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who hurt you?

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well now you’re just describing ansible

from what i understand, the big change in chat-gpt4 was that the model could “ask for help” from other tools: for maths, it knew it was a maths problem, transformed it to something a specialised calculation app could do, and then passed it off to that other code to do the actual calculation

same thing for a lot of its new features; it was asking specialised software to do the bits it wasn’t good at

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it’s somehow even more stupid imo… like… he blabbed about the fact that he had this information and the other guy would have been like “yeah… we know you know… you’re the fucking president”

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let’s hope they’re interesting because it’s novel and the problems were there with other solutions just solved ages ago rather than the alternative: “so many unique situations” because there are a litany of “oops didn’t think of that” moments that will continue to crop up

still one of the biggest pieces though

i’m okay with either of either of these since it reinforces the stupidity and futility:

  • x, formerly twitter
  • the company formerly known as twitter
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they probably wouldn’t even try and hide it: they’d literally just come out and say the electoral college helps keep the democrats out and they’d vote for it

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hopefully at least when ISPs and companies see that it’ll just be back and forth, and that things like “fast lanes” can’t be relied upon in business planning there just won’t be a market for it, or at least the fuckery will be significantly diminished because it’s not reliable long-term

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perhaps, but combining bills does allow for good ways of compromise… i’ll pass your bill that i don’t agree with if you pass a change to this other thing that addresses my concerns, etc

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not that i’m into it, but the headspace of little/age play is escapism: kids don’t have work to do, kids don’t worry about rent, etc… kids just kinda do what they want and are able to be a bit bratty and get away with it

the headspace for puppy play (which i am very into) is similar: dogs don’t worry, dogs just play, dogs get pats, dogs love unconditionally. its all about existing in the moment and focusing on what’s happening rather than worrying about human things

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well, they did say “human nature” and “unfortunately”

i don’t think they’re judging?

as aStonedSanata mentioned, different tech isn’t what we’re talking about: fibre shouldn’t be limited to the speeds of, say ADSL or cable to keep things neutral

what we’re talking about here is, for example, netflix paying your ISP to prioritise traffic to their service over other services… this causes an enormous disadvantage to new startups, because they likely can’t afford to pay a similar fee or even enter into complex agreements with every carrier! in which case, netflix has a better service not because they’re better: just because they’re incumbent

of course these kind of things happen all over the place, but it’s the exact failure of capitalist systems that governments should seek to patch with regulations (like net neutrality) because it’s not good for consumers, the economy, or innovation… which are all the very things that capitalism is meant to promote!

3rd party, in america, is mathematically and sociologically a waste of a vote

you have FPTP; you do not have STV or RCV etc

totally understand the frustration, and i’m not going to try and invalidate it!

… however, it’s definitely not a problem with a simple solution

since anyone can start an instance, when you search “all”, where should it search? i don’t mean generally like “all the instances”, i mean where specifically? things like lemmy.world, lemmy.ml, kbin.social, etc are obvious… but what about lemmy.mydomainforfriends.social (not real but let’s pretend someone created their own little instance for friends there!)?

let’s say you say yes that should be searched, okay… how does your instance know it’s there? does it tell all other instances that it exists at some point? where does IT get that list from? (the current solution to this is that your instance starts to “know about” an instance after someone interacts with it, but this has the problem you’ve described)

let’s say that instance shouldn’t be searched… now, what are the rules (automatic id assume; not with human intervention) that would allow an instance to be added to some big list somewhere? also where is that list? now we’re back at problem 1: how do you store a federated list of servers?

the problem gets even harder when you consider mastodon, pixelfed, peertube, etc… all these services interact: should all include them? only certain things in them?

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and as a citizen of a country other than the US, we’re very used to america being horrifically overrepresented in any sort of politics ever no matter what :p so swings and roundabouts i guess

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at the very least constant whip-lash from changes might see ISPs not being able to sign long-term contracts and businesses not being able to plan around availability of things like “fast lanes”, which might make them uncommon even if net neutrality keeps getting repealed

i will never understand the US’s obsession with “consistent” housing

which is exactly why the fediverse is so good! you can host it yourself and shoulder the cost, join a free instance, donate something small… the cost is shared among many, which makes it far more acceptable for a lot of small passion projects

the plastic problem is separate from the carbon problem though… we don’t ban plastics because we’re concerned about climate change; we ban them because we are worried that microplastics are causing significant health effects to both humans and most other animals

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okay but all that “technically possible but nobody has written the software yet” is incredibly unhelpful

it’s technically possible to run every windows app perfectly in WINE but nobody has implemented a bunch of the APIs without bugs yet

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it became clear to me that the main discovery page on youtube would never be of any use to me when it suggested a video entitled “Andrew Tate Tucker Carlson Interview” by the channel “Gentleman Masterclass” and i almost projectile vomited all over my keyboard

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holding public office doesn’t, and shouldn’t have the same bar as convicting someone… this isn’t restricting individual freedoms; this is about the leader of the most powerful country on earth

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tedious is the point! i love that by trying to make it quick and “catchy” he made it really long, cumbersome, and made it a meme that the rebranding will never work because we’re still referring to it as twitter but worse

“you know what worked real well? the metaverse! let’s copy their avatars!”

“ooooh yeah great idea bob! we don’t have any legs either so it’s perfect!”

it’d make some amount of sense if they were actually inconvenienced but i’m still not understanding the inconvenience tbh

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as a gay man, not as far as i’m aware

and if you’re trying to make a joke because the people that do this are likely homophobes and would hate to be associated with gay sex, i’d ask please don’t… that, in itself, is unintentionally homophobic because it implies gay sex is derogatory

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literally nobody disregards it… every thread anywhere someone points out the US

WE ALL AGREE! but ITS ALSO NOT OKAY FOR RUSSIA… and thats what the thread is about

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and then we should pull that thread a little further and say that actually that’s sex discrimination so rather than remove the women from his work force just remove him instead

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sooooo yes you’re not wrong, but i’d argue (as not an american mind you) that also it’s a little more complicated than just national defence

overseas military bases aren’t just for intimidating other countries into doing what the US wants: they also contribute significantly to global stability… having THE world super power kinda everywhere means it’s probably much less likely that some random country is going to start shit… sure, the US gets to pick and choose to benefit itself, but it certainly contributes

and that’s not just good for the world: AS the worlds leading superpower, the US benefits enormously from global stability: from cheap trade, financing, more global budget being spent on STEM/R&D (which because of trade and financing the US almost always capitalises on somehow!)

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also idk does zsh do this automatically? don’t think i’ve ever had this problem except on legacy AF servers

i mean… unless you don’t tab complete, but then who doesn’t spam tab 30 times every keystroke?

i’d guess they could hyper optimise for “perceived difference” rather than data loss specifically… they do a pretty good job of generating something from nothing, so i’d say with enough data they’d probably generate a pretty reasonable facsimile of “standard” stuff

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it’s sad that people allow themselves to fall for the disenfranchised voter syndrome

it’s reality mate… you get democrat or you get republican. with how first past the post mathematically works, that’s what you’re stuck with. deal with reality and vote the system or scream at the wall

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their clients are proprietary but it’s built on matrix (federated chat kinda like xmpp) and their bridges (things that connect matrix to other protocols) are open source

they say you can use any matrix client, and that you can host your own home server with their bridges

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hospitals do have lists of patients and staff though… and they’re usually centralised… so it’s pretty easy to tally up a rough estimate for who was in a hospital at a given time

sure, hamas is full of shit: they lie about loads of things… but having quick numbers for who died when a hospital was destroyed is far from unlikely… let’s make sure we accuse people of the right things and not make the disinformation worse aye?

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kinda different there though… it’s trivial to add whatever data you like to images etc (and that’s without even resorting to steganography), but that data is only accessible with an application. i believe the question was intended as whether you could get a virus from downloading/playing media files… the content of that “hidden data” isn’t executable, so whilst it’s reasonable to say it’s possible to transport a virus via hidden data in media, it’s not reasonable to say that you can “get” a virus using that same method alone

it’s single valid use: somewhere that you may not have tools but might require an impromptu fix… preferably paired with a much larger screw than technically required so you can use things like coins as a driver

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i’m not so sure it’s just evil people being evil

i think it’s just us vs them, which basically has roots in greed, power over others, etc

i think you could probably overturn those things with better instilled skills of long term planning, understanding of things like game theory (sometimes giving something to someone helps both of you! it’s not rewarding laziness: it can be selfish and humane)

i just think the reasoning here doesn’t go further than the initial emotion… there’s been no reinforcement that maybe your first reaction isn’t the right one

and you don’t need lemmy/kbin either, but yknow we like it

what’s your point?

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let’s not go too far though… the holders of h264/h265 did put a lot of money and effort into developing the codec: a new actual thing… they are not patent trolls, who by definition produce nothing new other than legal mess

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