1 Post – 676 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Profile avatar is "melting face" by Liz Bravo. CC BY-SA 4.0 | I am not affiliated with OpenMoji

I promote software freedom.

The metal key is attached to the contactless key or is it a seperate device?

It's so obvious, then again I think there's some cars out there without even a metal key for the engine. So dumb.

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When has it ever been difficult to get out of a car?? Why does this page exist??

They want you to pay a higher price but since you have a choice of paying nothing then the message seems clear to me. You can see comedians on there for free, they tell real jokes.

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Was that long ago?

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Can't right click to pause the video in VLC ;c

"We apologize for the confusion (...)"

We thought removing the git repository that tracked terms of service would make it clear.

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Microsoft now permits

The benevolence! Letting people do what they want with their purchased software. wow!

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No, Apple never supported right to repair.

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I am interested in VR. Not interested in proprietary spyware and wearable webcam from Facebook :/

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Is it possible to remain subscribed to Technology but not get posts about this person?

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The real cheats are the proprietary software we installed along the way.

Sick of sites requiring an account, email or phone number. Makes the web even more unfriendly. I hope temporary emails can always get around filters, as if you play stupid games you should win stupid prices.

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I'm willing to pay for content.

I'm not willing to give Google money, or any proprietary solutions.

I judge adverts to be a waste of limited human life. I hope that industry can change.

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None of their business if we use a translation layer.

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Discord prevented 3rd party clients before it was cool.

If the objective is to avoid being forced to accept changes to software you use.. why choose another person with the same power over you rather than free software?

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Heated seats is my goto example as an attack on ownership. Good to see it stop but I don't want your proprietary software or SaS either. Give me a dumb car with no computer.

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"We can't open source Car Thing because we used someone else's copyrighted code to make it and we we not allowed to do that, or we don't want to follow the license" - Blemishify, probably.

Pick one:

  • security
  • proprietary OS
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They removed books from your Kindle in the past. Who could have seen this comming?

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Oh no, not a large crowd on private property - this deservers police spying! /S

Same choice as normal: whine about and then tolerate a change you don't want in proprietary software rather than spend time learning to use a software-freedom-respecting alternative.

"But my workflow".

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I despise this use of mod power in response to a protest. It's our content to be sabotaged if we want - if Stack Overlords disagree then to hell with them.

I'll add Stack Overflow to my personal ban list, just below Reddit.

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Free speech is for my group, not the others - hypocrite.

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Where was Google's concern for paying for infrastructure in the past? Google choose to bleed money which made it harder for smaller competitors to compete and take a share of the users, and now Google wants to have their cake and eat it too. Too damn bad.

I am unwilling to pay for the content while Google is where the content is. Odysee seemed shady to me so I stopped using it. Floatplane is proprietary and I'm trying to kick the nasty habit of using proprietary software, I don't want to start using new ones. I used to pay to listen to a podcast but I got tired of the content. I donate to Wikipedia.

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I'm sorry, this version of i-plant is no longer supported. Please subscribe to a get a free replacement for your assisted eye sight, the premium option has no ads!

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Then feel free to give your copyrighted AI code a free software license :3

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This add-on needs to:

  • Store unlimited amount of client-side data

  • Access your data for sites in the domain

  • Access your data for sites in the domain

  • Access your data for

  • Access your data for

  • Access your data for

This add-on may also ask to: **Access your data for all websites

Is there a better option than for it to need unlimited amount of client-side data? Also, why "Access your data for all websites"?-

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Stop putting your wet iPhone in rice, says Apple. Instead buy a new one because we make repairing it artificially expensive by restricting the manufactures from selling parts and we just replace the whole motherboard every time!

Please don't use this software to do things it's capable of


Digital rights management - who's rights? Certainly it's not in my best interest.

Digital restrictions management.

Their motive is likely more profit but the result is an unjust restriction on user software freedom. It doesn't matter if they make less money, maximising profit is not why we grant them copyright. Nvidia is often unreasonable, fuck off Nvidia.

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Discussing " "piracy" " (unauthorized copying) does not equate to being guilty of it: title aught to say "alleged".

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Sounds great to me. Wish every country had a declining birth rate.

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Softcore? How embarrassing. Go hardcore or go home.

Pay to disable a battery lifetime saver mode??

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I was thinking of buying a few Nintendo games to use on an emulator but that's a lot of effort and there are other good games out there. Glad I didn't so I wouldn't feel shame for giving them more money. Nintendo Direct my balls into your mouth.

More specifically they don't make "parts" available but "parts assemblies" - a large collection of parts attached together. Replacing one part requires buying ones you do not need and replacement is merely a fallback when you can't actually repair the part. To repair a part you need it's parts (e.g. a chip on a circuit board).

Temba. His arms wide.

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