
96 Post – 1188 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Wish I knew this a few months ago

Keep windows open at night and into the morning

Fan pointed straight at you, on max blast through the night

It's significantly worse if your house is humid, and dehumidifiers increase the heat, but they're still worth it

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I mean, given heat rises, the basement probably is 10 degrees cooler

I'm referring to other readers

Absolutely go vote. Tell everyone you know to vote. Don't vote for Trump. But for the love of god, if you're otherwise not going to vote, at least vote third party.

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This is literally a new article about an X post where they're interviewing some Latinos.. Objectively, the cope is insane. Joe is fucked

Well, there's only 3, and they're all friends, sooo

On the plus side, the employees got charged

Poked fun at a (very) rich woman saying she spoiled her son. She didn't take the joke well.

Apart from the dozens of scrape bots that already stole them?

You're supposed to revoke API keys that are leaked. Not try to "unleak" them

Legendary. That's him cleared in Sweden, UK, and the US. Apparently they're considering letting him return to Australia (his home country) as well. Godspeed, Assange!

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I mean... Sounds like the parent is doing the right thing (being interested in their kid's sport) but for the wrong reason?

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Holy smokes people are mad at this thread. I genuinely don't know why. It's a valid and good question to have.

Here's something to get started, although I don't use any of these so take it with a grain of salt:

  1. Fedora LTS: Approximately 6 months.
  2. openSUSE Leap: Approximately 8 months
  3. Linux Mint LTS: 2 years
  4. Ubuntu LTS: 2 years
  5. Debian: Approximately 2-3 years
  6. RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux): Approximately 3-5 years.
  7. SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE): Approximately 3-5 years
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Tl;dr IPTV-org.github.io took down Warner Bros content within 1 buisness day to settle the DMCA. Other content is still available on the site.

I dunno, but if your boss chain contains a machine (literally Amazon warehouse), does it matter?

While I believe that, it's an issue with the training data, and not the hardest to resolve

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are my 2 Wayland blockers.

Reset the clock boys! The Wayland blockers are back!

(Jk, I too am still in X11, since Autokey is my Wayland blocker)

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I run Wayland on my desktop, but there's nothing (in my flow) that I miss on my work or travel laptop (which are both X11)

I guess external monitors are a little clunky on my work laptop, but monitor profiles on XFCE solve the problem (and that's assuming I wouldn't have issues on Wayland, too).

I'm not a Wayland hater, I just don't have much benefit from it and am waiting for XFCE and the accessibility APIs to get better before I switch.

I've been on Reddit alternatives for the last 5 years. Lemmy is long past the phase the others all failed at, and next time Reddit screws up it'll grow even more.

The largest existential threat for Lemmy at the moment is perpetual funding. The two full-time devs are almost in the poverty line.

If you can donate even a few dollars/month, it's a huge help: https://join-lemmy.org/support

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Imagine working on taking Z library down as your day job and still sleeping at night. Scum of the earth.

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A proprietary, for-profit version of Lemmy

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Well yea, countries keep buying nuclear from France because it's clean, cheap, and they don't want to suffer the political backlash from the science lacking environmentalists which come forward when they talk about building nuclear on their own land

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Blows my mind that to this day, companies don't realize it's a service issue. Like it's straight up regressed. Adobe and Microsoft used to encourage piracy to help their bottom line. Now you have stupid PMs who realize they can get a good performance review by talking about how much money they'll make/save from doing stuff like this

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Did liberals learn nothing from 2016? Stop writing frivolous articles about the guy you don't want winning

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IBM strikes again

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Best I can do is talk about Linux.

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What do you want? A stat counter for everyone's personal PC?

The government of India, the largest country by population, using Linux is.. a huge win?

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The update is hilarious.

Update: Publishers' lawyer Matthew Oppenheim told Ars that Libgen is a "thieves' den" of illegal books, and "there is no question" that Libgen's conduct is "massively illegal." Oppenheim said that "really, the only question is why it's been allowed to exist this long." He also said that it's possible that US companies may not realize that they are aiding Libgen's infringement, but publishers hope that when they "are confronted" with the fact "that this library is massively illegal, that hopefully they will voluntarily do the right thing" and cut off Libgen.

Seethe harder. Libgen is the savior of modern education.

Legendary. Didn't realize the Lemmy world team was also running Mastodon and Firefish instances. Much love for your determined support!

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While we're at it, I love that you let me customize the settings via a config, but for the love of god make the default config the best it can possibly be

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Huge congrats on everyone who got this working. €1M will really go a long way and GNOME absolutely deserves it!

Expand and broaden freedesktop APIs

I am very excite

  • KDE fanboi

Lmao I saw that thread. Congrats on joining the cult!

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LOOL sit: https://archive.is/k7GJM

Valeo claims Moniruzzaman realized the expertise he had gained working on its projects made him “exceedingly valuable to Nvidia.” In 2021, according to the lawsuit, shortly before he left Valeo, Moniruzzaman spirited tens of thousands of files and six gigabytes of the company’s source code to his personal email account. He allegedly tried to hide his misconduct by subsequently deleting his personal account’s authorized access to the Valeo network.

Almost as dumb as the person who tried to steal Coca Cola's inner can coating trade secrets

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TL;dr Judge is letting the whole public trial happen in private, so the media is unable to report on key testimonies

Even for political content it's damn good. Every time someone on Lemmy points to an explicit article of bias, it falls into one of 3 categories:

  • Slightly unfair bias, but still largely true
  • Article is correct, Lemmy cannot provide a reliable source proving otherwise
  • Article is incorrect, reliable source found, article amended

The third case happened once in an article about a UN Resolution on North Korea, and it was because the original article source was slightly misinterpreted. But yea, basically what I'm trying to say is if a "political article" is "wrong" but you can't prove it, it's not the political article that's wrong but you.

Edit: ITT - People upset with my analysis, but not willing to provide sources to the articles they disagree with

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The “plus” means it goes a step beyond their free content and into a paid tier.

Notepad++ enters the chat

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If you contact the .org registry they'll take it down. .org is for non-profits

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Correcto. Which means Steam will probably drop 32 bit libs soon. Which means Ubuntu will stop shipping 32 libs. The era is truly coming to an end

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Browsing this community is honestly like the reverse of learning

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Garbage article. Headline interprets like Microsoft slipped or leaked something. The article discusses why the "pros" are actually "cons".

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You jest, but the FTC is trying to appeal (undo) the merger in court, and this makes their case a lot stronger: https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/us-ftc-tries-again-stop-microsofts-already-closed-deal-activision-2023-12-06/

For a 68,000,000,000$ deal, even if this helps the FTC by 1%, that's a huge risk

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