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Joined 1 years ago

First Past the Post voting at elections.

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X for doubt.

There's no way someone survives something as big as a butt plug moving from their arse to their chest at near the speed of sound. You might as well put their internal organs though a juicer and see if they survive.

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Another Brexit Benefit

Fuck Nigel Frog face Farrage, The Haunted Victorian Pencil Jacob Rees-Mogg, Lord David Pig Fucker Cameron, Maybot, Boris I don't care where I stick my Johnson, and all the rest of the Tories who either actively supported this or were to self interested to not rebel as their leaders doubled down on their Brexit folly again and again.

I don't get how that's legal in some parts of the world.

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's not in the public sphere but your private collection, so you do you chap.

In my opinion privately owned art of a high enough cultural value should either not be allowed to be privately owned, or if it is then it should have to be on permanent loan to free admission public galleries. But that's not the case.

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Brexiters knew what they were voting for.

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Under GDPR you have a right for your application to be reviewed by a human rather than an automated rejection. Is there something like that in the country maybe?

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Boomers would have expected their wages to go up above inflation. Not settle for keeping in line with it.

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Soulseek is my past, present and future.

Na she's in the Delta quadrant.

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Everything, maybe. As we can more widely blame 13 years of Tory failure.

EU roaming is definitely a direct result of Brexit however. EU roaming charges were only removed because of the EU, so leaving the EU they were obviously going to return.

Might be worth letting the uni know. Surely they'll want to fix the site!

The HPV vaccine will pretty much make cirvical cancer a thing of the past too.

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As a non American millennial I have no fucking clue what the second one is.

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In the UK that's not true here. I work at a supermarket distribution centre and fish comes in chilled not frozen.

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Yes because it's a well known fact that if a woman has problems with hormonal birth control then her partner automatically is unable to wear condoms.

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22 years is the minimum custodial part of the sentence, the rest will be 'on licence' so out of prison under set conditions like reporting in at a police station every week. Breach of any of the conditions or breaking any other laws is basically back to prison do not pass go.

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I thought Americans were all about free market. Other companies and alternatives will come in and undercut shell if that happens.

To transfer 1tb of data from London to Edinburgh at 100mbit/s it would take around 22 hours.

To put a 1tb SSD in a rucksack and get the train to Edinburgh drop it off and come back would take about 9 hours.

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Actually we've had pretty strict gun laws since the Dunblane massacre.

Memes. Lots and lots of memes.

Meanwhile the thing other employees learn from the firing approach is to get better at covering up their mistakes.

They'll be on licence for the rest of their lives following that though. The minimum term on a life sentence is just the custodial part.

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X Window System (X11, or simply X) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.

The third one can be inferred as "I didn't say the words" as I inferred it.

Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?

As always?

The EU made apple use USB c on iPhones.

The EU made Microsoft make edge uninstallable.

Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath

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Na. If it's British police it's just an excuse. All they're there for after all these years of Tory cuts is to give you a reference number so you can make an insurance claim.

I miss the blobs.

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It's not insignificant. It's Tesla's 5th biggest in Europe and Tesla's were making up 60% of new car sales in Sweden.

Problem for Tesla is even if they pull out of the market all the cars they already sold will need servicing. So the mechanics union will strike and demand a collective bargaining agreement, then what choice does Tesla have?

It's been unseasonably wet and cool in the UK so that's probably part of why they believe it.

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He's a Tory. I very much doubt he feels bad about the joke, more likely just feels bad that he got caught. Last month in parliament if you believe his accuser he called a constituency a shit hole and if you believe his defence he called a fellow MP a shit hole.

That's nice. But without some serious marketing they won't get people off of WhatsApp in Europe.

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A cross between Latin and algebra.

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Checks URLs for nasties like tracking links. Can also be used to open links in specific apps (where they don't always want to)

Available on both f-droid and the play store.

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Is that Paris or Janeway?

Most companies dropped free EU roaming almost right away.

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I have no idea what you're doing wrong. All the led bulbs I've got are coming up on ten years old and working fine.

But I gotta get my quid back.

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Put that on the side of a bus.