
1 Post – 314 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The irony of the probusiness party being so against DEI.

It's really not a surprise that having diverse experiences and opinions makes you a better business...

Get in the therapy chair, Shinji.

Agreed, though NASA is definitely planning to Deorbit the ISS, probably sometime after 2030.

They're not trying to get ahead of some regulation, but want to stop having to spend so many resources on maintaining it, when they could be doing other things.

That certainly looks like his photo... when did he turn into Google Adsense?

Should hopefully be easier than dealing with transferring it off the Switch...

Get your videos where you want them. One-click share to a friend in chat or post your finest moments for the world to see. Plus easily send footage from your Steam Deck to your PC or mobile device.

Are her jeans McDonalds branded?

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Would be more useful if you could change the keybind.

Hell, even if you could change it to Copilot. Copilot can be bad, but I don't expect Logitech to have the resources to make a better AI than Microsoft...

Purchase them with McDollars today!

Article seems pretty flawed. Relevance is a vague metric, and the author relies pretty heavily on data related to government site visitation, which seems subject to bias toward certain types of users.

You mean like government (and business) employees that are forced to use some flavor of Internet Explorer Chromium?

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"there is no assurance we will be able to scale our business for future growth.”

Then why IPO? Lol.

Yes, we can't make money and can't grow. Invest pls?

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Hopefully, this ends up being good for the fediverse - if you have to log in to view posts, you're probably much less likely to create an account, and maybe just a little bit likely to at least just creep on mastodon posts....

"Your OneDrive is now full..."

Thanks, Microsoft, how about you use my 1TB SSD instead.

Why would you give people the benefit of the doubt? We're stoopid.

Trump staring directly at the eclipse in 2017

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It's astounding to me that he continues to have any support while rapidly suggesting the complete erosion of the rule of law.

Have people learned nothing about the behavior of despots and demagogue? Or, at the very least, something about Trump's history of treatment towards working people?

He's only interested in saving his own skin and making himself more money.

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“Their behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive, and made co-workers feel threatened.”

If holding up posters is "defacing property" and you feel "threatened" by a sit in, you might be on the wrong side of history (and/or a Vault-Tec employee).

I assume OpenAI sort of demonstrates the fragility of that arrangement...

Enshitification round two, coming to you, Reddit users.

You'd be surprised how many labs don't do temperature monitoring, let alone data analysis on that to try and predict when that asset will fail

Really seems like the growing problem is not the economy (as typically measured). The biggest problem for regular Americans is corporate greed.

All of these great measures of the economy, and people do not feel it, which means they are not getting their fair share.

Ironic, given that Trump dodged the draft with totally not made-up bone spurs.

They're completely unhinged and detached from reality, the rule of law, and democracy.

Of course they did, who was trying to stop them?

The FTC takes too long to respond to such price gouging, and now that price is baked into prices.

::: spoiler spoiler ...you mean the girl (at the beginning of the episode, shown to be an A+ in all "stats") that took on a man post coitus and still was thrown around the room and only survived thanks to the blender? :::

Seemed pretty realistic, and Fallout to me.

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He tried, but he doesn't know how to exit.

Sounds about right. A picture of a white and orange cat with blue and orange eyes behind a hairy arm with several cat scratches

Ford and GM are probably regretting that switch to NACS...

Why? For one, Ford has scaled back it's EV transition in favor of hybrids now, and two, there's now a bunch of engineers looking for a job and charging sites up for grabs

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I'm not sure, but he has some very... bad views on pedophile.

Like.. dude, why are you discussing this so much?

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Having not been knowledgeable about the background of the creator, man what a wild ride

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Definitely a sad, pitiful man.

Bernardi has said that permitting same-sex marriages would lead to legalised polygamy and bestiality; and said that the "safe schools program" designed to make homosexual children feel safer at school "bullies" heterosexual children.

Ah, or maybe bastard is more fitting

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Mini-golf is also... just so much more entertaining and fun.

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Arstechnica has a good article explaining.

Now, for the user above, I'm not entirely sure what they're talking about since this isn't a bill that has been passed, but net neutrality is to protect consumers - it's to ensure large companies cannot stack the deck to make you use their preferred (owned) services.

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For anyone not in the loop, the 2nd photo is the Rivian R3X

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Now the courts just need to actually hold him accountable, and promptly.

It's like "I'm a momentary embarrassed millionaire", but apocalypse edition.

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Richest in variety of debt, maybe

It's funny how republicans just want to remove freedoms from your life.

Think I'll take my chances with Dark Brandon

Thanks, I hate it.

Now not only do you get fake news, you get fake fake news.

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Complicated feelings on this.

It does certainly seem like allowing this would have been damaging to democracy in the long run (could Texas just boot off Biden because he's the democratic candidate and some made up charges relating to the border?), especially since he has not been tried and convincted, but so damaging in the short term to allow someone who is such a clear and present danger to democracy to remain eligible.

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At this rate, we might as well make our own DnD.

With three-dragon ante. And concubines!

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There's a story that urban engineers in... Sweden(?) look at the ground after fresh snow to judge where to install walking pavement