Knighthawk 0811

7 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

anarchist complains that someone isn't following the rules... ba dum tiss

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yeah, this is a thing already, that's why nobody is asking for it

(appropriate emoji)

tldr version is beehaw doesn't like Lemmy world

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please don't use a temp email (or non existent) for anything you might care about. also, make sure you never typo your email address.


  • someone uses a typo or fake email to create an account with some service.
  • that service is later hacked and all emails found out
  • hacker creates the email for real
  • hacker just got your account

yeah, but if you're an anarchist then I just don't get it. how can you hold someone to a rule or have any opinion on the quality of the rules when you've already decided that all rules are stupid and you're not following any of them (unless you maybe are just following some in order to stay out of jail because reality exists outside of our internal priorities)

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I'm sorting by hot right now.... and this post is currently 4 hours old

can't users from any other instance already do this?

beehaw blocks world so they can't see each other but users from other instances can still see both. I'm currently on and I'm subbed to comms at both beehaw and LWorld.

they only problem i see is for users in those specific instances as they can't see one another, but everyone else can see both.

i think the result here is that beehaw will be limiting itself. probably fine as they are overwhelmed right now anyway. it seems that's what they wanted to do from the start as well. if they begin blocking even more instances things will get smaller for them.

but hey, that's the beauty of the fediverse. if you want an instance that does exactly what you want then go for it. make your own. link to whoever you want and block whoever you want

speaking of that, are users getting more ways to block instances and communities? I'd like to have all the tools to customize my feed. there's no AI doing it for me (which is good) so i need the ability to do it myself

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but does the link work? it might not. might be private, might have got deleted. i know mine did.

I've seen posts saying is the right thing to just modify your posts so people can still find the content. i suspect those ideas are well liked by Reddit admins. f that. nuke it from orbit. it's the only way.

i used the power delete suite

was pretty easy. it did not delete any up or down votes though

I think the servers don't know what to do when ads outnumber content 36 to 1

there's isn't, but should be. hopefully will be added as things progress

i prefer pairdrop specifically because there's no install.

however, looks like local send (after install) might work offline as long as they local network is up.

I'm used to using snapdrop but this seems like it might have more robust options

I'd like the ability to post on our own profiles. you could do things that way if that was added

that's not going to stop the hacked system from spamming myself and every other customer they have. I would highly doubt if they even take the time to look at any replies let alone actually read them and unsubscribe anyone who asked for it... after the entire hack was over because I called one company and they were already aware of the hack and were trying to stop it.

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other than specific filters and generic spam filter I have the "if content contains 'unsubscribe' then mark as read and never mark important"

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i think it will take some experimenting in order to get the right mix. i also think that whatever choice becomes popular isn't likely to be the best.

still a good idea to say least be open to having an account at more than one instance. make one early, because if they get backed up or change the rules you might not get into a server later on as it seems some people are experiencing right now

i assume something just got popular with script kiddies, but i want to know what it is and what systems it effects so i can know if I'm protected or not.

gonna keep looking at least as long as i keep seeing this happening

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there was that one time when the following happened all one after the other

  • i went to sleep and feel asleep quickly
  • slept through the night
  • woke in the same position i feel asleep in
  • did not have back pain the following day

none of these 4 things have ever happened since and certainly not more than 1 at a time. having all 4 in one day must have triggered someone inside me to break

I think we're describing the same thing. I'm saying the ability is already here and you're saying perhaps someone should purpose-build this because the other instances that this applies to are only doing it by chance.

I've been a proponent of having Lemmy instances that have only a couple of communities that are specific to admin things for that instance. Then they are just filled with users who interact with content on other instances. Personally, I was thinking about this from a performance standpoint, but it also makes sense from a social gathering standpoint as well.

I'm planning on giving a go at making my own instance over the summer (hopefully soon) and exploring what things I might want to do after that. I'd love to make some medium-sized instances assuming I can gather enough funds to support 1 or more servers for the project. Your idea does give me new things to think about in terms of organizing and attracting an instance user base. I was initially thinking it would be based on topics, but being based on something like reputation would likely be even more valuable to many.

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I've done that, but it's spreading.

what? no. That would require that the governing body of the police were itself anarchist... which is a paradox.

however, if the police did that then said anarchist would have to follow the establishment's rules in order to fight back and win. If said anarchist were always 100% true to their beliefs then they would not go the route of abiding the laws because they are against the establishment in every way. they would want to fight back, but not by following the rules.

in your scenario, you made the police out to be anarchists themselves which is a bit backward. the police are fascist, or any other totalitarianism or similar.

i dunno, there's over 8 billion people in the world and bazillions of comments daily. I'd be surprised if two people didn't have similar comments all the time

oh, yeah. it's not perfect but it sure does remove so much crap i don't intend to read.

i recently missed an event invite because of it... luckily i was just a late responder and have not actually missed the event itself

i definitely have to "browse" the unimportant emails regularly

I'm using Google. I've done that too. protecting inboxes is step one for sure, but i also want to know the extent of this. it's not enough for me to just block the emails and leave it at that.

if it keeps coming and i fail to block them all i want to have some info on the intent of this so I can properly educate others i work with to defend ourselves

until an anarchist comes along who thinks those rules are stupid.

I'll kinda of arbitrarily say it's 1 year after the last official game is released for the platform.

that's just the shape of some people's heads. nothing going on here

never forget about the sarcasm razor... whichever one it is

first day on the internet?

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not sure if all of them did, but some did for sure. off looking address too

they sure can. but will they out the mod? the trouble would be who is the new mod and what kind of turbulence might happen with said new mod. do they even want it or know how to mod?

fb will be doing things at such a massive scale that this would be too much work

since there isn't any strong way to collect data or advertise it will always be an underdog compared to big business.

that being said, the fediverse could outlast a few mainstream networks and build lasting strength with that. I'm an ideal setting it could become a defacto network over time.

can we get young people coming here though? that's how we get the tides to turn

I've seen hundreds of those and they're mostly phishing attempts. this new one doesn't look anything like that.

this one has multiple addresses in the CC field, at least one of which is always a predefined list on the senders side. and it's otherwise a legit looking support ticket response.

but i want to know what's the origin, what's the vectors, and what's the target.

this isn't that

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