What replacement for each major social media do you use

jackpot@lemmy.mlbanned from sitebanned from site to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 176 points –

As I see it:

Reddit - Lemmy Discord - Revolt Twitter - Mastodon Snapchat / Whatsapp - Signal ? Instagram - No replacement to my knowledge Skype / Zoom - Jitsi

etc etc


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I don't personally use it but pixelfed is an Instagram type of site. It's part of the fediverse as well.


Can I use this login for that site or do I need a new account?

You'd need to create another account, pixelfed is currently working on a "login with mastodon" feature that will probably be released pretty soon, but even with that you're still technically creating another account, you'll just be able to log into it using a mastodon account and copy your bio, profile pic, follows, and things like that if you want.

But yeah, there's nothing for lemmy

They are working on mastodon integration

They are working on mastodon integration

i even found out the other day that pixelfed does stories and live streaming!

though those things are based on reading the configuration settings in documentation, so i have no idea what those features are likeā€¦.

also worth noting that as usually with fediverse platforms, pixelfed data is accessible from other platforms like mastodon

ie you can retoot a pixelfed post afaik, and i believe that at least in kbin that means you can have a threaded conversion about a pixelfed post?