
6 Post – 318 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This person, nay, this legend, has reached across language barriers and opened up entire new worlds to people who suffer from lacking or outdated documentation.

If you or your loved ones are afflicted by bad documentation, please voice your grievances to whatever ticket or email chain deserves to be told their documentation is absolute ass.

Yes, I can read the code API, now delete that old ass mess. If you don't want to communicate it, let someone else have those search engine results.


I have no fear of that 💪

Mostly because people have already completely abandoned me lol

Thanks Microsoft for spotting that, and thanks to Google and CloudFlare for blocking or redirecting Polifyll.io network traffic.

Credit where credit is due.


This is what corporate speech control looks like, kids. Not even once.

Hideo Kojima is not real, he cannot hurt you... Only emotionally.

And actual slavery.

When it comes to creative work, Creative Commons is the way to go. I know a guy who exclusively releases music under the Creative Commons license.

Here's a "Chooser" wizard, that asks you some questions and then suggests a suitable CC license for you.

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Here's a careful reminder that "public domain" is not a worldwide thing ^^; in fact, very few countries have a public domain.

In some cases, if you try to publish something as "public domain" from a certain country, it is invalid - because their judiciary does not define public domain as anything.

It maybe considered public domain, until you die and someone wants that copyright, in which case the family takes precedent over the estate - full stop.

There's a difference between countries that have common law (US and UK) and those that have civil law (the Nordics), so yeah.

But CC is valid license pretty much everywhere, with a few exceptions.


This is why we need piracy/open source scenes. I'm sure the Nouveau people wouldn't encur a copyright strike if say someone forked their driver and implemented it outside of the Nouveau dev team to then publish it somewhere it won't get taken down.

I think we need illegal source code because of how the right of ownership has been steadily dismantled by industries at large and set as an industrial precedent in hardware.

Seize the means of computing.

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Why not? Because they've done this before and it's getting ridiculous. The process goes thusly.

  1. Isreal announces a ceasefire plan they are sure Palestinians will reject
  2. Palestinian officials accepts the ceasefire
  3. Isreal goes "Well screw it then, now I don't want to do it" and continues their genocidal ways.

And so on, and so forth.

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Look, it's a low level employee of a faceless corporation!


Jokes aside, thanks for the transparency, and salute to you and your coworkers for trying to weather the storm caused by "shifting paradigms"... that's what they call it, right? I know the execs can shift my paradigm, that's for sure.

Peace and love.

Next step: demand unlockable bootloaders without breaking warranty and easy rollback to a stock system.

After that: mandate that firmware source code be bundled with sales of devices.

We're comin' fo dat ass, Steve Apple.

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It's a weird time to live in, but not confusing. It's obvious to see that what you really want as a vendor is control over the operating system stack itself, and relying on Microsoft has become challenging.

In essence what NVIDIA is doing is bringing it's entire GPU driver stack open source side, so that entire industries say go on buying tons more hardware.

Us Linux enthusiasts get to reap the benefit, what with entire open source movements bringing libraries to Linux side first that can turn GPU hardware into whatever tool you'd like. Projects like PyTorch and ffmpeg run as first class citizens on Linux.

Windows still relies on either shared DotNet stack (which will make a monkey out of you - cough cough) or the nearly ancient MSYS2 build environment. Microsoft of course prefers you run all that software inside their Linux container system known as WSL - and there's a reason for that.

The Linux graphics stack is looking more "feature complete" by the month, bringing up the question of where you actually get the best hardware support. This is a good question to have.

Now, if only the open source desktop movements could clean house, figure out funding and get their stacks in order, we might finally, for the umpteenth time, maybe see the year of the Linux desktop.

I grow old with anticipation, but seeing what NVIDIA did in the before time versus what they do in the now puts a smirk on this haggered face.

Onwards to the future.

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NGL, this is a power move. Governments around Europe are looking HARD at their presence on Twitter. They might actually jump ship. This is why we have to continue pushing Mastodon.

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Say it with me now: local AI, local AI... or fuck off.

That being said, ARM laptops and probably even workstations are the future, and so is RISC-V. I suspect we'll see more tensor cores or AI related processing built-in to the SoC's.

If it's then only a question of hardware enablement and a software companion to go along with it, I'm all for it.

Go Mozilla...! But again: local AI, or fuck off.

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I don't think that's Vodafone directly. Vodafone is a mobile provider and is therefore also an ISP.

Someone who uses Vodafone tried to log in, wether it was manual or automated. At least that's my surmise.

This is a good time to remind people to use 2FA and possibly even WebAuth (or WebKey) if possible.

Assuming you've gotten LibreWolf from a proper, verified source (GitHub, package manager like chocolatey), then there shouldn't be any issues.

But, to be on the safe side, check out your extensions and also plugins to verify nothing untowards has snuck it's way on to your system.

You could of course go into the Windows firewall, note what permissions LibreWolf has, then allow it and check again to see what was added.

But, chances are, LibreWolf (don't use it myself) asked to access either magnet links or other ports other than 443 or 80. If LibreWolf has built-in torrent support or you've installed an extension that does, it will require some other ports to function.

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Microsoft: "winget!"

Nobody asked you, Microsoft. Go back to making compact nuclear reactors, because honestly that's based AF.

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Well technically, if you're using BTRFS, you might want to check out subvolumes. Here's my subvolume setup:

  • Subvolume 1, named @ (root subvol)
  • Subvolume 2, named @home (/home subvol)
  • Subvolume 3, named @srv (/srv subvol)
  • Subvolume 4, named @opt (/opt subvol)
  • Subvolume 5, named @swap (which is - you guessed it - the swap subvol)

You then set up fstab to reflect each of the subvolumes, using the subvol= option. Here's the kicker: they are all in one partition. Yes, even the swap. Though caveat, swap still has to be a swapfile, but in its own separate subvolume. Don't ask me why, it's just the way to do it.

The great thing about subvolumes is that it doesn't do any size provisioning, unless specified by the user. All subvolumes share the space available within the partition. This means you won't have to do any soul searching when setting up the partitions regarding use of space.

This also means that if I want to nuke and pave, I only need run a BTRFS command on my @ subvolume (which contains /usr, /share, /bin), because it won't be touching the contents of @home, @srv, or @opt. What's extra cool here is that I'll lose 0% FS metadata or permission setup, since you're technically just disassociating some blocks from a subvolume. You're not really "formatting"... which is neat as hell.

The only extra partitions I have is the EFI partition and an EXT4 partition for the /boot folder since I use LUKS2.

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Congress is just a bunch of gay guys trying to gaslight you into making babies so they can have all the gay sex. It's a deep state conspiracy!

Stick it to the man - literally - and go suck a dick to show those liberals in Washington.

So after 8 decades of psychological warfare to get manufacturing and fabrication moved to nations that used to have lucrative slavery, we've decided (because of a dry, boring "national security" issue) to bring back these factories...

so... $2 an hour? Honestly, we'd rather make it $2 a day, but... yeah... maybe we can make it $2 a day, if payment of rent is included into the salery? We can't trust China, but we sort of want to recreate the conditions.

Fríggin' finally. This distro is the one to watch, because unlike Silverblue or any other immutable OS, Vanilla doesn't build it's system image using some esoteric homebrewed standards. It uses OCI images to boot an immutable system.

Add distrobox into the mix and suddenly you've separated the system from the user environment. That way user applications and system applications never need to touch, like at all.

Additionally if you can get one OCI image running on a bare metal system like a laptop or workstation, you could probably do it with others as well, meaning that as long as the system itself contained the tooling to rebase images, you could "distrohop" without having to delete any partitions or reinstall in any way.

You might need a process for that specifically, but it it possible - and being able to hotswap Linux distros, whereby going back is a reboot and selecting the previous image? Yes please.

There are several more immutable systems, like the afformentioned Silverblue (rpm-ostree), MicroOS (transactional-update) and NixOS (the programming language and environment that can spit out a system known as "nix".. which is what I'm using now). But it's all very developer-centric - even if that is not the intention.

Vanilla is a desktop-oriented distribution, pure and true. The developers and community want an easy, safe experience for all which is what an immutable system can help with and will open a massive world to newcomers who don't care what a distribution is, because they can use any distribution they want - from a single command... but also, in the future, a GUI!

So massive, massive shout out to the Vanilla devs and community. When it's released as beta stable I might consider returning, but.. nix... well.. the power is just immense. Mmmmm. MMMMM!

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I kind of agree, in that ARM is even more locked down than x86, but if I could get an ARM with UEFI and all computational power is available to the Linux kernel, then I wouldn't mind trying one out for a while.

But yes, I can't wait for RISC-V systems to become mainstream for consumers.

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By that logic I demand stickers of obesity, respiratory issues and heart issues being portrayed when I search "American". Preferably where each character has a fat hamburger shoved in their face.

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Snaps are centralised packaging, a'la Apple App Store or Google Play. Now if someone forked snapd, added third party repo and made It so you could select which repo is the main one, that'd be a start.

But as long as Canonical commits to a centralised form of distribution with no third party support I'm going to advise desktop users to stay away from Ubuntu.

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Been using Silverblue for a couple of years and dipped over to NixOS for a project.

I'm all giddy for immutable systems to take over, because it is truly the safest way a user can run a system. The added bonus being system rollback is built-in by default and not some secondary service.

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What if, and hear me out on this one, Epic Games really just love closed platforms for the built-in DRM of "secret sauce" and binary blobs to protect their intellectual property, even if the Steam Deck now has a TPM 2.0 equivalent. In fact, they would rather deprive the user of as much agency as possible to retain most of the control.

That might be a tinfoil hat take, but I stand by it.

I'm just hoping this paves the way to code with Southern dialect

iffun is == true
iffun ain't == false
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We need to criminalise the proximity of congressman around microphones.

Glory to the Bush. He emancipated corporations from consequence.

See, the thing about religion, that no religious person wants to come to terms with, is that no religion is a monolith. What does that mean?

Even if you claim to be a fully practicing Christian, Muslim, Hindi, etc, there will always be descrepencies. Furthermore, no one believes exactly the same thing as someone else. The nature and limitations of the human mind does not permit it, so thinking that if you identify with a religion that suddenly your behaviour is dictated by dogma is nonsensical.

This also means that Christians today are not responsible for the crusades or the persecution as well as eradication of European pagans, and that Islam is not to blame for what's going on in Iran, largely because they were irrelevant to the actual goals, which was for certain people to gain more power and wealth.

The Iranian government doesn't give a shit about the 5 columns of Islam. Not even close. But they absolutely love having morals police, executions and an authoritarian system that seeks to subjugate and suppress any kind of democratic movement.

The Iranian regime knows the Iranian people, and if they could they would turn liberal democracy in a heartbeat, and they are still mostly Muslim. That's why the boot has to stomp and fists have to bang on doors, like all the time.

I think people easily forget how fucked you can be if the state has so much power they can effectively curb any dissent. At that point the religion used just becomes a nice decorative mask to put on, both to keep power, but also to keep using fear via "us vs them". This is also signified by the secular Muslim empires.

Just a little bit of history is enough to dispell all fears about religion and to squarely focus on corruption and authoritarianism instead, which is where our focus should be - and that's coming from an atheist.

Liberalism.. that is classical and neo-liberalism, as they were invented by a bunch of lords and sir's who were angry that the monarchy was getting a cut. It's the preferred ideology of the finance industry, as they can't have liberationism or lazze fair capitalism because the guillotines would roll out much too quickly. But they sure can define global markets and the value of currencies.

Watch US pundits harp on and on about the monarch's of Europe, but not a squeak about the aristocracy or the barons. It's also funny to note that because of goal post moving, liberalism which technically is slightly right from center, has become "left wing". So when you tell Americans that technically they have two right wing parties, they lose their absolute shit.

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We used to worship the sun in Europe too. But Christians decided they wanted to test that resolve, when they were helping pagans simulate the conditions of the sun by setting them on fire.

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I only got eBooks. Do I show off my epub and pdf collection then?

Yeah, agreed... except with how the right to repair is going that might be viable.. in like 30 years... maybe...

Spread illegal code instead. Vendors hate this one trick.

Funny, coming from the guy who wanted Hamas to be funded in 2019.. I wonder why...

Looks like more "special military operations*, you guys.

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Uh, yeah, a massive corporation sucking up all intellectual property to milk it is not the own you think it is.

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Russians: literally killing themselves Putin: no, not like that! Conscription!