2 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Keto vegan?

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Wish i had access to such cheap hardware. Companies in my country use them till it gets junked and most refurbishers sell for maybe 20% less than brand new but with significanly reduced warranty.

They meant gain wealth like apple founders or any other big tech. Believe he derives a salary from Linux foundation for his work. I don't imagine that being anything comparable to owning large percentage of a tech company.

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Depends on the license you have. Also they are termed as suggestions/recommendations.

And have something worth loosing on gheir PC. Many professional software users using cracks may worry of losing their work files which could be easily backed up.

As long as they dont have their financials or personal information thats worth stealing, the cost saving of the pirated software is worth infection, which at max needs a fresh install.

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You should be putting them onto CDs. Lets you have cool covers to recognise them how old it is.

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Does ytd work well? Many streaming sites I try prevent downloading via ytd.

Especially those using HLS m3u8 to serve videos and shown as blob content. Only addon that seem to work in most of the streamers is

Even this is a bit buggy in that it would stop working after downloading 4-6 vids and i need to restart the browser. Annoying but works when getting a direct video URL or ytd fails.

Equating Android and desktop linux isnt very accurate. Terminal on android is very limited compared to linux. Many common softwares are still installed with commands and occasionally need maintenance and most are done via commands.

Recently helped a few setup ubuntu as dual boot. Installation isnt always smooth and most accompanying software stores are buggy or dont have many commonly used softwares.

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This fixed it. Commented the crypttab entry and no more wait on boot. Thanks for your time and the clear instructions to follow. Much appreciated.

Thats a pretty wild claim given how most OS have default encryptions enabled or atleast available. Also file encryption is a thing.

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Tried checking for systemd-boot config file to look for resume=.

This is the most relevant config file I found and didn't find resume on it. Am I looking at the right place ?

❯ sudo cat /boot/efi/loader/entries/Pop_OS-current.conf 
title Pop!_OS
linux /EFI/Pop_OS-f5a850fb-0b54-49f7-b84c-09d05b7d910e/vmlinuz.efi
initrd /EFI/Pop_OS-f5a850fb-0b54-49f7-b84c-09d05b7d910e/initrd.img
options root=UUID=f5a850fb-0b54-49f7-b84c-09d05b7d910e ro quiet loglevel=0 systemd.show_status=false splash

And yes the disk repair was only one off. Didn't get it subsequent boots.

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Ran that command and rebooted. Still have the delay.

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I ain't no peta.

That shouldn't be uknown as its ubuntu based. The previous ones Ive used was debian based. It was pretty much stock with some wallpaper and basic customization. Also in most cases never updated.

Might as well call linux the most polluting OS. It props up old inefficient systems with high TPW and takes longer to complete tasks. Whereas microsoft and apple makes sure their users are on the latest efficient hw. Maybe a bit offset by the ewaste but who cares, Apple and MS are out savingy the earth.

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That reminded of the shitty cam print of Iron Man 1. Started from the Humvee scene a minute before getting blown off. 20-30% was dark or pointed at floor for whatever reason. Godawful audio.

Thought it was a shitty movie halfway though and stopped. Got a good print after Iron man 2 released and faithfully watched all marvel release, many in cinemas, till Infinity war. Now its all available on Disney+ and I won't watch the new ones after it.

Not sure about the colonial mindset or the caste practices of centuries but Indian culture is extremely hierarchial in almost all facets of life. Elders, seniors, higher officials, etc all expect to be respected even if it is just one year difference, etc.

One of the ways to show respect it to not use names and call as sir,madam, teacher, officer or at best elder brothers/sisters for college seniors. All this works well in the regional languages of India but sounds weird in English.

Directly calling names of elders is still seen as bad and if needed would use their name appended with sir madam uncle aunt etc.

This is less practiced in IT field in my experience. After years of schooling and college calling my teachers sir and maam it was hard to shake off the habit. A few of my managers had to remind me a bunch of times to call them by their name and not as sir / maam in the beginning. Even then I avoidedcallintg out their names and just started speaking to get their attention. Now I almost call everyone by name by default in office setting. It is still fun when freshers join and are asked to use names of 15+ year elders and them wondering if we are joking.

Follow the other comment or, open the 'App Info' of default YT app (by holding dorn on the app icon). Goto 'open by default'. In 'Open supported links' choose 'Dont allow app to open links'. For Revanced follow above and set it to 'Allow app topen supported links'. The supported links should already be availablefior revanced.

Or you can set 'Ask everytime' for both and chose when opening an URL.

Have commented out the line in /etc/fstab

❯ swapon -a
❯ swapon -s
Filename				Type		Size		Used		Priority
/dev/zram0                              partition	16777212	0		1000

Though it says /dev/zram0 and not my old swap partition, I believe this is still seeing the old swap ?

As a supposed technical person, I am ashamed of myself of how long it took me to download the ISO for my VM. Its like 7clicks from homepage into increasingly more information rich site to get their full iso. Originally I browsed through a bunch of pages before realising where it was.

TBF their netinstall iso is available in just two clicks but I was too stuborn to get the full iso.

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Arch always can never not include violence.

And where those are illegal or prohibitively expensive you have people either traveling to less regulated countries or even straight up illegal operations.

Eg., black market transplants.

Not free. Only free to upgrade to.

Also can use !! and do a space at any place to bring in last command. Not used much as you could just do an up arrow but helps if you edit around a lot and experimenting with a cli tool or command.

What makes it not a democracy ?

a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy").

Going by wikipedia, India fits in as a representative democracy. None of the elections are contested despite widespread corruptions. Its pretty much assumed all major parties do so and thus in a level field.

Where most have issue is:

Features of democracy often include freedom of assembly, association, property rights, freedom of religion and speech, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights, freedom from unwarranted governmental deprivation of the right to life and liberty, and minority rights.

India has some level of trouble with almost all of those. Both in past as well as some ongoing.

A large part of the reason is all available government choices are shitty in some sense or other. Modi is bad but so was their opposition. India didn't start having these issues magically the day modi came to power. In that sense many blaming him ignore how deep rooted these problamatic views are in general soceity (at least in some areas and communities).

My point is that the many issues pointed here stems from a deeper problem and exists despite India being a democracy not because it isn't. Infact if it was nearly as authoritarian as many claim, it would have plunged into greater chaos.

Didn't mean he wasnt earning well. Just clarified what the original comment meant.

I am a bit apprehensive about messing with the partition any more than I already have. A delay on a weekly boot isn't so much of an issue but wanted to make sure this wasn't something thats waiting to fail.

At least until I backup all my data I'll try above over the weekend when I would have time to reinstall if I mess it up.

Might be I am biased from past when i had very slow unreliable internet. Also since it was for a VM I would be installing it a few times so better to have the full iso.

( Like mentioned m3u8 ) Video streams are often not easily downloadable with just default browser options. You have to dig into the network connection, hope the site doesn't block you, get the mentioned file and pass it to a tool like yt-dlp to finally get the video file.

The other option is to use extensions like IDM, etc. which do the above for you.

I guess killing off millions does save the planet some pollution. But thats not a very ideal way of pollution control, is it?

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It clearly states what he did and on what he was prosecuted. How is it one sided? It doesn't quote people from either side but rather states facts presumably from court filings.

If you want arguments on how this is bad or why such things shouldn't be prosecuted, look for an opinion piece. Thats not the job for every news reporting.

It does in recent times. My laptop came pre installed with win 11 and office home 2021(i think).

All i had to do was click activate to link the key to my email account. It showed up as a notification on first login.

Even if not activated it still would open files with that warning.

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It came preinstalled.

I thought that we were already there.

Since when has love been free?

Signed up for Ubuntu free CD. Got 10.04 LTS. Was such an improvement from vista on a core 2 duo and 3gb ddr2. Only moved complete to linux in 2019 after years of tinkering with couple RPis and getting the hang of using linux.

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Seems nice but has no folder or organisational feature. Seems its just a large dump of photos.

Why is scooby reference a bad move?

On reboot, the delay is still present. The line #/dev/mapper/cryptswap none swap defaults 0 0 is commented out in /etc/fstab.

But it does wait 90s for the partition like you have mentioned. What do I edit to fix this ? That UUID is not in the fstab file.

You could replace that domain with . These are typically custom self-hosted frontends for youtube.

Most have the google tracking and analytics removed while others do a bunch more.