What happened to Boost for Lemmy?

const_void@lemmy.ml to Android@lemmy.world – 105 points –

It was announced back in June but I haven't heard anything about it since.


It's been only two months. Do not assume that app development is a weekend job.

It's probably a weekend job, in the way they can only afford to work on weekends on it...

Think the Sync dev said he spent 60 hour weeks working about 6 weeks to get Sync for Lemmy up.

Crazy he's charging 135$ for his app if that's all it took to build it. What a scam

Well to be fair, he's been building and updating the app for 10 years now and just porting it over to Lemmy recently if you want to look at it that way. It's not an entirely new app out of the blue.

Sync is also being actively developed. It's getting updated far faster and is far more feature rich than most Lemmy apps I've tried so far.

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People when developers need to pay for their homes and electricity and buy food: this is a fucking scam, absolute bullshit

People deserve to be paid for their labor. This is Lemmy; that's the default position given our history. There are plenty of free as in beer and speech apps out there if someone doesn't or can't pay the price. But software development is hard work, especially if it isn't a hobby. And a lot of Lemmy apps are hobbyists. That's the communtiy phase we are in right now. And we are a smaller community, which means fewer paying customers, which means a higher overall cost. LJ can't throw out an app for $5 and expect a hundred thousand to convert into paying customers off the backs of over a million downloads.

I'll never understand this criticism of Sync. I hate subscriptions as much as most people, but with software it sort of makes sense because the work never ends. It isn't like buying a bookcase or any other static item. And Sync, in this case, isn't like what companies such as LG are doing where they are intoducing forced subscriptions into static firmware to extract maximum wealth from customers.

Plus the some ultra features require recurring server costs.

It's not 135$.

It sure is if you don't want a monthly subscription

The one time payment to remove ads costs 17โ‚ฌ. It's not cheap but it's nowhere near 135โ‚ฌ.

Eh, I think they're talking about ultra

Yes ultra. 135$ Canadian. An insane rip off for an app, made to deter you from buying it in favor of the monthly sub

I mean, yeah, obviously the dev would rather people pay the subscription when some of the Ultra features require server work and/or continued costs (translation, OCR, etc.).

Developing Sync is his full time job, which is why it initially shipped without a lifetime tier. People voiced their opinion and the dev listened by adding the lifetime option and the ad free option. If you don't like the pricing, use a different app. Nobody is forcing you to use Sync. LJ doesn't owe you the app for free (or any price outside of what he feels is fair).

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But you don't need ultra to have a fully functioning app. If you want to pay nothing you can. If you just want to remove ads forever it's ยฃ17.

Ultra is meant to be a premium experience.

It replicates an option the dev offered on his reddit app that added extra features.

The free app is damn good (especially if you use AdBlock DNS) but it's almost certainly worth paying the $20 to remove ads permanently.

That option was cheaper on the reddit version of his app but it was well worth it.

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$20 is still pretty cheap for no ads. That's less than two months of a streaming service

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For a lifetime ultra experience. I could realistically get a decade out of it. Ad free is way cheaper too

For an app's lifetime, not yours or his.

Obviously? I know there's a risk and I've accepted that.

As someone who bought lifetime ultra on sync for reddit the day he announced the shut down it's a price worth paying. Used the app for almost 10 years and only paid 5 bucks. He wasn't sure what was going to happen going forward so I gave what I could in return for that service.

To get the initial release out. It's not like there'll be no more development after that. Plus, there's the much cheaper price for just add free.

i'm using it for free

You have ads on Lemmy though. Which is free and open source software whos developers disagree with the idea of an ad driven internet. Paying for it to remove the ads isn't any better though as you are rewarding this kind of behavior.

Rewarding working 60 hours a week of work on a well-built app?

No, putting ads in software to the point that it is annoying enough to pay someone to make them go away. Selling software without this strategy is respectable.

There is ad supported, ad free and premium. Somehow that's still not enough options for the FOSS extremists.

Basically said what I would have. The app takes work. Work deserves reward. Donations usually aren't proper reward for work put in. I value the work the dev put in.

It isn't so fucking cynical.

Using Sync. Not seen a single ad so far.

I'll probably pay for it at some point when I have the spare cash, to support a dedicated developer.

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"if that's all it took"

Are you fucking insane? I've never worked that hard in my life and likely neither have you

They ported over the reddit version that had been paying the bills for 8yrs... C'mon

We know it took about 360 hours. That's a shit load of work and it will be a daily job maintaining it. Besides that lifetime price is entirely optional

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The guy who is making Connect did its initial release in 4 or 5 days, I remember I tried it, he was updating multiple times a day in the beginning, impressive

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You can have it fast, good, or cheap: pick two, and unless you're bankrolling the developer you've already chosen cheap.

Lol people who got money to bankroll aren't the one using these apps.

Just be patient. The developer has been active in the boost community, and has stated that he expects release before the end of August. I'm using sync for now til it drops. Boost was my favorite way to surf Reddit and I don't think it's gonna change on lemmy

I was originally a sync user and switched to boost when the developer stopped releasing updates. Then sync made a comeback but boost was way better. Im using sync right now as well and im grateful for the option but i fully intend to move to boost

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I just started using Eternity (formerly Infinity for Lemmy), and it's about as good as Boost used to be. Kinda killed any hype I had for Boost for Lemmy at this point.

I started Lemmy with Jerboa, switched to Sync, tried Eternity (Infinity), un-installed immediately, and am now very happy using Voyager.

So for me personally, Boost is a little late.

What's your opinion on photon or alexandrite? I like those even more personally.

Alexandrite is very nice when you're on PC, but on a phone screen its a lot easier to just use a third party app.

Don't know when you last tried but it was recently updated and has "cards" which makes it a lot more useable on mobile :)

Definitely taking his time to make sure it drops as most likely the least buggy, most feature-rich on-release Lemmy app yet. He's gotta outperform the other 20, so may as well learn from them.

I used to use Boost for Reddit, and thought it was the best app. I've been using Connect for Lemmy for ages now and I've found it to be very good - there are some teething issues, but on the whole it does a really good job for me of replacing Boost, and it's always getting updated with info from the users' own experiences. I will gladly try the Boost for Lemmy app when it does arrive, but for now Connect is just fine.

Are you me? Very close to how I would have written the exact same thoughts!

I tried a slew of lemmy apps but none were are clean and smooth as what I wanted. Connect has some rough edges but visually and features wise is closest to what I want. I'm hoping boost is very similar to how it was on reddit because it struck all the right balances for me, and felt more solid than connect. Plus the icon is way better than connect's. :)

I tried sync and I don't get the hype. It's fine, I'd use it if I didn't have other options. But for me the UI is just like 15% too busy. It's just annoying enough to deter me from it.

What is boost for lemmy?

Boost for Reddit was a very popular third-party Reddit app. After Reddit's API changes, causing the third-party apps to shut down, the Boost developer is now making an app for Lemmy.

Why was it so popular?

Gonna take a guess, but it probably was a good client and for many people it was the most enjoyable method to access reddit with it. For me it was Sync, now called "Sync for Lemmy"

Did you ever use the official Reddit app? I personally do not like it very much. The third-party Reddit apps were just a whole lot better, at least in my opinion and others. Apps like Boost and Sync were both very popular Reddit apps, but have both now moved on to Lemmy.

Yeah I did, but I didnโ€™t know there were better options. Iโ€™m not what youโ€™d call โ€œtech savvy.โ€

I mean, I can get porn on my phone, but I havenโ€™t quite figured out how to fuck this thing yet.

Well good because Iโ€™m using Memmy right now, and it fucking sucks.

But I do appreciate all the work the devs have been doing on it for free, and itโ€™s leaps and bounds ahead of how bad it used to be.

Boost is probably just going to be an Android app, since Boost for Reddit was also Android only. I wasn't sure if the app you were talking about, Memmy, was an IOS app.

Nah Memmy ainโ€™t that bad anymore though, I shouldnโ€™t complain. But Iโ€™m a whiner at heart.