Creating a community as a personal blog

Izzy@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to Lemmy.World – 22 points –

Is this a frowned upon practice or something that doesn't matter?


I doubt anyone would care if you did that, but it does sound like you’d get more use out of joining They are part of the federated universe and have a dedicated microblog section.

i was thinking the same. I also saw talked about as a real blog, but i think its pretty limited at the moment

Wordpress has an ActivityPub plugin if people want a full-featured blog on the fediverse. AFAIK is only works if you're self-hosting Wordpress, though.

You can also join or, both are very stable kbin instances

Interesting idea. I feel like in principle it shouldn't matter, but maybe people who like to review "local" instance traffic wouldn't want to see blogs. I don't know.

I do know a nice in-between solution would be hosting your own Lemmy instance if you have a penchant for technology.

Overall I think it makes sense to do it!

i say go for it

im noone but i think it sounds cool. more people doin more shit here is prolly a good thing

More content is probly good content right now. Ive been going around treating comments like my own personal journal Makin a fool out of myself lol. Id probly sub to this. F it.

How bout like a "life story in under xx amount of words" community? I'd dig that too.

I'd like the ability to post on our own profiles. you could do things that way if that was added

I don't see why you wouldn't be able to. You sort of get comments built in for free!

You could mark a community as read only except for mods too.

One thing to keep in mind though is that the urls are usually ids instead of something more seo friendly if you care about that.

You might like kbin better. It's like a hybrid of Lemmy and Mastodon.

Join on or, both very stable kbin instances

there's people saying that you should try kbin. i dunno, i mean, check it out and see if that's what you want. personally i'm not sure and think you might actually like doing it in a community in one of these instances instead.

the layout at kbin is more compact horozontally. the layout here has what would be single entries flanked by their own little comment section, arranged relatively neatly and easy to navigate. with a kbin UI i'd feel a bit annoyed about having to scroll 3/4th of a screen just to get to the next entry. i wouldn't like it, but then again i'm old and am due to start yelling at kids who are at the other end of the street in their own yards to get off my lawn soon, so you can laugh and dismiss my thoughts however you want.

i'm just putting in a vote for doing your blog here. considering you'll control what is allowed in the community it shouldn't be too difficult

IIRC, people created subreddits and used them as personal blogs. So I don’t see why you can’t create a blog/community here. I don’t understand why people are suggesting Mastodon to do that. I thought there was a word limit per post.

Some instances of Mastodon have a very large character limit (don't know if there are instances without limits).

Edit: just pointing out, not disagreeing

Posting from, character limit here is 500. Definitely don't recommend this instance for a personal blog.

I say go for it if you want to, people have the ability to block or subscribe to content they do or don’t want to see