Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW to – 1451 points –

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Equating Android and desktop linux isnt very accurate. Terminal on android is very limited compared to linux. Many common softwares are still installed with commands and occasionally need maintenance and most are done via commands.

Recently helped a few setup ubuntu as dual boot. Installation isnt always smooth and most accompanying software stores are buggy or dont have many commonly used softwares.

Endeavour + pamac > Ubuntu + snaps

Cant comment on endeavour as I've not used it. Not fan of snaps either and go for deb when on ubuntu. Now pop doesnt even have snaps by default.

Only reason I might install snap is becos I want to try microk8s and not setup a full on k8s cluster.

There is also Nix package manager that people can have fun with

Are you saying i can try microk8s via kix rather than snap? If so more reason to learn and setup nix manager.

Apparently not, they aren’t deploying it any other way

It’s a shame but I guess it’s canonical