3 Post – 753 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ironically it makes you seem rather young to think remembering this makes you old

Haha yes, good joke, by the way, have you seen these new fangled automobiles? They'll never replace the good old fashioned horse and carriage. I also hear some Austrian dickhead is making moves in Germany - hope it doesn't spark another war. Anyway, I'm off to beat my wife and suppress my emotions, because it's apparently 1920.

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Dang, he really ruined his chances with nearly 40 women all at once

"Of course she was, she looked like you"

C'mon dude. You already set this up.

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A true Mongol would call it Ulaanbaatar

Do you have any advice for my son? He's grieving my late husband who was killed for being bald and gay.

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All these people complaining about the strictness of labels clearly didn't read the bar at the bottom.

Labels are not boxes, they're communication tools that can evolve over time.

In other words - they're not rules, they're guidelines!

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Cool, but i don't intend to give money to anything that supports the Queen of TERFdom

57 more...

The actual scene

And I would just like to say: yes, if you are offended, your feelings are valid. Whether people respect them or not is a different story. You're not entitled to respect for your feelings, but on the other hand, you're also not entitled to be a dick about people's feelings and claim you're just being rational and logical.

When you mock people for being offended and emotional, you are also being emotional: you're feeling very, very smug.

I also find it rather... interesting... that this comic reframes Dr Pulaski as the offended party, rather than Data, as it was in the original. I do sure wonder if there's anything about Dr Pulaski that a certain segment of the population would identify as emotional and irrational.

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What exactly does the "No one: " accomplish, here?

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Where is 6 hours defined as the "bare minimum"? Can't find a source backing that claim up

That's enough time for not only many things to be done, but to be done well

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Beanie only covering the crown:

Central banker

Sorry, seemed like the meme was going that way. Deactivating Hitler mode.

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Hard men create easy times.

Easy times create soft men.

Soft men create hard times.

Hard times create hard men.

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I'm British and I say y'all fairly often. It just rolls off the tongue.

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"That part" must have happened entirely in your head, mate

That is a win in their perspective. For those types, sex is something a woman lets her man do to her. Her pleasure is not even secondary, it isn't even a consideration.

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There doesn't even seem to be any info of the kid's alleged crime.

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No, it's a different point

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Another thought that occurs is that it shows there is literally no path where they accept the immigrant - they're upset if immigrants work, and they're upset if they don't. It literally just comes down to hating immigrants, and they work backwards from there to find reasons.

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Also butted heads with a receptionist last year when my client was literally experiencing congestive heartfailure and she wanted to schedule him like 1.5 months out to see his specialist about having a defibrillator implanted. I said it was unacceptable and said he needed to be added to the emergency openings I know the providers reserve. She got a look on her face and said "But I need to get provider approval for that.." I told her "I think you better talk to the doctor then."

Specialist eventually came over to scheduling and asked what was going on. The receptionist said what we wanted and asked if she would approve it, with a real dismissing inflection. The specialist said "Oh my god, yeah of course he's approved for the emergency list.."

I'm not sure I understand what happened here. Was this all just because the receptionist didn't want to ask for approval because it seemed like a hassle?

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This actually perfectly demonstrates the problem with calling women "females".

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She said: “I was wondering if it would be possible to perhaps make a request that members of departments think about their communication to councillors a little bit better. "

This is also peak Britishness. The amount of hedging in that sentence. It's so indirect it almost misses.

"Wondering", "possible", "perhaps", "request", "think about", "little bit".

Why do so many people think left vs right is government vs no government? It's fucking baffling. You think leftists just love the government? Just... why?? Who told you that? Why do you believe them?

"So long as the state exists there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state."

So much love for state, here...

I'll tell you something that might shock you. I'm pretty much a communist. I also hate the state. Does that confuse you? It shouldn't!

8 more...

How the fuck do you accidentally add popups

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I'm 29 and only half of that sentence is readable to me

Oh god it's happening to me

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It would be a hell of a reason to switch DE, but KDE has a clipboard taskbar item. It remembers all your copies (until you clear the list), and you can click on an item to bring it back.

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Wtf are you trying to say

Okay, is there another meaning to G spot I haven't heard of, other than the sensitive interior counterpart to the clitoris? Because it seems very strange to have such a morose reaction to that.

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Their faces scare me

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Her existence as a teacher is tacit approval of her side gig by the school. Her existence in the classroom promotes it as a viable career.


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This is funny and all, but the original is fascist af.

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I'm a beautiful woman

Low self esteem

Something just isn't adding up, here.

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What a fucking bizarre attitude to have when working in healthcare. Laziness in that area can cause deaths.

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What far left organisations? And how are they indoctrinating children?

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Maybe you misunderstood...? I didn't say attractive people can't have self-esteem issues. I'm saying people with self-esteem issues generally don't say "I'm a beautiful person". They generally say "I'm ugly and unlovable".

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They only said the government were capable of doing it, not that they would be motivated by pure benevolence

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I'm an amateur game developer. It's very, very rare I actually get to meet someone else who's into it. Everyone else is either overly impressed, thinking I'm some genius making COD or GTA in my spare time (I am definitely not), or some combination of thinking I'm lying/complete disinterest. It makes me quite sad to see that programming is still relatively niche.

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Or maybe, god forbid, there's actually a lot to say on the subject

But go off, this clearly touches a nerve for you

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Such a rigid view of life man

Here's a crazy idea: decouple work from personal survival. People will work just as much, and live easier.

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These do not contradict whatsoever. The words can have precise meanings without people precisely defining themselves by them. Sheer pedantry. Also, the ending statement does not say the words "mean whatever you want". That's just you lying.