Twitter (X) loses over 30% of users in two months! to – 750 points –
Twitter (X) loses over 30% of users in two months!

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How the fuck is this number not higher?

My exact though at first. Then I remembered probably half of all Xitter accounts are ghost anyway. Which makes 30% overall decrease equivalent to 60% decrease within active users.

You have already applied as much reason as the entire article, and also given as much hard data and sources. In fact, reading your comment is probably worth more than the article.


And NO this is NOT sarcasm!

Inertia. Give it more time.

Also bots. Bots don't have ethics or intolerance, so the people running them have no reason to stop.

How the fuck is this technology?

I agree completely that it shouldn't be, but Twitter and Facebook/Meta are considered tech companies.

Yes Meta has some tech today, but they were considered a tech company from the beginning, merely for being on the Internet!!!

IMO That's like considering a baker a tech company, because they have a cash register with buttons. But that's the world we live in.