65 Post – 529 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

At which part of the day do you sit around and shitpost alt right propaganda on Twitter for hours?

Anything that doesn't have an external connector or some way to mount one. One example would be if you were using a USB Wi-Fi radio and wanted to connect it to the internal USB connectors but you'd need to pass the antenna to the outside of the case.

Not just for water cooling. It's for cables that pass in or out too.

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We take off our shoes here. At least I do. What kind of filthy animals want dirt on their floors?

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Great for the fediverse but also weird reason to jump ship. All the other bullshit was fine, but "whoa they changed the logo now I'm out"?

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Soon to be "Jellyfin & Get it in"

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These return-to-office pushes are moronic. We've had three years of remote work without any loss of productivity. Tell us the real reason for the push to be in the office or get the fuck out of my face.

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Stop using DoorDash and other delivery services. They're a huge scam and you end up paying double for cold food that someone might have tampered with.

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No idea why people use Brave when Firefox exists

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Old news already. Doesn't cover the Madison/sex abuse stuff.

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This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard of. I'm not buying any keyboard or laptop that has this key. There's enough Linux-first vendors these days that it's easy to avoid (Framework, System76, Tuxedo, etc). It's time to be done with Lenovo and Dell.

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The thumbnails LTT uses tells you everything you need to know about his content and company.

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Lol, people are using Brave?!

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YouTube thumbnails are cancer

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OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu We made a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this!

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Give me a good reason and I'll come back to the office. None of this "it's more productive" bullshit. We know that one is a lie. I'm also not wasting my time commuting to an office just to support the local McDonald's, gas stations, etc.

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Firefox has a "bug" that makes our tracking code not work. Please switch to Chrome so we can track you.

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It's amazing how many of these big companies are suddenly coordinated on this return-to-office push. Do they all get together at their bunker/mansions in New Zealand to discuss these evil plans?

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Already gone. We Lemmy now.

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No idea how people are still buying and riding in this guy's cars after seeing how badly he runs a website.

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Are other distros not serious? I don't understand what this is.

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Definitely. So many searches lately will return results that only partially match the search terms. What's even the point of searching if you're just going to show a bunch of unrelated results?

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Told everyone that they needed to be in the office a minimum of three days a week. Everyone lost their shit and now they're grumpy and combative all the time. Used to be a chill place to work.

the companies failed to install a basic anti-theft technology

Failed to install or weighed the cost of not installing it and kept the profit?

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These companies are really shooting themselves in the foot with this shit.

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Microsoft can't be bothered to make a single, unified control panel but they have resources to work on shit like this.

Unregulated capitalism.

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Great time to switch to Linux

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A list, in video form 🤦‍♂️

Totally bullshit. When I'm in the office I'm constantly approached by coworkers wanting to chit chat. Sometimes even when I'm in a Teams meeting with headphones on.

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The enshittification will continue until morale improves!

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Yeah but that was back when we had a mostly functional government. Times have changed.

Exactly as planned

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Stop buying their shit. Obviously there's things you need to live and that's fine but stop wasting your money and making them rich by buying all the ancillary shit.

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Can we please stop calling it "ricing"? The term is pretty loaded.

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First distro I ever used. Downloaded it from a BBS onto about 40 floppies. Fun times.

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Sorry for your loss. I went through this myself today. I'm devastated.

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To be replaced by a link to WordPad Bing AI Edition

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