1 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I don't personally use it but pixelfed is an Instagram type of site. It's part of the fediverse as well.

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Lol I got home from work and opened page loaded fine but I couldn't upvote and the comments wouldn't load. Tried again after restarting firefox and same thing. Switched to and continued like it wasn't happening.

Yeah I'm 100% not giving that cup back and am collecting as many different ones as I can.

Admittedly I'll probably bring them home and never use them and throw them away in a few years because omg I have way to many cups I can't handle this anymore. But still.

"leaks" about Google blocking ad blockers got me to switch to Firefox in October last year. Was worth the risk. Took the time to also leave googles password manager and switch to bitwarden as well.

The way I heard it the insurance companies lobbied for seatbelt laws.

Something about if you die in an accident the payout could be larger than if you survived.

Opposite for motorcycles and helmets. On a bike you aren't eligible for the same death payout as someone in a car so it's cheaper if you die.

Again this is just how I heard it and I've never cared enough to actually look into any of this at all but on the surface and seems plausible.

Only matters if your account is tied to anything personal. I use lemmy as anonymous as possible. IDC if anyone sees how I vote or what I say on here because I'm not tieing any personal info to it. Can do the same on Reddit but it feels more necessary here for some reason.

Currently using liftoff and its been great and done everything I want it to do but will be jumping ship the second Sync for lemmy comes out. !

Side not, holy shit when you put an "!" the start typing a sub while on desktop it starts to autopopulate then you can pick what you want and it just puts in the formatting. Idk if that is instance specific or something lemmy itself just does but it's awesome.

The FOSS and privacy preachiness really gets to me sometimes. I will admit it has gotten me to think about taking steps towards degoogling my life and things which admittedly is probably a pretty good idea but God sometimes it feels like if you aren't using Linux and graphene OS and browsing everything from behind atleast 3 vpns you might as well not even breath because you don't protect yourself correctly.

I feel attacked.

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I drilled holes in the ceiling of my rented house to run cable through the attic and down into separate rooms. Never heard anything. Don't need a big hole so it's easy to patch when they come through for nail holes and such which are expected.

As someone who bought lifetime ultra on sync for reddit the day he announced the shut down it's a price worth paying. Used the app for almost 10 years and only paid 5 bucks. He wasn't sure what was going to happen going forward so I gave what I could in return for that service.

Tap to pay isn't there to stop you from interacting with the terminal though? I mean yeah it was handy during the pandemic to now have to touch things many other people touch but that wasn't the main idea behind tap to pay.

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The problem with hardware authenticators is compatibility across devices. One job I worked at a while back used Yubikeys, which were great... if you were logging in from your work PC. If you need to access your work email from your phone, that wasn't really an option without getting an exception made to your account, which required IT doing a manual reconfig of your account. And obviously they were reluctant to do that, because that just opened up more security risks that the Yubikeys were meant to prevent.

I mean that sounds more like a money problem to me. There all multiple different types of yubi keys that work for different types of USB and lightning as well as NFC if you want that. The only reason you wouldn't be able to use a yubikey on your phone is because you weren't supplied with a yubi key that works with phones and only the cheapest option with a regular USB A plug.

Previously was an audible subscriber for years. Paused it sometimes when I didn't know what to use credits on. A couple months ago I got an email that my credits would be expiring in a couple months if I didn't use them... Used all 5 that day to buy the rest of a series I was slowly getting through, canceled my sub and figured out how to host it myself on audiobookshelf. Haven't used audible since.

On the surface I agree but these are teenagers. What do you think the chances are of one of them subbing to her account and requesting her to make custom videos for them 😂 I would say pretty damn high. Hell it's still probably going to happen but at least the kids won't be sitting in class while watching videos of their teacher getting fucked.

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As someone who recently fell in love with EndeavorOS I don't wanna fall down the cat girl pipeline....

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Seconding this. If it fails twice for me I wipe my finger on emy short and that fixes it probably 85% of the time.

I e been debating switching the graphene for weeks weeks now. But I just know I'm gonna end up installing Google play services on it and completely defeat the whole point of the OS. I'm probably gonna buy the pixel 8 when it comes out so once I have that I'll put graphene on my current phone and see how I like it.

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Yeah I guess that's all true. Either way I personally would prefer a gun to a baseball bat for self defense for the simple fact that it puts me in less danger than attacking my attacker with a melee weapon. There admittedly isn't much in my house that is worth my life but apparently the person breaking in values my things more than their own life.


Yeah when I'm driving a lot for work I could burn through that in 2 days....and not even be able to finish out the second day before I have to change to something else 😂

Another reason to make me glad I setup audiobookshelf.

I forgot how that show ended and convinced my SO to watch it. Imagine my absolute HORROR when that time came around and I realized what I had a just done to her. She was devastated.

I made an account on a news site once just to test Firefox relay and my custom domain. Can't for the life of me figure out how to delete the account. Had to set relay to just block all the emails. To the tube of like 400.... In less than a month

I mean if I take a swing at someone's head with a baseball bat I'm probably just as likely to kill as I would be by shooting them. I will say baseball bat to the head probably hits less since it would probably render you unconscious immediately.

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Iptorrents has seasons 2 through 7 from what I can see. It is private though and idk if that's all the seasons or not. I didn't check for all episodes either.

What's the difference between syncthing and just setting up a NAS? basically just not having to buy the hardware and using the computer you already have?

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I'm pretty sure it's possible to completely beat the game without killing a single NPC as well.

How do you make your name like that?

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I saw something about them the other day and thought to myself there is no way this is real because they were offering something like 10tb for like 800 bucks. Lifetime sub. I guess they mostly count on people just not using anywhere near that much storage.

Awesome thank you. Should I remove the driver's I installed? FWIW I had this exact issue on Windows when that card was there so it's not purely a driver issue.

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Got core control working. Did have to update something in the Kernel to get full control and access to stepping but it's working perfectly now.

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As someone new to Linux the fact that I could just check a box on steam and suddenly I could install and run the witcher 3 blew my mind. I had no idea. Last I checked on Linux gaming the solution was install windows 😂

That's my outlook on gamepass. I hardly ever use a console, own 3 xbocs and only know where 1 is and that's sitting in the corner of my living room unplugged for at least 2 years. I get gamepass ultimate a couple times a year for a game or 2 and play for a few weeks then cancel it and move on.

I've been the guy to send the do you still have this and then ghost before. I thought the button to instantly send the seller a message without confirming was the send this to a buddy button. Whoops sorry guys.

That's amazing but I wouldn't be at all surprised to here that anyone who did got it reversed if not just outright banned from Google. I certainly wouldn't have tried in on my main Google account.

Got it working. Thank you. Now if only it was as easy to compile and build apps on windows as it is on Linux I'd be set. I've spent the better part of the night trying to build synergy on my windows machine because I'm to cheap to just hand them money for the compiled version 😂

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Last used Linux over 10 years ago when I was in college for ITNA. It didn't work out for me and I drive trucks for a living now lol. Computers/gaming has always been my hobby though. Decided a few weeks ago to try out Linux again on a spare computer I have. Started with EndeavorOS and broke it somehow. Went to mint for like a week and couldn't get used to it for some reason and decided to try EndeavorOS again. Been using it for about a month now as my primary and only using the windows PC for gaming and it's been great. Does take some tinkering and googling to get it how it want it from a fresh install though which I've had to do a couple times now because of hardware failures lol

Can't answer your question since it's not something I ever thought about but I recently, within the last 2 weeks, started the same thing. I tried Mint and EndeavorOS so far and honestly I probably won't leave EndeavorOS again. I installed it first. Confused the fuck out of myself because years ago I use Ubuntu so I had that like hard coded in me and couldn't get my head around arch. After playing with Mint for a week or so I'm back on EndeavorOS and I love it. I really really want to switch my main PC over but I have a Plex server and audio book shelf server running there as well as atleast 1 game that playing on Linux just isn't possible since Bungie will ban you for running destiny 2 on Linux.

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I mean I hardly use the tap to pay feature on my cards but I use credit cards for everything. Tap to pay is more secure so protects the banks more. Same reason we moved to chips instead of always using mag strips.

would consider myself very much a noob and I'm bumbling my way through it. Just kinda worked my way through it and pretty sure I broke my mint install a bit before hopping to EndeavorOS and will probably break this one before I'm done as well.

That is so bizarre to me. According to this article, Destiny 2 was already playable on Linux when it was officially ported to Google Stadia, and no one, not even Bungie, can explain why they won't support it on Linux or Steam Deck, much less ban a player for trying. That's crazy.

Yeah I have no idea either. From what I've seen online it's something to do with the anti cheat battleye but that runs on Linux so it's basically just them telling the Linux community to go pound sand.