Twitter is fully now. to – -16 points –
Elon Musk Finally Puts Twitter Out of Its Misery

To put an even finer point on it, Musk’s tweet today announcing that “all core systems are now on” featured the logo of the company he founded 25 years ago.

That's the news... is it newsworthy?

So, I saw this story and I typed a comment about how it was pretty much guaranteed (given Musk's cutting of the engineering department and the scale of Twitter's operation) that this would cause some slight amount of breakage for the forseeable future, and the unfixable and unflattering nature of the ensuing jank would be the nail in the coffin for Twitter (which for some reason still is home to a lot of journalists and primary sources and etc even to this day in its wrecked-up form).

Then I thought, you know what, I don't actually know that that's how it'll happen, and deleted the comment and moved on with my day.

And then just now I just tried to click on a Twitter link, and saw a black page with this:

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

(Button: "Try Again")

⚠️ Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on

Oh shit, it must be Firefox's fault! Yeah, must be causing issues. My bad man, you're right; I guess I will need to switch browsers now so I can have the privilege of using Twitter.

Firefox: is known to cause issues with with Firefox's enhanced tracking protection on.

It will always be Twitter, because they can never give it to you.

"All core systems are now at", so why opening links in private window redirects to, then again to I just cannot describe how stupid this is.

As others have noticed, it drops an error: "Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on". The link has ?mx=2 parameter. I removed it and the page loaded correctly (but half of the viewport was clumped with banners). I tried again in a new private window, but never saw this error again, so this is a bug due to the aforementioned redirect.

good idea to pivot to video while also calling your site "x".

Better work on that, just in case someone forgets the URL for

Is it "fully X" if they still refer to it as Twitter? "X" referring to itself as Twitter