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Joined 12 months ago

Good points. However, I would argue that the DNC would absolutely fuck up picking a new nominee. They would pick some “centrist” unlikeable democrat that would try to appeal to a moderate middle that just doesn’t exist. They would run a flaccid campaign and manage to piss off everybody trying to appeal to everybody. Republicans would absolutely capitalize on the chaos.

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That Supreme Court decision will be the embarrassment of our generation. Even though the constitution says nothing about a conviction, they’ll say that without a conviction he won’t reach the threshold of “insurrection.” Or maybe they’ll conveniently redefine the word insurrection. Or maybe they’ll say he didn’t technically “engage.” The possibilities are endless if you decide the verdict first and work your way back creating a legal justification.

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If you figure each engineer costs apple $250,000 a year, that’s the equivalent of 250 engineers. Could you imagine what apple could accomplish with 5 extra engineering departments? In what world is this one guy worth that much?

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The thing that kills me about this sort of thing is the complete lack of accountability. Working class people at assembly plants, dealers, suppliers will all feel the sting from the drop in sales. There’s some dipshit MBA at GM who made and pushed this decision. Any rational person could see that GM is not is a position to push their own infotainment system. Car play and android auto are beloved. Not having one or both is a deal breaker for new car purchasers. We will never know who this person is. Making such an outrageously bad business decision should result thing this person being blackballed from any kind of business role. But that will never happen.

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She isn’t hated by the far left any more than any other neo-lib.

She’s hated because she needed to retire decades ago. Senate Judiciary confirmations have completely stalled because she hasn’t been healthy enough to attend hearings. Trump stacked federal judgeships with unqualified partisan hacks and democrats have been unable to respond. The senate needs her vote to maintain their majority, and her health issues effectively loses the democrats majority. She is clearly senile and confused at all of her recent public appearances.

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They are moving away from “Both Sides” and starting “Biden supports genocide.” It’s just a new way for below average people to think they’re smarter than everyone else.

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Almost $80,000 per daily user?

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I challenge anyone who says sugar isn’t addictive to go a week without. No sugar. No sugar substitutes like fructose. I’ve done it. It is awful.

I’ve also done hard drugs. Quitting those are awful too.

The difference is that I haven’t done drugs in decades but I still have a pack of Oreos on my counter.

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Same statement except he should say that it would be legal for him to kill 6 Supreme Court justices.

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Every dealership in my area has their markup at least the amount of the tax credit. More than a few have exactly the tax credit. Tax credits are supposed to help steer the market, they’re not a handout to pointless middleman.

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Don’t worry office creeps who make unwanted advances towards coworkers, LinkedIn has your back. A new harassment platform for a new age.

In what world would it ever be ok for a Supreme Court justice to buy and sell individual stocks?

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I was a nuclear operator in the Navy. Here are the actual reasons:

  1. The designs are classified US military assets
  2. They are not refuleable
  3. They only come in 2 “sizes”: aircraft carrier and submarine
  4. They are not scaleable. You can just make a reactor 2x as big
  5. They require as much down time as up time
  6. They are outdated
  7. The military won’t let you interrupt their supply chain to make civilian reactors
  8. New designs over promise and underdeliver
  9. They are optimized for erratic operations (combat) not steady state (normal power loads)
  10. They are engineered assuming they have infinite sea water available for everything

There’s more but that’s just off the top of my head

Same story as everyone else. Bought pre-covid, refinanced, now sitting pretty. We desperately want to move, but I would have to make like $50k more a year for the same quality of life.

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Whenever if feel uncool for being old I just remember that I wasn’t cool when I was younger either, so I’ve lost nothing.

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Just like the letter I got from trump with my pitiful little stimulus check. Did the asshole have the nerve to sign the checks too?

I seriously doubt Trump actually picked his SC nominees. Some aid probably presented him with a list of three names and he picked the coolest sounding ones. They are Federalist Society judges, not MAGA republicans. They don’t give a shit about protecting Trump (except maybe the one with a huge conflict of interest)

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We are in the “technically the rule book doesn’t say that a dog can’t play basketball” stage.

So now he’s claiming that he had presidential immunity before he was president too?

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Sheltered suburb bitches are crazy.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. I peeked in on Reddit yesterday, the first post was some creep trying to find his step aunt’s Only Fans site. Advertisers are sure to love that.

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It was a ballot initiative for an amendment. It was presented directly to voters. It was written so that voters could understand it.

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Cool. Another dipshit hanging out in a hostile nation gets pinched. Now it will cost the US another arms dealer or spy to get them back.

Exactly. Hell, even suggesting direct involvement in another unwinable middle eastern war would be political suicide. Of course someone who’s entire profession is war is all about war.

Start getting your games repo’d

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I never realized all this but it’s so true. I browse and comment until I’m caught up, then log off.


“Thiel, Johnson said, was directed by the FBI not to report on his interactions with Donald Trump or other US political figures.”

Missing a huge piece of information in the title and article: were they at least halfway across? Uniformed military members cannot cross the boarder conducting operations. As fucked as this situation is, Texas conducting military operations on Mexican soil is a whole lot worse. Given the tone of the article and the fact that they didn’t say, leads me to believe they were not on US soil and the guardsman could not do anything.

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In a way this is throwing the entire organization under the bus to avoid personal accountability. Let’s see how that works out. Yeah, the salary accountants that have nothing to gain from inflating our real estate values tricked me into enriching my family by getting me to sign papers I didn’t read. Sure buddy.

Unless I’m interpreting it wrong, are they purposely putting together flimsy unwinable lawsuits so that they can say, “well the courts already decided?”

That’s what most people fail to realize about the us elections. Literally nothing matters but voter turnout. Every election with high turnout goes to democrats. You’re not going to convince any Trump supporters to suddenly vote Biden. It’s Biden vs voter apathy, not Biden vs trump. Republicans know this, that’s why they are always pushing the “both-sides” bs. Having abortion and pot on the ballot make Florida very winnable.

It’s Forbes.

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Isn’t what specific classified documents irrelevant to the charges? The question is whether or not trump retained classified documents after leaving the presidency. Unless the defense is going to argue that in the documents kept, none of it was actually classified, this is a dead end. Why should they get months to review trumps stockpile? It makes sense for the prosecutor to review the documents and select specific ones to establish him violating the espionage act. What would the defense expect to submit from the pile? Literally the entire pile of documents only serve to prove their clients guilt.

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As former enlisted Navy let me say this. Every officer thinks they’re captain Picard. That they can just say, “make it so” and somehow all of this impossible shit will just happen. Contractors will never work themselves out of a job. Most sailors are fuckups who join because they couldn’t put a life together in the real world. It is literally a billion dollar mess. The train wreck of the LCS program really highlights all these issues.

That’s what kills me about this whole thing too. No one is talking about this. Rules without enforcement are just suggestions. Any meaningful enforcement mechanism will either have an impossibly high threshold or be inevitable be weaponized.

An “ethics code” is a deflection from the real issue. Thomas must be impeached and removed. Any talk about an ethics code is distracting from the fact that the mechanisms we do have are not being used.

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It also helps paint homosexuality as some perverted kink

My wife has an affected model, but a push to start version. Getting insurance was fine. They did call to verify that it was the push to start before they finalized the policy, though.

Hobby CNC

You can get a little table top router and some simple software for a couple hundred bucks. You can go deep into it. Building a custom machine, writing your own post processor, dialing in you CNC to insane levels of accuracy and precision, adding a 4th axis, engineering parts and projects, it goes on. It basically combines robotics, design engineering, and manufacturing engineering all in one hobby.

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Exactly. Not only is McCarthy not completely insane, but supporting him would drive a further wedge between fiscal conservatives and MAGA nuts. Democrats get credit for being reasonable and keeping congress running, they hurt McCarthy by making him out to be a RINO who deals with democrats, they make MAGA representatives look even more unreasonable, and they defang MAGA nuts by removing their ability to threaten McCarthy with removal.

It reminds me of subways five dollar footlong. They made a slogan so piecing and effective that they can’t escape it. Every time I go to subway I notice how much more a sub costs than the five dollars it used to be and every time I hear “pro-life” I think of a very “particular” kind of person.