
14 Post – 366 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'll let you know in 2 years when it is on sale for at least 50% off.

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Email is a federated system. You can host your own email server. Email was the fediverse before the fediverse was cool.

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Your searching on this may be skewed due to Firefox not being the equivalent of Chromium. Firefox is not actually the browser engine. Firefox is based on the browser engine called Gecko which is developed by Mozilla. There are actually a number of other Gecko based browsers they just aren't very popular or are for niche use-cases.


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I'm also convinced these are really just paid for by Apple ads. I've never seen anyone care about such a thing.

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Moderator rewards program? How much money are they going to be paying them?

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I'm pretty sure they think of the person taking care of them as some analogous of a mother. We should be careful not to anthropomorphism their emotions as they are probably not quite as complex as we would like. They certainly have some degree of emotions though.

But they have no concept of "human" or "mother" so I would guess it is more like "thing stops hunger, thing warm, thing safe". Thus they bother you when they are hungry, sit on you when they are cold and come to you when they are afraid.

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There are only feeds for Subscribed, Local and All. Things can only show up there is they fall under one of those categories. Then the secondary filter determines the order. New is going to be chronological, Hot is some formula of votes per hour, active is some formula of comments per hour, old is probably reverse chronologically. etc..

It won't ever factor in what you visit and engage with on its own.

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Put it simply I just hate ads. Anything that puts in ads is terrible. Including Sync for Lemmy who seems to have completely missed the point of getting the hell away from Reddit.

The next terrible thing is automatically generated content and bots, but I guess those are also really just ads.

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Where is this poll?

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People for once not being overworked has made it clear that the scope of modern AAA video games is unsustainable.

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Digital privacy. It should be illegal to track and store data on people without their consent.

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How is this not illegal, but sending spam emails is? What a messed up world.

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She could have used that $12k as part of a down payment on her own place.. what on earth is she thinking.

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If there is no keyhole to pick then it is probably marginally more secure, but if a burglar wants to get into your home then no door lock is going to stop them. They could just break it or break your windows.

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Internet and screens in general.

Chromium is likely more popular because Google has such a stranglehold over the development of new internet standards. They set standards and then implement them into Chromium perfectly which tends to make Chrome really well optimized and fast.

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I've been seeing this a lot lately. Lots of bandwagoning going on. It is what it is though. People are fallible and often just follow the herd instead of thinking.

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What is this device? I'm confused as to why it even exists.

Edit: I discovered it is literally called "Car Thing".

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What does it mean to "Shout down a speaker"? What are they speaking about and what is the purpose of shouting at them?

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Web pages of today have so much added on nonsense. It's not necessarily data farming, but also the frameworks used to develop the website themselves. Modern websites are basically entire software running in the browser even when it is used to run a simple seemingly static page. The purpose of these frameworks is to make complex things more simple for developers to make, but then people end up using them in situations that might not call for it. I think there is a general belief that since computers keep getting more powerful that it is fine to keep making software bigger and less efficient.

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I like BoomWyrm, but they are so many duplicate books because there are so many different published versions of a book. I think these need to be combined somehow. If people really want to choose the cover of the exact book they read maybe you could be able to choose your cover.

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No single instance should get to the size of 100 million users if we are doing federation correctly.

Unfortunately everything is an ad now. It's the only way these sites are capable of surviving.

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Mainly because signups were closed on Lemmy.ml and they were not on Lemmy.world.

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They are still good for alternative builds of Android such as GrapheneOS. Ideally I wouldn't support Google at all.

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Carefully curating a subscription list and sticking to the subscriptions filter has worked well for me.

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Report as spam and unsubscribe. If they send you more emails they are in violation of the law for the canned spam act.

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Ads are the epitome of the enshitification of the internet. It corrupts the incentives to make anything online.

At least they’re personalized now

This is a whole other can of worms that makes it so much worse. From data harvesting to selling your information to third parties etc.. It is a privacy nightmare and rather malicious in nature. This is one of the things that FOSS (Free and open-source software) tries to remedy.

I just hate ads and want the ad driven internet to die.

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If it is more ad than news I'd say this an ad site that happens to have some news.

I don't care much for the interoperability between Mastodon and Lemmy, but having more users from Mastodon come to Lemmy sounds good to me.

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I started reading regularly. Been doing it for a few years now. I think it was exactly what I needed in my life. I pretty much cut off playing video games and replaced it with books. 👍

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Personally I'd rather it wasn't a thing. Regardless of how insignificant and "just for fun" such things are we inevitably get into a situation where people are only doing things to be awarded. It corrupts the incentives of participating in discussion. The same problem would exist if we had karma on Lemmy.

You can chemically straighten your currently grown hair permanently. Once new hairs grow it will go back to normal.

Middle Middle. The "True Neutral" of movie theater seat preferences I suppose.

OP is more like Neutral Evil.

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Edit: The moons gravity affects everything on the planet. That doesn't mean it is harmful. It's going to be very insignificant.

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Never had an instagram account, but I have been uploading pictures to PixelFed. Nobody really comments or likes my stuff, but it's more about curating some photos online that I can send someone a link to for fun on occasion.

IzzyData - PixelFed

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As a consumer why would you care about a corporations finances? That is their problem to figure out. As a consumer you are trying to find value for you personally. Does this solve a problem in my life? Am I better off with this thing than without it? Is the cost worth it, be it monetary or privacy?

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More like it is taking a shot at Mastodon, Lemmy and Kbin. They are trying to make a product that nets them financial gain out of the fediverse. So if we are federated with them then they will be able to see everything from other instances except all users of "Threads" will get their data stolen and sold by Facebook for profit.

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Being a patient gamer isn't strictly about money. It's about not getting caught up in hype and making more calculated decisions. Even so, wanting to pay what you think something is worth is just good practice.