0 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Finally, some meaningful reform!

Oh I'm getting lit either way

That is a mighty fine stick gun!

It's somewhat specific to someone with my type of background; namely growing up in a family of young-Earth creationist, fundamentalist Christians, and learning that things like science and evolution are lies from Satan.

At some point curiosity got the better of me and I realized I didn't even know what evolution even is, so I read up a bit about it. Then a bit more. You know, this actually kind of makes sense. Eventually the rabbit hole led to the existence of God. I remember watching a bunch of debates and expecting the most learned representatives of our Christian tradition to make some really great arguments. And... they... never... did.

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For one, it sounds like they oppose corrupt courts, so that's a plus!

I'm down with scraping, but "parses HTML with regex" has got me fucked up.

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I never get these things where people are like "ah ha, we outsmarted the company by using an undocumented* feature they provide!" But like, they control the feature and they know it exists, you're not getting away with something.

* or sometimes even documented

I'm just pleased to see so many comments talking about dealing with your phone before you drive. Thank you all.

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Run Microsoft Excel

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She discovered she was trans. Note that the friend was referred to as "he" in the first post, then the second post was "...what happened to her." Additionally, 90% of her friends were apparently trans already because she gravitated to them because either consciously or subconsciously she recognized their common experience.

Being a child with an ear infection, rather than take me to a doctor to get antibiotics, my parents had my grandmother come over to pray for me and she told me that Jesus was my physician. I just remember wondering why my physician wasn't fucking doing anything about it.

Man, I read these comments and I can relate to so many of them. But honestly, this year, nothing. We've recently moved to an area that's more healthy for our family. I have a partner who's not abusive. My kids and myself are getting the mental healthcare that we need. It's snowy outside! We have a Christmas tree and presents! It was not amazing; there was nothing over the top or spectacular. But there was nothing bad. Damn, that feels nice.

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lol you're all over the board

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You make some decent points. But I think the problem with this post and basically all of the comments is overgeneralization.

Like, right you shouldn't sing about rimjobs in Denny's at 10:30am (since you said you're an old person, I assume this is where and when you have lunch).

The image in this post starts with "but I call everyone dude" which can reasonably be interpreted as a response to someone objecting to being called "dude". If you insist on calling someone something that they've told you they don't like, then you're an asshole.

Then the text of this post strays off from that a bit. You don't need to prejudge people and ask them certain questions based on what those people usually prefer. Go about your life, be excellent to each other, and when someone shares something about themselves with you be considerate about it.

There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.

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Your comment has nothing to do with the comment you are replying to.

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I just discovered him a couple months ago, and basically just yes, this is the level of detail that I need.

Edit: also, I've wanted a heat pump since I was a kid, so, ya know..

I guess need is debatable, but lube makes it better anyway. Why wouldn't you want lube?

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It amazes me when I spin up some random server on a cloud provider and it's immediately getting tons of traffic from bots searching for insecure ssh servers and default WordPress admin credentials and then like. If that's the short of stuff they're counting, I'd believe it. But yeah, it's not like all the commenters on this post are bots.

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I don't actually know all that much about it, but the anarchists that I know are all about communities and mutual support and stuff. So I guess they think government is bad and communities supporting each other is good.

Personally I wonder what they'd call it when a community gets really good at providing a particular type of support and they agree to pool their resources to efficiently provide said support to all members of the community.

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Nearly everything, TBH. You just gotta decide which things are important to you. Like, do you do a lot of working on cars? Spend some good money on tools - totally worth it. Tinker with something once every couple of years? Cheaper tools will get the job done, and maybe last several years at that rate.

This is true of your blender too, honestly. I don't blend stuff often and don't really care, a cheap blender is fine for me. Anyone who likes blended stuff and uses it often? Totally worth getting something really good.

My parents always told me the "truth" about Christmas: it's Jesus' birthday, and Santa Claus is a lie from the devil meant to turn you away from God.

I grappled with this question for awhile as a young parent. A thing that I noticed about kids is that they are great at make-believe, and they will get endless enjoyment from things that they made up themselves.

So I gave them presents "from Santa", I filled stockings on Christmas Eve, etc., and we all knew we were playing the Christmas game together. I don't think there was any lack in wonder or enjoyment.

I also made sure that they knew that some folks take it really seriously and believe Santa is real and everything, and that's really none of your business so just play along and don't ruin it for them.

I hope no one ever seriously uses that, because he suggested it himself.

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It probably doesn't help that a lot of things will take your emoticons and automatically convert them into emojis for you. Like you type :-) and it changes it to 🙂 without even asking. I've run into this in a lot of chat clients.

"But family is so important!" You go talk to them then, or go fuck yourself, IDC.

There have been many instances when I've told someone how crazy people in my family are, and then even if they believed me, after they met them they're like "OMG I had no idea it was that bad."

You have to know that there are some extremely shitty people in the world. Sometimes, those people are someone's family.

I can't speak for OP but I think in general the idea that "landlords shouldn't exist" or whatever doesn't just stop at eliminating rentals. There is more than enough housing in the US to house everyone here (and probably the world? if not, there's enough resources to build housing for everyone), and it seems unjust to let people be homeless or exploit their need for shelter due to artificial scarcity.

I like to think that most of us could agree that everyone deserves the dignity of having shelter regardless of what luck life has dealt them, even if we can't immediately agree on how.

I really enjoyed the colorful way that you expressed "more than once".

I think the key there was "water resistant", suggesting the substance is used in the additives to make it resist getting rinsed off.

I tried that once. I died.

A few months ago I was doing dishes and for some reason thought about my age and I literally couldn't remember if I'd hit 50 yet. Had to do the math to remember I'm 45 and that's quite a ways off. That's an outlier for sure, but yeah I forget.

It just doesn't come up often. There are fewer ands fewer markers. Before your 20s you've got hitting double digits, becoming a teenager, sweet 16, becoming an "adult", then not being a teenager any more. In your 20s you've got becoming an adult again (and maybe being able to drink if 21 is your drinking age), and then maybe saving money on insurance at 25 if that even matters to you. Then nothing. You might demarcate 30, but nothing really changes. In many senses now it's "just a number" and the individual increments fail to matter. There's no differential reinforcement to remembering where you are on the number line.

Are you saying id-gaff or I-D-G-A-F?

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It wasn't huge in terms of actual numbers, but it still feels like my biggest win. I bought my first car for like $750. It needed some work, but I fixed it up. Before long, I crashed it. It was totalled. But, it was a 1973 Dodge Charger. I started pulling parts off of it and selling them on this new thing called eBay, and by the time I ran out of parts, I had made more than twice what I bought the car for.

We are all Elon on this blessed day.

I've occasionally had success restoring a network connection with troubleshooter. Generally if you switch between Ethernet and WiFi, Windows will get confused, but the troubleshooter will turn the network devices off and on which gets it back. I find it's easier to turn off the device I'm not using, but if that's too complicated for someone usually "run the troubleshooter" works.

The Wizard of Oz didn't help things either.

Can AI (whatever you personally are an expert in) do better than the real thing?

I'm fairly certain that the evil twin is the one on this side, that's what's really disconcerting.

I got a bunch of different kinds of boxer briefs a few years ago, and I learned from that experience that there is a WIDE variety of quality and fit in this category. They really shouldn't chafe or let your balls stick to your thigh, if they do I'd highly recommend trying a different brand or fit or whatever.

No it's not!

I tend to think of it like a garbage disposal. If you can't dispose of your garbage, you gotta keep it somewhere. Except most things probably don't check if it exists or have a backup plan, so they'll just crash.

Except that's not what "backed by" means. It consumes energy. You can never exchange cryptocurrency to get the energy that it consumed back.