7 Post – 796 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The most active is probably the news community, ! with 80 active users per week according to the sidebar. I think a good portion of them are users on external instances.

If you understand Danish, any of the communities on should be interesting... But otherwise they probably aren't :P

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No, I've never really understood the point. I have bookmarks in my browser if I want to save something for later. I don't really need anything more fancy than that.

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Just hijacking the top comment to say that it has been suggested, just not implemented yet

... Fuck

Key word: At least

Does it though? You can still put up a fork somewhere else as long as you uphold the license right? Unless I guess in the case where the license explicitly disallows forks, but I don't think that's very common (can you even do that?).

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AFAIK most historians/scholars agree that Jesus was a real person (even if a lot of the Bible's claims about what he did are not true). But I'm not a historian. What are you basing your opinion on?

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Quality of the evidence matters. I'm personally not a historical expert on the topic and in such situations, I'm inclined to believe whatever the people who are experts say - and as far as I gather, most experts are in the "Jesus was a real historical person"-camp.

Okay now you made me curious, do you have any particular in mind? Sounds interesting

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How did they open cans before then?

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No, Firefox doesn't have bugs with your store. Your store has bugs.

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Musk has marketed it as the world’s “town square"

He says it so clearly here which makes me wonder how people don't realize it:

How fucked up would it be if your actual town square was owned by a private company?

A private company that is in control of who is allowed to talk and what they are allowed to say. A private company that even decides what you hear and see while walking the square. Meanwhile also shovelling ads in front of you while you try to find the people you actually want to engage with.

"Social" media owned by private corporations is not social. Such media is anti-social, corporate control of public spaces that ought to belong to the people, just like they mostly do in real life.

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You can't delete any text in comments or posts either - or at least not reliably, as any federated instance could choose to ignore deletions.

You should basically consider what you write or post here public, and probably public for good. But here's the thing - same goes for the entire rest of the Internet as well, basically.

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Whenever you see something like this, please just report the post as spam, block the user and petition your community moderators to recruit more mods, especially in other time zones.

Even better, volunteer as mod yourself.

Also please tell your admins to use an application rather than just the captcha - the captchas are easily broken.

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Remember the whole "if you aren't paying for the product, you are the product"?

It wasn't enough to turn you into a product. Now they also want to turn you into a resource. Farming your comments and posts to feed to an AI model.

What an economy we've built.

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It isn't about "winning". Lemmy can coexist with any Fediverse application, and that's the beauty of it. Everyone on the Fediverse wins.

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How can this guy just be so insanely cool, how is that even allowed

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I mean... He made www, HTML, URLs and HTTP. Literally everything you used to write your comment he was involved in. I'm sure he didn't do it entirely alone, we always build on what came before us. But it's not inaccurate to call him the inventor of the Web.

Also remember the Web is not the same as the Internet.

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In humans, we don’t usually castrate them because it throws their hormones out of whack

I think you're right, it also causes hormonal changes in animals. It's just that usually we see those hormonal changes as beneficial behavior changes, like lower aggression. So in part we do it on animals to affect their hormones deliberately. For instance castrated cats usually have a lower tendency to pee in the places they shouldn't.

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I mean... They're saying they can't transfer games from one account to another right? But you could just put your account details in your will and anyone could login to your steam account and access your games, right?

Sure would be nice if they had the feature. But I'm not sure it's such a big deal.

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If the solution to a problem is easy to check for correctness, must the problem be easy to solve?

For instance, it is easy to check if a filled sudoku grid is a valid solution. Must it therefore be easy to solve sudokus?

Most people would probably intuitively answer "no", and most computer scientists agree, but this has still not been proven, so we actually don't know.

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This sounds like software engineering in a nutshell.

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Thank you for your work. Consider recruiting more mods too, don't overburden yourselves!

Pump and dump. They sold all those shares to shareholders and they are going to answer to them now. They stopped listening to the users a long time ago. Enshittification is inevitable.

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Way ahead of you. What benefit is there even in federating with Threads? I tried looking at the front page and it's almost exclusively "ads as posts" or wannabe influencers trying to attract an audience.

Even wilder, most of the posts Threads show me on the front page have like, less than 10 replies. I saw one (1) post with close to 200 replies. Even the Fediverse has more engagement than this!

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Sounds like you need to go outside m8. Try doing something new. Maybe do something good for yourself, like exercising or reading a book.

Also you can block the meme comms and the news comms that don't interest you and then your feed might have some more interesting posts.

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The judge found that X Corp's argument exposed a tension between the platform's desire to control user data while also enjoying the safe harbor of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which allows X to avoid liability for third-party content. If X owned the data, it could perhaps argue it has exclusive rights to control the data, but then it wouldn't have safe harbor.

"X Corp. wants it both ways: to keep its safe harbors yet exercise a copyright owner’s right to exclude, wresting fees from those who wish to extract and copy X users’ content," Alsup wrote.

Seems like a sound judgement. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If Elon Musk wants to own the data, he must also be liable for it.

At its heart, the DMA requires more interoperability than ever, making it harder for gatekeepers to favor their own services or block other businesses from reaching consumers on their platforms.

Wow Google/Apple/etc. will actually have to compete instead of just having a de facto monopoly? But how could they ever earn money under such conditions /s

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You can be happy without a woman and without kids. As it turns out, it usually works best to be happy by yourself first, if companionship is what you want. Learn to love yourself before loving others. Keep trying.

That's the best I could do, hope it helps. Good luck to you.

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Your headaches are likely because of the pressure of the headphones onto the side of your head (clamp force). The headphones might be too small for your head.

Harmless radiation or negligible amounts of magnetism will not cause headaches.

I think matured reddit is literally correct. People here at least seem older.

However people here definitely are also of a certain group. Which is not too surprising - it's a certain demographic taken from Reddit, not a random subsample. This is not really a good thing.

People here also seem more extreme in their political opinions (as in, not very "usual" or "casual" political views). This makes discussions a bit one-sided and polarized... But then again political discussions on reddit have always been so nice and proper and productive in comparison right /s

However I also see a lot of reasonable people and a lot of hope. I see more politeness (mostly outside of any political stuff).

I also like that people have choices - choice of instance and choice of client for example.

There's some good and bad but for me it's basically reddit with a bit less activity and slightly different experience but not significantly so. I'm confident that more people will come over time and that will solve most issues. And the benefits will still be there by then.

If you think the Fediverse is about "winning", you've already failed to understand it.

The Fediverse is about choice. Some people will use X. Other people will use Y. Under the hood, both X and Y use the same protocols and they can communicate so everyone stays connected even when making different choices (if they choose to stay connected of course).

Nobody "wins"; everybody wins.

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Much like automated machinery, it could in theory free the workers to do more important, valuable work and leave the menial stuff for the machine/AI. In theory this should make everyone richer as the companies can produce stuff cheaper and so more of the profits can go to worker salaries.

Unfortunately what happens is that the extra productivity doesn't go to the workers, but just let's the owners of the companies take more of the money with fewer expenses. Usually rather firing the human worker rather than giving them a more useful position.

So yea I'm not sure myself tbh

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Dude was so preoccupied about whether he could, that he never stopped to think whether he should.

This is really sad.

Stop praying and just move to an instance that defederates with Threads. It's really not hard.

Imagine being early on coal phaseout instead of late.

Be like Slovakia.

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The kind of frightening thing is that anyone could start an instance on the Fediverse, collect all the posts and comments coming in as all instances usually do and then use it to do the same thing, and I'm not sure there's currently anything (legally or otherwise) stopping them.

But at least we have the option to defederate such an instance. If we can find out which ones do it...

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-, 2024

Never forget

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