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Joined 1 years ago

The only person on this planet who cracks denuvo :_D

She is a misandric, homophobic, transphobic, extremely irascible, conflictive, psychotic, rude, narcissistic, paranoid, conspiratorial, liar and a long etcetera that probably includes schizophrenia and drugs. Oh, and she has a cult, she is multifaceted ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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By "soldiers" do they also mean "forcibly conscripted men"?

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In this case there are several crimes, but in the other one mentioned about a korean there is nothing, only possession of generated content arguing that there is high realism (someone could say the same even of a sketch). To imprison for acts that have neither victims nor any harm either directly or indirectly, is more aberrant than possessing that.

PS: I'm just talking about legality and rights, I know it's controversial and I'm sure someone has something to argue against it, but if you're going to accuse me of being a pedo just get lost you moron.

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I think this is a shitpost of the highest order. If this appears to everyone (?) it adds nothing, and the crappy table is just astonishingly blatant cherry-picking.

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Fix the issues with wayland so that we are all able to use it, before forcing us to move for "our good".

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Prisons in russia are starting to look like revolving doors. Women get out if they choose to give birth, men if they choose to throw themselves into the meat grinder.

Companies like valve, but not valve, they deserve criticism but not this one. They have worked and invested a lot in open source projects for compatibility with windows apps and graphics performance in general.

Since videogames are very popular nowadays, their work and active support is really valuable to attract and retain users.

I will never choose system76, they are strictly murica-centric (until the name lol) and don't respect their potential customers from the rest of the world. Almost all of their laptops are simply clevo with another logo, but even then they don't deign to offer something as extremely basic as keyboards in other languages, even if they are available from their vendor.

Also, in the stores that preset linux there is usually a bad quality-price ratio, but system76 is particularly expert in this. Special mention to the mediocre mechanical keyboard (only for murica, obviously) they designed, 200-300$.

The only good thing I can currently say about them is that they have some open firmware (coreboot, basically), but it's not even that remarkable. Not only are there several companies in the competition that also do it, but it's even the case of tiny ones with a couple of employees like novacustom.

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I knew peertube but never used it before. I was very surprised to be able to watch 1080@60fps at x2 speed totally smoothly, while with youtube I have to reduce to 720@30fps and even then it still hogs the cpu.

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I would never have guessed that an app like signal would spend almost 20 million in salaries. I wonder what is the salary of the executives.

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I think the only relevant criticism I see is adding affiliate codes to urls (until they were caught).

The author also forgot the polemic of adding twitter and facebook trackers to the whitelist, and impersonating people in their ads. There are some interesting criticisms against brave, I don't understand why their detractors are obsessed with the CEO and crypto.

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I didn't see it, I guess ublock again saved my ass before I could realize it.

Why do people still give credibility to israel's statements? They are caught lying almost daily and on all important things.

Many zionists who are unhappy with facts that contradict their narrative, I guess.

Second-class citizens. Almost all palestinians do not even have the right to vote, and even those who do have fewer rights.

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The ability of kbin to add notes to users is quite useful. I realize how often the biggest inhuman barbarities are always said by the same scum.

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They didn't kick out that minority who ran racist businesses, they kicked out all the 288k people who reneged on their "duty" to go kill ukrainians and die for putin's aspirations.

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They say they will let in "more" humanitarian aid, and from the standards they have shown so far, I am not optimistic that people will stop starving.

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The problem is that this also takes a heavy toll on ukraine and requires a lot of external support. This new phase of the war could be seen as unprofitable, cutting off at least some of that support.

They successfully applied the gnome design guidelines.

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Read by almost no one, it is interesting because in many countries contracts are considered invalid if one of the parties is not properly informed and still accepts, affirmative consent is legally crucial.
Everyone knows that EULAs violate it systematically, tens or hundreds of millions a day, but it doesn't seem to be a matter of interest.

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It's a bit of the same old story.

Israeli settlers: Dangerous terrorists attacking law enforcement, must be repressed without reservation.

Rest of the world: Kids throwing pebbles at an armored vehicle because they hate those who killed or screwed over many of their acquaintances, without even a scratch or hindering their work.

They also reaffirmed and spread the hoax of the beheaded babies, even when the IDF had already denied it.

and follows closest with my political views (I value free software(...)), which Fedora Silverblue is one of the few that provides.

Reading this, anyone would think that red had is not in the middle of a controversy for violating the GPL license.

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  • Hibernation into swap files backed by Btrfs are now supported.

So, with btrfs on ssd, is there any use case for a swap partition?

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Anonchatgpt should stop being recommended, it really sucks. It has a VERY strict character limit, immediately forget/ignore the context, requires recaptcha, and the "anon" part of the name is obviously fake if you read the privacy policy.

Some of the things I have written down, are mostly old so if anything is missing or needs correction, please let me know:

They have shady origins, no one knows who they are or where they came from, but they did it with enough funds to quickly expand a large worldwide network of servers and an endless aggressive advertising campaign everywhere.

Misleading advertising, from saying they are the best in the world to adding countdowns to get an offer that restarts when clearing cookies.

They were hacked and tried to hide it for a very, very long time.

Their app on mac pings google every 20 seconds. The android app is riddled with trackers. They use a myriad of integrated google services.

They do not offer open source or audited apps.

If you cancel the auto-renewal of the service, you lose many secondary services and they charge you weeks before the end of the subscription.

In short, they are the kind of company that screams that they don't deserve anyone's trust, and that's a big problem for a VPN. I suggest mullvad, they have a long history of good practices, are privacy activists and are backed by companies like mozilla.

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Yet, they have never stopped trying.

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Even hamas, whose morals are conspicuous by their absence, has qualms about kidnapping children. Also to women, but as usual men can only be either potential threats or disposable resources.

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What a surprise, the government of the country that legally discriminates against non-jews and has an ongoing genocide, being a bigot.

Followed by the misandric pivot.

For a data disk? Absolutely, even if you're not going to configure anything, you can copy inside the partition instantly and detect the bitrot.
If you're willing to step it up a notch, there's also cool stuff like transparent compression, deduplication and incremental send/receive of entire subvolumes.

How hard do you have to search to find these x11 fanboys? Because whenever this topic comes up, the only detractors I see are users who complain because they can't use wayland for various reasons.

On the other hand those on the other extreme are easier to find, as they always celebrate x11 users (willingly or not) getting screwed; so toxic.

I'm a bit confused to see that the hate falls entirely on ubuntu. Isn't the change in the ppa of mozillateam, owned by mozilla?

Edit: It seems that mozillateam is actually ubuntu.

I don't like wasting space or having to predict how much space I'll be using two years from now, so I prefer the minimum of partitions: efi, boot, and system(luks), with a btrfs subvol for /, home, and swapfile.

There is a war of misinformation and propaganda (on both sides), the " I've heard" are especially worthless.

Could you clarify what you would do in cases like this? Censor based on misinterpretation of the clickbait headline, even if it does not contain hate content at all?

IGG is very toxic website that has a history of adding various types of malware (both web and games), including cryptominers.
It's higher on that list, even though for some reason it only highlights the (barely coherent) silliness that it has DRM.

I'm not know the nosteam website, it's odd that they mention it on the list but it's not listed.

The easiest way to appreciate the progress of both would be to go to some timelapse on youtube, like this one.

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I guess there is no need for further commentary on why the strict moderation of a "safe space"/walled garden cannot keep up with the growth of such an open space as activitypub.

So in response to the title, I would think this is fantastic news! You say your principle is "be nice", which I think is great and I wish it was the general norm, but from what I've seen and heard it would be more like "you better think like us, because we aggressively enforce political correctness and ideological censorship". It would be a pity to lose its users, but I simply hate to end up on beehaw by mistake and would be happier to see it disappear.

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