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Joined 11 months ago

Alright China shills, you can stop changing the subject to how Google and the US are the "same".

The troops advanced into central parts of Beijing on the city's major thoroughfares in the early morning hours of 4 June and engaged in bloody clashes with demonstrators attempting to block them, in which many people – demonstrators, bystanders, and soldiers – were killed. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded.[15][16][17][18][19][20]

If you lived in China you'd likely not know about this, since people who talk about it go to prison.

Yeah the US is exactly like this so let's not talk about the Chinese government being awful to their citizens /s

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According to republicans Europe is hell on Earth tho

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Apple is honestly garbage. This would have been news 5 years ago. Now it's just sad.

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This is a feature, not a bug

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Oh look your pr and legal team wrote some words that no one gives a fuck about

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Thank you for doing all of this including writing this post. The haters are binary thinkers who can't be bothered with pesky things like "context" and "reality"

The idea that an iPhone is more secure or private is a farce you've been sold. It's true that Google makes more money off of tracking behavior and selling ads but it's absolutely laughable to believe Apple doesn't do that also. They just focus their efforts more on entrapping you in an ecosystem where you don't feel even able capable of giving another tech company money besides them. Need proof, look at the fact that lawmakers had to force them to use USBC. The excuse they gave for not doing it was flimsy af. They obviously were looking to keep profiting from their shitty lightning cables. Never once did the fact that it's outlandishly inconvenient to need a different cable than your friends with Androids for charging your phone ever register as a factor for apple. Proprietary and overpriced. That's the entire business model.

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Yes landlords can be awful scumbags...

But am I supposed to think that people should be able to live rent free despite agreeing to pay rent? Not seeing anyone pointing this "minor" issue out here.

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It sounds like the real complaint is that it's different.

Because yeah it's certainly not more toxic. That's laughable. My interactions here have been overwhelmingly better than on reddit.

And the other complaints boil down to "it's small and new, yuck"... Yeah that's a good thing usually. There have been terrible attacks with CSAM but people are handling it and luckily I've never seen a single image like that. On reddit it was not uncommon to see mutilated humans without wanting to even though there was far more time and resources available to prevent that

You can already replace your own iPhone battery without any technical expertise.

Press x to doubt. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14 more...

This thread is wild. I suspect most of you who seem completely positive you're right to judge thousands of people and what they deserve would be very indignant and angry if someone lumped you in with a category of people you somehow are tangentially related to.

It's kind of depressing. I thought Lemmy wasn't a wasteland of humanity like reddit was, but if I was only going by this thread I'd have to conclude it definitely is not a damned bit better than reddit.

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Oh God no, the horror that the EU could remove content that promotes hatred!

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I would love to see the looks on the Apple execs' faces when they learn news like this. Those greedy cunts must get a rage boner every time they're forced to act like decent world citizens


yeah no shit. The point is that they aren't equivalent, trying to make them so is a destructive distraction

I'm going to guess you're one of the people who defends tiktok and compares it to every other social media app by saying the US government is basically the same as the Chinese government

40 more...

Trickle down economics was never something an intelligent lifeform needed disproving. It's so transparently false that it's practically synonymous with "you're a moron rube and I plan to profit from that fact"

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Interesting. I didn't know that. Safari is a piece of shit for other reasons too

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Is this satire? Forgive me, but 99.999% of the population has no idea what a kernel is. Also, since when would a mouse care about your kernel version? Puzzling post.

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I'm pretty unclear why you'd have this arbitrary expectation

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Literally was just telling my partner how much better browsing is since switching to Firefox on android. The ability to install extensions period is a huge upgrade, but also there are several available that are fantastic and not features available on chrome. Not sure what you mean about needing extensions to match chrome features. In fact, none of the extensions I've installed are features present in chrome. Plus I can block ads and trackers, activate dark mode everywhere, and use YouTube for audio with my screen off. I am kicking myself for being lazy. On top of giving Google personal data for no reason, I've had a worse browsing experience for years.

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Mom, I'm tired of having software choices! I need to be locked into an ecosystem immediately!!

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TIL we need convincing about that on Lemmy

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BuT aMeRiCa iS iDeNtIcAl

Nope. The only time I use Reddit is when a search leads me there. I deleted my account and open it in a container tab in Firefox so they can't track me and I have ublock origin running to block their bullshit ads. I suggest everyone do that. I feel like lately even Google takes me there less often, and when they do, the content is shittier than it used to be.

Fuck reddit. I don't need it, it's dead to me.

People will suffer and die because of his decisions. Lovely.

Well, yeah people call them stupid because they have the most access to facts out of all humans throughout history and yet work hardest to reject ALL of them except those they want to believe.

And I don't think most people were all that quick to dismiss these people's pain at first, in fact a lot of us have felt it firsthand. It's just really hard to feel sorry for people who are proudly bigoted, hateful, and willfully ignorant.

You're right, it's not helpful to call them stupid and dismiss their views, but it's honestly like we have no choice. How do you help and have empathy for people who would make your friends' existence illegal? How can you take seriously someone who constantly screams about problems that don't really exist, and are solely based on fearing people who have no interest in bothering them?

Seriously? Real questions.

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So the best thing that android does -- allowing choice -- is your issue with them? What you're asking for here is the apple business model. Absolute control. No thanks.

If your issue is you can't figure out which android phone is good, that's a you problem. Online reviews exist. Not that hard to research a phone ...

5 more...

Source: trust me bro?

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Why are people taking it for granted that peppers can kill you? They almost never, if ever, do. No, they can't, in a practical sense, and it's very weird you're immediately ready to believe that they do

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I really liked Edge like a year or two ago. It seems they are trying to destroy it as fast as possible.

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What the fuck are you talking about? This has nothing to do with America, the problem here is you're falsely equating a horrifyingly authoritarian government and basically writing it off as the "sAmE aS gOoGlE"

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Yeah I agree. trump is racist AF, we don't need to strain and stretch to make him racist even in the event that he isn't being 100% racist.

It was really obvious to me Linus was full of shit when he pretended to give Linux a try but then defied a scary error message warning him not to continue which he did anyway and it wiped his desktop environment completely.

He then basically implied if you couldn't just randomly copy paste cli commands without understanding them AND ignoring a scary warning message, then Linux just was too sketchy for average users to use. It would be trivial to make that exact argument about windows... Because it's a bullshit meaningless argument

Anyone with even the tiniest experience with a cli, imo, should've known at that point he's full of shit. Fuck their shitty videos.

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"if I don't use it, it's useless"

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It isn't. I've been on the Internet longer than 14 years. This is actually a test of what kind of content you care about. I didn't find this worthwhile. It's either fake which is insanely weird, or it's real and deeply sad.

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How the fuck is this number not higher?

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How many times has the US military ever murdered 900+ protestors in broad daylight then censored it from all media and imprisoned anyone who talks about it decades later?

Educate yourself. Jesus fucking Christ.

For the record I don't need to read more about the US government corruption, that's known. The fact that you're comparing the two is disturbing af

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And yet to us Americans, we see that the EU does a billion times more for its citizens and we wish our country could be half as good about the things the EU does right.

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I think calling this a shitty take is a huge understatement