14 Post – 455 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refugee, RIP Apollo 7/1/2023. I laugh at comedy and love love.

I’m sorry. The corporate assholes don’t deserve to pad their fat wallets based on your free labor, but it’s still absolutely the loss of something you love when you step away and it hurts. I’m still grieving losing Apollo and all of the goofy, weird ass little subs and brilliant human beings who made me laugh and cry every day on Reddit. It’s not been replaced in my life. It took millions of us almost 20 years to make that stupid website something incredible…I can’t deny that it was incredible at points.

It’s gone, it’s just a website now and an app with ads every 3rd pixel just like the rest. There is still some good content and good people, just as there are on TikTok, Bookface, X and insta. The decent shit that is there, on all of the platforms, is overwhelmed by their horrible algorithm trying to sell you shit and increase engagement to monetize your every click.

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I live in Indiana…I had to sign a form yesterday allowing teachers to call my son Ben instead of Benjamin. Otherwise it would literally be illegal. Fuck these fascists…

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I don’t see many compliments about Steve like the outpouring of love for people like Paul Reubens when they die, so I just wanted to share some nice words about him.

My sister saw Smash Mouth and 3rd Eye Blind together in 1997 and Steve called out to the crowd “FUCK MARILYN MANSON.” I was taken aback at the time but realized he was basically calling out the focus on darkness, anger, self harm, violence etc in Marilyn’s music and the effect on the world (especially youth), vs positivity, togetherness. The music he’s put out seems to have embodies this.

You don’t read a lot about his personal life or cutesy fan interaction ala Bill Murray or Keanu…but by all accounts he is a kind and humble guy. He seems to have struggled a lot with alcohol and mental health but loved to party and have a good time.

I hope more people speak about with good things to say about him. I have a feeling he was a great guy we didn’t know very well.

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Doing something to playfully point out the silliness of the policy…or she could sue. Seems like she did the less extra of those two options.

I have a friend who was upset he couldn’t wear shorts to the office while women could wear capri pants…he found women’s capri pants in his size and wore them. I guess he’s extra as well?

Probably the best written article I’ve read on this subject. All concerning things in the article that Reddit absolutely doesn’t care about. Canning milk? What the fuck.

Edit: I forgot that condensed milk is a thing…wondering if people can make it at home?

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TL;DR - they are rude to vendors (caterer, venue, photographer, DJ)

I was a wedding DJ for over 10 years and I’ll tell you one thing…if one of them is shitty to either you or another vendor they don’t seem to last. Loudly complaining about the catering staff or venue, photographer or DJ, being shitty to people in general. Making it through your wedding day without being an asshole is easier than marriage in my humble opinion. Being nice to other human beings, kind and patient seems to be a sign it WILL last…

One comes to mind, one of the few Mormon receptions I’ve ever done. Bride was pissed the dance floor wasn’t filled when “Thriller” was played. They didn’t serve a meal (only snacks), no alcohol and most of the people there were not invited to the ceremony since it’s at the temple thing where non-Mormons are not allowed. Those things make for an awkward event and of course most people did not dance or have a good time in general. Her family couldn’t stand her but paid for everything. She spent most of the reception bitching about different vendors (photog, food, me). Husband apologized saying she is “just being s butthead.” She is probably the only Mormon person I have ever seen be rude to other people. No way they stayed married.

I would be surprised if many bridezillas or douchegrooms stayed married.

Other couples come to mind where different things went horribly wrong, responsible party apologizing profusely, certain they have a one star review or other consequences coming (if you’ve ever seen online wars between brides and vendors, or going to court over a debacle, that’s what I mean)…coupled brush it off and laugh and have fun, say thank you…yeah they stay married.

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Before this is of value we need to get another 100 million users and exist for 20 years

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Pretty sure it started w/your mom

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I can’t see either of your comments. Is this because I’m on lemmyworld also?

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Enshittification comes to SoundCloud…that’s a real shame

Voyager…formerly wefwef.

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We also need comments. I created this comment so we would have comments

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I was thinking Concerned Ape, the dev of Stardew Valley…and I was concerned

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I’ve loved Chrome (on windows) for many years but at this point when you open task manager it’s practically using up more resources than the operating system. Because it is. It’s essentially like running a second operating system…

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Making spez cry

Absolutely, there's something special about handcrafted products that can't be replicated by AI. While technology has its place, the touch of human creativity and care truly makes a difference in products made with love. 💕✨ #HandcraftedMagic

-written by ChatGPT

No one should participate in a single meeting until they fire Steve Huffman. They cannot begin to mend the shit relationship they created unless they apologize for his bullshit…and that apology won’t mean anything if he still works there.

So is the downvote

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No one wanted chat. Does anyone use chat?

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Because Reddit in my opinion was the least worst social network until a month ago, now that I’m gone I’m not going to go signing up for another Zuckerberg/musk/spez monstrosity. I go on TikTok because I have a teenage daughter and we need something to talk about. Other than that…no. Federation/non-profit or nothing.

We could…but if it won’t make spez mad what’s the point?

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I’m on an iPhone. I finally emailed the link to myself, opened Remote Desktop and did it on my laptop. So dumb.

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Official subreddit? Loljk

This is so cute cause it is meant to be a shower thought but actually belongs in nostupidquestions

If you really care about your asshole get a bidet

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It’s a detour…you have to drive through the bush.

Ugh…I feel this. Recently have been struggling with tennis elbow and without Reddit all I would have had was shitty google web results…blogs, bullshit articles full of clickbait and ads with the same 5 tips. Including reddit I was able to figured out what the actual best information was…without the influence of big media bullshit.

I did check mastodon and Lemmy…nothing really.

The shitty thing is the biggest value reddit has at this point is the years of valuable information WE put into it. Facts and opinions ranked and critiqued and crowdsourced. Our best stories, photos, resources. Despite what people tell themselves, we don’t own any of it. It sucks.

If he gets treated better than Kaepernick I might quit the NFL. He needs to lose his job and either come crawling back to another team down the road after an apology tour (Michael Vick style) or stay gone and join Fox News.

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Only needed one sentence there to know all I need to. “Currently there is no way to only see people you follow.” Lol so more bullshit like Facebook and Instagram where you get friend, Ad, sponsored post, you might like this, group post, friend, Ad, Ad…

Just another way for Facebook to feed you non stop adverting in between tiny bites of content. We talk about how terrible Reddit is…I don’t understand how my wife uses Facebook at all.

I feel bad for people who will get sucked into this nonsense and enjoy the fediverse through an app that is basically malware come to life.

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I really hope making fun of gender pronouns isn’t acceptable in 20 years. My name is Ted Cruz and my pronounce are U.S.A.

Not just super lame boomer jokes but shitting on people who feel invisible and pronouns help them feel recognized as a full person.

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Some guys told them they edited Kate Middleton’s pics and were whistleblowers so he interviewed them. They told him we aren’t really this is a prank and he said nuh uh.

Link to clip, I’m not watching it. The article was funny in the wording but the whole thing itself doesn’t actually seem very funny.

Same. With closed registrations and no federation with LW I feel like beehaw doesn’t want me so I put it out of my mind.

I’m going to call them soccer football and American football from now on

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Report, block the user and/or the community. It’ll be growing pains until we figure out how to keep bad actors from ruining Lemmy. Until then it will happen here and there. DNS attacks and hacks have take down instances and been fixed and patched many times. If assholes CAN do something shitty, they will.

As far as the baby goes…assuming you’re a man…you live in a world where you and Emily Blunt are the only two adults around and you may not have a steady stream of birth control. You’re having a baby.

You just have to have sex very very quietly…

I ended up becoming Facebook friends with a lot of my couples (wedding DJ) because we worked so closely together…I became invested in the couple and event emotionally and made it a point to care about them and advocate for them at every point. See Forrest Gump carrying Bubba out of the Vietnam jungle…sometimes getting through the ceremony and reception is like that and you become bonded by trauma 😂

Always hated when certain couples did not make it…but lots of times the ones who are just a pleasure to work with take care of each other and stay together.

Of course it’s that thing in Rocky Horror where the camera flashes from bedroom to bedroom in Frank’s sex castle and everybody is singing and fucking, then Janet realizes it’s NOT Brad in her bed

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Did that. Still really want to see Steve Huffman fired. And hopefully humiliated and shunned.

Why is it necessary to post this to so many different cimmunities?

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