12 Post – 797 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

After the last experience, very proudly homophobic.

Having just 2 main candidates is like having 1 candidate because there are some things they both decide to do the same. More candidates are necessary for a democracy. Some countries also implement 2 step elections that take 2 or more most voted candidates to another election. Though it's much more ExPeNsIvE to run such an election so the US won't do it.

What I meant is why the Wayland keep the 2 option system? Just make it unlimited amount of options and problem solved.

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I didn't do any homophobia there. You're just accusing me for fun or something idk. I won't fight with you because I think that's what you want. I would highly recommend you getting a Twitter/X account.

EDIT: there is an admin who confirmed that this post does indeed violate the rules in the comments.

sigh third option when?

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If someone constantly makes false reports or especially troll reports, it's ok to ban them.

I believe this post might have violated the first rule of this community so I said that. I could've just reported silently but imo what I said wasn't toxic. Imo accusing me in "veiled queer hate" for it does nothing except for showing what kind of a person you are. And what's interesting is that such accusations, alongside with most of the very negative reactions, start coming only after approximately 12 AM UTC which is the time when it's morning in American regions... Extremely suspicious statistics I got here.

Anyways this time I want to kindly ask you not to accuse people just like that and actually think before saying something. Everything you say without proper analysis may hurt you or other people. I hope you have a good day.

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Wait I'm sure I saw a very similar game in KDE Discover once. Are there 2 similar games being developed at the same time? Anyways great to see more FOSS games and I love the programming language choice.

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Ok but how is it related to the topic of this community? I'm reporting this one.

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Sorry for a probably stupid question but can't you get something with a dedicated GPU for the same price? The CPU will be worse but the machine will be more balanced for all kinds of tasks. Not for programming though.

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Welcome to modern Linux where almost everything works, mister/miss

This. But 99% of the internet will hate your project for absolutely anything they don't like in it and it will kill the project because distros won't want to use it.

Just to clear some misunderstandings, TLE did a performance test on this distro and it was pretty much the same in terms of FPS as other distros. Gaming distros like Bazzite are made for a faster and easier setup process because gaming tools and stores and preinstalled.

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Afaik you are wrong. Idk about Invidious but Piped proxies all traffic through the server so it's almost like a regular proxy that people used before VPN was a thing. It stores user data if you sign up but it is not necessary and if you don't do it, the data will be stored locally with an ability to make a JSON backup of it.

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Do you mean that any copying is bad or any copying is ok as long as it helps achieve the goals?

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Then you may want something with a more power efficient and slow CPU, probably even ARM based.

Inconvenient package management, manual theme installation and anything that involves changes to the system.

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I can't fully agree with you about the smooth user experience on this particular distro because it's immutable but yea we should promote Linux for gaming. It's pretty good now.

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May be but some of this user's post history is a bit questionable.

I still don't think there will be a difference. I tried distros with various schedulers and didn't notice a major positive difference except for the DE smoothness that was unbeatable on CachyOS.

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Citation very much needed

Ubuntu, RHEL and Fedora use it as the default and they are very big distros. Idk if it's enough but that's what I know.

Hardly, but I'm guessing you're thinking of reliability instead.

Idk. KDE was unstable for me and it always has bugs after major releases. They should test things better.

Not really surprising when it's so stripped down that vanilla GNOME is pretty much unusable.

Personal opinion.

That fact makes it especially funny that vanilla GNOME is by far the fattest DE around.


How it manages to use up more resources than KDE is beyond me.

You have a point here. Qt is better in terms of efficiency afaik and performance is extremely important for an OS component. But hey at least it's getting better over time.

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Judging from your post and replies, you look very aggressive, rude and demanding so no wonder the devs deleted your comments.

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However, I totally understand why you'd not feel compelled to do as such 😅. Especially if your current distro/system works splendidly.


Sometimes, placing it to ~/.local/share/themes works as well*.

Ehh I prefer system-wide installation. I think it's a habit from times when installing an Android app with root (so the OS treats it as a system app) increased its performance.

This is turning into a meaningless argument now. I don't want to continue.

I get it that you hate this design and its obvious strong inspiration by Apple but accusing GNOME team in being lazy is too much. They created the most popular and one of the most stable DEs on Linux and their own workflow that's similar to Apple's but still is unique. Also when I saw that new design, I was amazed. To me it looks really great. It's going to be a good update with accent color support (I won't fight about it ok?) for sure. It's just a matter of preference. Both designs are good enough technically imo.

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Mister/miss, you're going too far with this advertising imo.


I didn't measure 1% lows but I noticed that regular distros (specifically Fedora and Arch based ones) performed noticeably better in terms of overall FPS.

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No. I know that installing a GTK theme requires putting the files in /usr/share/themes that is not in /home. That's why I said it. As an advanced user I love customization and freedom so immutable distros are a no go for me (and for many people imo). I didn't even bother trying.

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Fedora did have an older kernel but other distros were Arch based so always new kernels. Also I have to mention that CachyOS focuses on x86_64-v3 that my machine doesn't support so results can be very different on newer hardware.

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Same for you, fellow Lemmy user!

GNOME Software but it only has Flatpaks which my machine can't quite run smoothly. It's weird that I use the GNOME ecosystem without Flatpaks though. Anyways I just use the AUR on my system that's based on Arch btw.

Yea we need to say it all the time.

I don't hate it, it looks better than what was there before, no doubts there, but at the same time they could've just made it better.

How? Improving something like this is hard. Do you have any proposals?

All the literature on action buttons with dangerous effects tells you to add margins, accents and shades. Any design undergraduate should be aware of this, however the GNOME team totally missed it.

I'm afraid to tell you that in 2024 nobody cares about that. "Shape following feeling" in MD is the best example I can think of. Now aesthetics is preferred to make people buy (or use for free in this case) the product. People are not tech savvy. They want good looks and GNOME nailed it imo. It's stunning. They even got me but I do care about aesthetics unfortunately. I'm a spoilt mass consumer. Eject me if you will.

accent color

Accent color taboo. Let's not talk about accent color.

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Why would I use a system that isn't supposed to change if I want to change it? It's just not for me and I don't want to waste my time reinstalling everything. And my opinion isn't completely proven without trying but I have theoretical knowledge.

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Everyone has an opinion on this. Won't argue with yours.

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Mint has user-friendly tools that are much better than Fedora's lack of tools and openSUSE's YAST for beginners.

I love the fact that it's optional.

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But I never saw architecture being in the name of the package that you actually type to install it.

I guess Mull uses Firefox user agent to reduce fingerprinting and the Mozilla website thinks it's fake Firefox because of it.

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I switched to Wayland after GNOME 46 release because it fixed the issues I had with it (artifacts and persistent display failures). Many people may still prefer X11 at least because of the lack of input latency on slow machines.