don't see how lemmy is too different from older forums. You go to a site, click the signup button, and wait for approval / log in immediately. You don't need to know anything about activitypub, federation, or the fediverse to sign up and start using a lemmy site.

You just post questions as top-level replies to the stickied thread that day, and we'll be online to answer them.

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You can open an issue for it.

We're just two software devs, and prefer to stay anonymous / undoxxed.

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This is all 100% correct. People have already written captcha-bypassing bots for lemmy, we know from experience.

The only way to stop bots, is the way that has worked for forums for years: registration applications. At we historically have blocked any server that doesn't have them turned on, because of the likelihood of bot infiltration from them.

Registration applications have 100% stopped bots here.

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  1. There isn't a good way to do it: your All tab will be full of potentially illegal content if you federate with NSFW instances. We want to focus on dev, and not on legal issues, so for that reason we won't federate with NSFW ones.
  2. I'm guilty of this also w/ jerboa, showing content before you log in. We obvi don't want single points of failure, and want lemmy to be as distributed / spread out as possible. If some of the bigger instances go down, I'm sure people will write premature articles about "the death of lemmy". We're still in the early stages, and I think we'll have to see how things evolve, and what promotes decentralization the best. We've tried to rotate the signup sites at the top of , but there are likely other things we could do.
  3. Creating multiple types of NSFW would be possible, its just not something we've implemented yet, and there are also issues with how that would be handled with activitypub, which only has one type of sensitive field.

Yep. As ppl have mentioned, while our performance bottleneck is currently the unoptimized postgres operations, we haven't even come close reaching postgres's actual internal limits. So code and DB optimization will be the biggest factor reducing costs.

haha, we appreciate the patience. We're not a massive company with teams of people, just a couple of FOSS programmers.

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It was

On the negative side, for about 2 months, I got an average of 5 hours sleep a night, got 12k+ notifications on github alone, and every day was a new stressful emergency.

But it also helped us expose a bunch of security issues, and help expose and optimize some of our DB issues, so in that sense a reddit-sized stress-test was of long-term benefit to the project.

Luckily things have calmed down now, and we're able to cope with things a bit better.

  1. Arch.
  3. Jerboa (biased obvi, but I like boost's UI and Jerboa's is mostly inspired from that)
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If lemmy is working as intended (many small, connected servers), hosting costs should be small: like < $10 USD / month. (images are another issue, but I'll answer that in other comments).

Of course we don't plan on adding any monetization directly into lemmy or its UI, including ads, or required payments. Right now at least the best way is to put donation links in your site sidebar.

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Sry I've been an absent mod here. Would anyone like to help mod this community?

I've also added a no-racist terms rule to the sidebar.

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Report those posts so we can remove them.

We could make this a regular thing if ppl like it.

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Not sure, it is a coordinated DDOS attack tho. I welcome them doing these, because it only strengthens lemmy, and helps us find bugs.

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