
6 Post – 493 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Let them do what they want. The communities you wanna check out will be available elsewhere with time.

28 more...

That is crazy.

Like a damn laundromat. So is LG gonna supply water and power too? Wtf are the charging for? The right to buy their product? Lmao. Fuck off.

Go analog. Real analog. Sticks and stones baby.

23 more...

I would like to thank everyone on here for the last two months or whatever it's been from the start of the migration, and to the people just coming over, and those who were here already. I actually feel like I've grown as an individual in my time here. I'm starting to see certain patterns in my own behavior and working on them thanks to the content and the engaging discussions on here. I used to avoid interaction and lost all hope, but you are all really awesome. Thank you <3

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I started working construction when I was 15. I'm in my 30s and my body is broken, but like, I gotta eat right? Obviously this 14 yr old shouldn't be working at a bar, and this is a symptom of a larger problem, but that's SoCiAlIsM.

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That's not how nicknames work

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My view from my window(they gave me one of the big rooms all by myself, the only one with windows, ptsd i think) was OK. Middle of nowhere farm and small Appalachian Mt chain. We had to sneak onto a ps3 to use youtube lol. One night i was watching lighting rolling around the sky and hills thru my big window, laying on my back, reflecting off the ceiling. I cried so hard, it was beautiful.

The rehab sucked. It really did. But I had so much fun. They tried to take our communal volleyball game over some bullshit and we flipped shit and got everyone riled up. We kept our fkn volleyball. ..it was a state run rehab with everyone fresh out of jail. Never laughed so hard in my life.

I'm almost 1.5 years clean from a decade+ run on fent and benzos. Wouldn't trade my experiences for the world, but I'm glad I'm myself now. Things are still fucked up, and they'll always be for me, but I'm working on it..

It really is whatever you want it to be. Make it for yourself. <3

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Tbh...just lie. Base it firmly in reality though and get your story straight. Astroturf the entire reference with people you know, who may or may not have been involved with the reality. Make it believable to the rest of the application. Chances are your references will be passed over entirely anyway while whoever is doing the bare minimum to get through their work day checks over your application.

This may or may not be good advice. 🤷

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I'm a fairly removed redditor. I browsed here and there, but only really ever used it used it within the last year. RIF app is all I ever knew. I hated when I'd get directed to the web browser. Never even used their app.

I didn't feel strongly about any of this tbh.

I do now.

Reddit objectively sucks compared to whatever is happening here.

We are us. Donate.

landed gentry


Bro, that's just a little too much bullshit coming from your mouth for me.

Tbh, I prefer to live in a purple state.

I am in a battleground state, in a pretty rural area, filled with a decent amount diversity, including trump crazies.

I feel I'm doing more good here than living in the city.

I like to get down and dirty, pushing.

(Tbf I am a straight white male, so I can totally see getting out of dodge if that wasn't the case)

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Not having children is my retirement. I will probably work till I'm old and gray so I just tuck what I can away, buy things that hold value, and live my life.

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I just visited reddit for the first time in a week and it feels gross 😝

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Most concerning to me, outside the obvious, is that anyone from these states driving in Florida can now be stopped for any reason at all and ran through the for profit legal system. Escalating from "driving without proper ID" to some misdemeanor charges or more is pretty easy to do.

14 more...

I think we are in agreement then. My socialism bit is just how the people around me see any type of regulation, regardless of their own interests.

The current state of policing doesn't deserve to have access to this kinda shit. Hopefully it never will tbh.

It's already extremely easy for LE to drum up basically whatever charge and stick it to you, for the majority of citizens with no funds for a lawyer.

We've already got the plate scanners. Everytime I drive by one, my file pops as a red flag and a stop is more than likely, just to "check in" with me, usually with some false pretense like "i thought your window was cracked, my bad, but where you going tonight?" I'm not technically on paper, but I am treated as such. Easy arrest potential with some bs probable cause.

The fact that it will continue to go further doesn't surprise me. Makes the job even easier for them. If you aren't a good consumer, you will be prosecuted.

The whole reddit thing aligned with other events in my life that pissed my sensibilities off, even more than i can usually stand, and i have learned to stand alot. It made me realize how much of my life was at the whims of greedy fucks who I don't agree with at all. Evolution through revolution I guess. woke me up in a way, a feeling that I've long forgotten tbh with you all. And that's mostly because of all of you and your ideas.

Lemmy is just good for me.

Those out for self interest are shortsighted, and what WE are doing is pushing in the right direction IMHO. Someone's gotta push and here we are.

It took me a while to realize how fundamentally important boundaries were to my mental health and well being. It's super simple, so its often overlooked. It solves many many issues.

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I think it just makes sense to allow them to get by. Driving, paying taxes, having insurance. It's just better for everyone, instead of trying to battle some "threat", you gotta go with the flow and maintain stability in what way you can. They are gonna drive anyway. You have to if you want to survive in rural areas.

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How many people were turned away by the whole tankie thing I wonder..hmmm

Imagine hearing some vague bs and making a distinct and principaled opinion about an entire universe of information.

Even if they are some flavor of doo doo, we take it, and make it what we want. I just don't see the point in outright noping. At least in this instance.

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This is a non issue tbh.

We will get there. I'm having a shit load of fun on here with you guys.

The nature of this platform is so that what we need will gradually happen based on the work we put it. I'm not into tech anything so I'm just thinking here.

I'm literally here for the journey

What happened? Why are they making this move? I think it's a bad idea to start defederating, especially this early.

Edit: How effective or practical, for lemmy.world in the future, would a voting system be for defederating? In case it comes to that for us.

Cause it seems like a very dramatic approach, with only a few people making the decision to drop a ton of content yknow.

Not sure if it's possible even, I know it comes down to our admin, but they seem pretty cool. I dunno just thinking aloud.

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How can you justify releasing a damn dog on someone who ain't doing shit? These kids are more often than not from questionable origin, like a racist system or family, psychopaths, not meant to be the high water mark of justice, and the people they should actually be fucking with, either slip through the nets, or are running the show. Capitalist bootlickers is all it comes down to. I couldn't imagine wanting to be a cop.

When I get pulled over now, I'm always like "damn its a kid", knowing there are zero consequences for their actions, a push from on high to make arrests in any way possible, depending on who needs to get paid that day, doesn't make me feel any better.

I got pulled over last week...for having a dealership border around the license plate. Thats it. LOL. All pretense to see if he liked my face and clothes. I don't think police should be interacting with citizens in this manner, let alone releasing fkn dogs on unarmed people.

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I think many people just have a fundamental misunderstanding that they are indeed a part of something larger.

It was weird for me when I was finally older than my parents when they had me, and I was still a barely functioning human being. Props to you, mom and dad. You did the best you could and I appreciate that you brought me into this world (most days).

Links to Twitter. Never had an acct, the site is horrid, and I will not go.

Realistically, everything we dislike on reddit is pretty much unavoidable once there is a certain number of people, outside of being ran by some capitalist shills, hopefully

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Who tf comes online just to troll "beehaw" some obscure instance on an obscure platform? That's crazy to me lol.

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"It's only natural" seems to be the go to.

The people in my personal life, though, are mostly just EXTREMELY wary of just about any information at all.

They are more comfortable putting shit down to some conspiracy, rather than looking at how awful some people are outright.

I don't think they want to admit, or submit to the hopelessness of the situation, especially economically. So they rather keep themselves busy with petty bs.

AP psychology allows Florida to send Desantis back to caves.

Yep. You being silent can be written into the report in a way to help their case for probable cause. INAL, but have had my fair share of police encounters, and I've found there is not one size fits all approach, you really have to read the individual officer and game plan your approach on the spot. It's kinda a no win situation especially when cops are trained to escalate the situation.

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It's crazy that this kinda shit is normalized, and I didn't bat an eye, however I am frustrated that humans are this gross. Everything I hate about myself, my biology, that i fight to excise, is paraded and celebrated by these kinds of people.

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I'm here cause i was completely ignorant of lemmy and it just so happened to be the link I came across on reddit at the moment I decided to give it a try. I been enjoying my stay so far.

I agree. I may be guilty of it, being from the u.s. and all, but I try to make effort to add detail for global community when it comes to location-based topics.

It's crazy how big u.s. is, it can't help but default, plus we're largely idiots here lmao.

Ask me to convert 1 foot to millimeters...ain't happening without a chart lol. Damn public education system!!!!

I'm gonna make a conscious effort everyone.

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His "prison" will be mar a Lago. They already have a gate and guards.

I don't trust the justice system whatsoever. Jail is for economic dissidents.

👋 I'm alive..I think.

I'd like to know more about your financial quarantine if you don't mind. I've been in similar situations, if I catch your meaning. I'm sort of in a similar situation now, now that i think about it, as I live in a decently rural area, with no drivers license, or public transportation. /:

I'm excited about just about everything though. My life was utter shit till about a year ago. Lately I've been writing songs. It takes me about 4 months to finish and record one. I have 3 or 4 now! I've been in a situation where human contact was largely impossible up until recently. (I don't really have friends tbh. I am or have been a hermit ftmp. But I'm still figuring out who I am.)

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Police spend most of their day inserting themselves into the everyday lives of citizens who aren't doing anything wrong.

I have a criminal record. Minor drug charges. I still get pulled over constantly, for zero reason, just so the cop can take a look and see if they approve of my hair clothes etc, and whether or not they wanna ruin my life...because they can, without provocation. Ever get slapped with a resisting arrest because the other charges weren't gonna stick in court? Happens all the time.

Fuck cops.🖕

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I don't want to hear from products. I want to talk about nothing with people.

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They want a whole separate nation. People are even actively relocating to rural areas to "get out of woke blue states", just like people are fleeing red. It's surreal to watch, and I can't take my eyes off the train wreck that is American society.

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As if the others weren't, this one is really cut and fucking dry lol. Trump is a menace. The justice system should be designed specifically for people like this.. but alas.

My s.o. has been waiting for this 🙌