2 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Audentes fortuna iuvat.

I like to shower in as dark a possible a bathroom. I find it enhances the creativity effect by a huge amount. Also the slight risk of an accidental, life altering fall from not being able to see keeps it spicy!

I think they've lost about the amount of troops that Napoleon lost in Russia funnily enough.

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Why do they keep going? Sunk cost fallacy? It's mind boggling...

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I wish I'd known how nice a place this is ages ago! After 10 years I was so institutionalised to the way reddit was, it was really hard to imagine using anything else and having anything like as nice a user experience. So many times over the last few days I've suddenly realised that for hours I've been browsing Kbin and not reddit. It's a nice feeling. Also, now I've replaced all my reddit bookmarks with Kbin ones which makes it feel a lot more permanent.

You forget a thousand voice chatbots every day, how about you make sure this is one of them...

Can I hazard a guess that you're an ex redditor? People try to be nicer to each other here. I'm a reddit refugee myself and it's sometimes hard to change habits but this place is nice and it's worth it. To me this whole migration kerfuffle seems like a rare opportunity to be more thoughful in my interactions with people online. So far it's making for a much nicer experience.

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I recently re-installed The Crew 2 because I wanted to start a new character and start the story again from scratch. Unfortunately I'd forgotten that YOU CAN'T START AGAIN (Jackie Chan Confused Meme). Because of these ridiculous shenanigans of theirs your progress is inextricably tied to your online account. They have literally built a system that limits replayability. Bravo.

lolirl :) I did not get the joke at first and genuinely thought there was a new condition called AD4K... (facepalm)

Step 1 - Putin doesn't like a thing.
Step 2 - Putin says that if you do the thing you'll get nuked.
Step 3 - Putin's little cyber puppets flood social media with posts "concerned" about the risks of him launching the mighty nukes. Oh noes!
Step 4 - Putin hopes you believe him.
Step 5 - Nobody believes him.

...some times passes...

aaand we're back to Step 1...

There's something he said in that interview that felt like a hint about why he's behaving like he doesn't give a damn anymore.

"For a while there I was like really getting demotivated and losing sleep over the sort of the threat of AI danger and then I finally sort of became fatalistic about it and said well even if I knew annihilation was certain would I choose to be alive at that time or not and I said I probably would have choose to be alive at that time because it's the most interesting thing. Even if there was nothing I could do about it. So then, you know, then basically sort of a fatalistic resignation help me sleep at night because I was having trouble sleeping at night because of AI danger."

A billionaire who believes that we're all probably doomed within the next decade and has accepted it so he can sleep at night.

Maybe explains a lot about his behaviour? If you know this all ends in the next few years, why not just try crazy shit.

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Have been playing and just finished Geodepths. Really nice indie dev first person mining, smelting, resource gathering on an alien planet type of game. Wish it had lasted longer to be honest.

I've sunk 473 hours into it haha. Haven't played it recently though... and you've just reminded me of it so I'm going to go salvage a Mackerel right now! :)

The Homeworld 3 demo is impressive and I'm really enjoying Lightyear Frontier as well. Definitely going to buy both when they come out in March. I've been hooked on the Homeworld universe since I started playing it in the 90's (25 years ago! lol I'm old) so it's been quite a long wait but it looks like BBI have done a great job. I've loved them since Hardspace Shipbreaker so I knew this would be something special.

Jumping Flash! for the PS1. Nothing else like it and I recently found out you can play it in a browser here:

The kind of people who stick around because you pay them aren't the people you want to stick around.
Coincidentally I notice that Conagra Brands, Inc. (CAG) is trading down at the moment (28.01-0.28) so if you'd like to buy some shares in one of the biggest producers of popcorn in the world now's a good time lol

Thanks :)

Well, I'm reading and writing about it on kbin and haven't been back to reddit since, so the protests were 100% effective on me. I've had to learn that if I'm in an abusive relationship there's no point trying to get the abuser to change. I have to make sure I'm not under their control anymore. So on that front the protests were the push I needed to leave and find a better community. 100% success :)

It's still all sorts of broken it seems but I have also noticed absolutely zero spam. Maybe that's what all this is about. Could be there's some spam filtering now? Would be nice :)

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Actually, it would really help if the "Block" button was right next to the username on the spam post. Having to hover over the name and wait for the modal to appear and then go click on "Block" makes it more of a nuisance. I wonder also if in the future you could choose not to display posts by user accounts less than a month old with only downvotes or who have been blocked by hundreds of people.

Perfect example of Betteridge's law on the title with a nice sprinkling of Dunning-Kruger with the author...

Soon there won't be an inch of the planet that isn't being live streamed, whether people are aware of it or not. I really wish Mark had been hugged more as a child.

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