Denuvo Unveils New Tech That Will Make It Easier for Devs to Track Down Leakers to – 83 points –
Denuvo Unveils New Tech That Will Make It Easier for Devs to Track Down Leakers - IGN

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Everyting to safeguard the broken IP system.

So you're saying you are in favour of free guns for everyone?

Edit: /s for cthulhu's sake

I found a troll! Nice.

I‘m saying the IP system is broken and more drm isnt the solution, shocker I know.

We need to break up giant companies (999 mil+) and we will break up ip trolls as well.

Ok just to clarify I was indeed trolling in the sense that it was a joke. Judging from the downvotes it was too early and too subject to Poe's law.

And to expand I also believe current IP laws are a very bad joke.