
97 Post – 1172 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Admin on the slrpnk.net Lemmy instance.

He/Him or what ever you feel like.

XMPP: povoq@slrpnk.net

Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.

Gnome works quite well on a larger touch-screen. Edit: ah, Ubuntu should have that by default.

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Installing Linux on most hardware became really easy maybe 5 years ago.

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Nothing specifically, just nice improvements cumulating over the years.

Well I guess !climate@slrpnk.net !energy@slrpnk.net and !technology@slrpnk.net are already quite well known.

!balconygardening@slrpnk.net and !inperson@slrpnk.net are kinda cool as well. In general have a look at our community list, we have some good ones that are at least reasonably active.

This is nonsense. They stepped down voluntarily because of unfounded accusations of such (and because they felt their time was better spend elsewhere than to deal with such community drama).

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They deleted an entire comment chain of nothing but off-topic brickering started by you being a grammar Nazi after they decided to be the adult in the room and fix the title you objected to.

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The title was perfectly understandable and they were the adult in the room by ultimately giving in and fixing what you complained about.

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This is nonsense. A small static website is not going to be hacked or DDOSd. You can run it off a cheap ARM single board computer on your desk, no problem at all.

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There is a special .iso archive for all past releases.

It's all transparent in the mod logs, you can form your own opinion.

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Don't leave SSH on port 22 open as there are a lot of crawlers for that, otherwise I really can't say I share your experience, and I have been self-hosting for years.

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Get a PicoPSU for automotive use (there are two varieties, one that needs stable 12v and another that can run directly off a battery with varying voltage).

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There is also an open-source alternative to this: https://github.com/matanui159/ReplaySorcery

Although it seems to be no longer actively maintained.

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Some people want to be able to reach their server via SSH when they are not at home, but yes I agree in general that is not necessary when running a real home server.

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They have been talking about how creators want to own their platform and I could imagine that they don't mind allowing a few such people to migrate off Threads to facilitate that. In the end what matters to them is that the large audience stays on their platform where they can serve them personalized advertisements.

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While I appreciate the efforts Valve puts into improving WINE/Proton, lets not forget that they are standing on the shoulders of giants and gaming with WINE was not that bad before the integration in Steam either.

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Central banks have a target inflation of about 2% and actively try to prevent deflation (much more so than inflation). In general moderate inflation is a good thing as it puts some pressure on keeping the money in circulation instead of hording it.

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Can we please not do Google amp links here? Real link: https://www.theregister.com/2023/08/12/veilid_privacy_data/

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Modern electronic music is the spiritual successor to classical music (and modern-day "classical" compositions are just rehashes).

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Most importantly:

It’s not a typical consultancy and much of its success comes from how different it is: “We are a worker-owned cooperative,” explains Brian Kardell, [...] “We have a flat structure. There are no bosses, there are no shareholders. It’s our lives, our company and we want to work on something that is valuable.”

They also currently have open applications for a very nice paid mentorship program: https://www.igalia.com/coding-experience/

@mrmanager@lemmy.today tagging users in the top post doesn't work. Only in comments.

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Maybe the best part of the FP5 that is talked about little is that the main SoC is not a consumer grade Qualcomm chip, but an industrial grade one that will get driver and firmware upgrades for a much longer time than the consumer ones.

In addition it is fairly similar to other slightly older Qualcomm chips that already have main-line Linux kernel support, so the prospects of running Mobian or PostmarketOS on it are quite good.

Very sensationalist head line.

If you read the paper, it is mostly that one well known Japanese instance that according to Japanese laws is mostly legal.

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The problem is that the lemmy.ml admins decided to bulk delete these posts from their database directly, which sadly doesn't federate out to other instances, and thus the only way to solve this is for other instances to also delete them directly in their database.

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Secretly behind the backs of the official community council and not many months later started to turn Gitea into an open-core product.

And they also demand a CLA from contributors now, which is directly against the idea of FOSS.

I was a bit sceptical about the justification of this fork in the beginning as well, but time has proven the Forgejo team to be sadly completely right.

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RSS and ATOM are just a way to format an XML file that can be downloaded from a server. There is nothing special about it otherwise and it is strictly one way as its just downloading a file.

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For all practical purposes Matrix is run by a private for profit and venture-capital funded company called Element / New Vector.

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That's not exactly what nomadic identity is about, although it can also help with that.

The way nomadic identity is implemented in Hubzilla for example is that you can have accounts on multiple servers and by importing a shared cryptographic identity into all of them, other servers know to treat them as a single entity. Once that is established you can log into your account on any of the linked servers and use it normally. But if a server goes down or you decide to delete your account on one, you can seamlessly continue to use everything from another linked server.

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Many people have not used XMPP in years or never and go by hearsay of outdated information.

Matrix on the other hand had several million Euros of venture-capital to fund a marketing campaign.

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Where have you been living the last 20 years? Facebook is a repeated offender.

Seems like I dodged a bullet by recently deciding for another company. Definitely on my permanent do-not-buy list now, thanks for letting us know that you do not want any customers, Haier 😑

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They directly hired people to work on it... how else would you describe "putting efforts into" when a company does it?

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On a side note: Gitea/Forgejo are also working on this and will probably get there first. Interoperability with Gitlab would be nice for sure.

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Radicle is a solution is search of a problem, while Forgejo is already a solid alternative to Github and once it federates via ActivityPub it will be really awesome.

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Hmm, and I was hoping Valve officially opened SteamOS to 3rd party vendors. A bit odd that they haven't done this yet.

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Valve should partner up with them for 1st party SteamVR support. It has good hardware and would be a good stop-gap replacement for the aging Index while Valve's next gen headset will still take some time to be released most likely.

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KDE connect is great, but how is this related to this community?

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It's a groupthink issue anyways. 3DSmax/Maya was the same for a long time, and "everyone" was saying Blender is not an alternative. And then some big companies switched to Blender and suddenly people stopped complaining about it. And while Blender did improve during that time, it did not improve so substantially that it really made all the difference.

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There are multiple IRC clients that render inline images just fine and also some very nice web clients that allow posting such images directly from the app.

The main problem of IRC is IMHO that the large networks refuse to implement most of the newer IRCv3 standards or alternatively provide multi-client bouncers to their users.

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