nudny ekscentryk

3 Post – 460 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

wwa, lewactwo

Greenwashing, can't believe this even is a question

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This is satire, right? I want to believe homeschooled kids are not as bad as they are often pictured

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I'm with boomers on this. It's even worse if it redirects you to their FB page

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I feel like celebrating on February 28th when it's not a leap year makes the most sense. If someone was born on February 29, then their birthday is the day before March 1.

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It is not, there are actual colour categories at the top of the page which allow you to filter by thumbnails. This is what the Red page looks like for me:

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Wait he was handed live gun, which was supposed to fire blanks and yet it's him getting charged and not the propmaster. what the fuck? what am I missing?

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it's a common argument against homeschooling that kids who have no exposure to peers in a school setting end up with poor social skills. unless this post is satire, which I am like 99% sure it must be, this seems to be a case of that

edit: I'm in no way saying it's the strongest or the most important argument against homeschooling

This was fact-checked to be false: source 1 in English, source 2 in Spanish.

  1. she wasn't onboard the government jet (also, wasn't even a private jet)
  2. she was there a day before to attend a different event
  3. she traveled there by a hybrid
  4. the rest of her team travelled by bullet train
  5. she wasn't allowed on the bullet train for security reasons (though I can't quite see how a car is safer, lol)
  6. she has been photographed biking around the city in the day before the climate conferene
  7. the person who made the original tweet this article is based on deleted it and acknowledged having made this up
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this is called flexitarianism and is totally valid in terms of not wasting food and cohabitating in society. unfortunately some vegetarians would bully a person like you since ideological purity is more important than not wasting food to them

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When you consider the time as a number line, years are not points at integers (which would in some way warrant a year 0), but rather periods between them. Year 1 is the period between 0 and 1, and before that was -1 to 0, or year -1. There is no year 0, because there isn't anything between 0 and 0

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Good idea I think, but these could be mistaken for reversing lights

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I think I'm too european to understand this meme

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Clickbait: this is about 2015

Religions, all of them

all of these are scrapers, so they will work unless YouTube gets rid of its web version

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  1. Libreoffice -- the best, most customisable and powerful office software available
  2. Onlyoffice -- alternative for less-advanced users who are used to the UI of contemporary MSO
  3. Zotero -- great bibliography manager useful when writing scientific papers: lets you collect books, journal articles and all other types of sources, automatically finds full text PDFs online, fills in metadata and then inserts dynamic citations in thousands of different, customisable styles. Also generates bibliographies. Works with LO, MSO and GDocs
  4. Caprine -- clean Facebook Messenger client (web wrapper based)
  5. TeXStudio -- my L^A^T~e~X editor of choice; integral (ha!) when formatting maths-heavy documents


  1. Cloudstream --- free streaming app, works with SFlix, Sodastream, PH and other legally dubious streaming providers. Takes some trickery to set up though.
  2. Osmand --- OpenStreetMap client with offline (optional online) navigation and plenty of plugins; loads of customisation
  3. Material Files --- nicest file manager, especially for rooted devices
  4. Showly --- freemium open-source TV and film tracker. Syncs with
  5. Simple Gallery --- out of all Simple Apps by this developer, this is the only one which is in fact superior to its alternatives. Highly customisable, powerful, lightweight gallery app
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They even know how to use Word and PowerPoint and Excel

Oh how poorly has this sentence aged in the last 10 years. There's another nice article about this phenomenom of kids not understanding folder structure here.

Back in uni I was the smart guy whom everyone would ask for help, both with tech and non-tech issues:

"Hey nudny ekscentryk, my phone won't connect to the campus WiFi". Oh yeah that happens I said, you probably didn't fill in the login credentials correctly. This was actually rather tricky, because it used for logging in and required changing the default password at least once since registering, for database reasons I guess. They tried it, didn't work. Are you sure you know your password? No, they don't. Let's check in their password manager. They have an iPhone, which I haven't used since I indefinitely switched to Android a couple years back. Took me 20 seconds to find the password manager in Settings though. The password is not there. "Oh you mean my university password? It's in my notes". We go to Notes app. There's nothing here, do you use Evernote or something else entirely for that?. They use a fucking Google Docs document for notes. It's not very handy is it? Like you have to zoom in to edit, it's all clumsy because it's a document and the text's formatted weirdly. Not a problem to them, because "well at least it syncs so I can access it from my iPad." Okay, whatever. It's not like your built-in iOS password manager doesn't sync. We managed to connect to the WiFi network. "could you also do that for the WiFi in the other building?". But it's the same network, it will connect automatically to either. They know better: "nah it can't be, the range is too far". I explain it's not the same hotspot but the credentials are shared and in fact since it's eduroam, a global network, it will work in pretty much any university campus in the world automatically. "wow that is crazy, will that also work for my iPad". Well if you log in with the same credentials. "could you do it for me? i'll fetch my iPad". No, I've shown you how to do it, you can do it yourself now. They can't use a computer.

A different time I was proofreading a classmate's thesis, see quadruple x's next to each heading. hey, what's up with these? I ask her, she replies: "oh I put them here so I can easily find each heading when formatting text. If I make any changes I can just search for <xxxx>" and it will automatically let me go through all headings easily without scrolling manually :)". I open the Navigator (I use LO Writer) and it's empty. She wrote an 80-page document without ever using Styles. All headings, title page etc. were formatted manually. I enable the Formatting Marks. Holy shit. She uses spaces and tabs to move text around. Loads of line breaks to move text to the next page. I could tell the document looks off but I never though this was due to so poor editing skills. Or rather lack thereof. You know you're doing everything the hard way here?. "What do you mean?". There are tools for all that you've done here. Like you can use Styles to mark headings and then edit them in bulk. You can add automatic numbering, which will later let you create an index within a second. To move next to the next page you can use page breaks. "Okay cool but this is how I do it". Alright, then you are just giving yourself extra work, what's the point of not doing this correctly once and then never bothering with formatting ever again?. "Could you do it for me?". I can show you all these tools but I won't be doing that for you, as I'm already proofreading your paper factually. "Okay whatever". Guess what, she never bothered and when handing it the finished paper (probably around 120 pages), her instructor made her do it anyway. She asked me to help her with that. I said no, because I offered help before and she didn't bother. After submitting the paper, the reviewer returned it and made her re-do all citations in an, at least, consecutive style. "Oh fuck that guy why would he give me so much work!? You know how many hours it took me to insert all these in here.". It was around 280 citations total, out of 30 different pieces of writing. She obviously did all of them manually by typing out footnotes. You know there are bibliography managers which do it automatically in a consecutive style for you?. "Will it automatically fix what he asks?". Well, no, because (again) you originally did it incorrectly. This one issue was even stranger for me than her not using styles for formatting: one year later we both attended a "methodology of scientific publishing" class, where they introduced us to Google Scholar, Zotero, Impact Factor and other stuff she could use now. We even had a take-home project to create a bibliography in Zotero and she did it (with online help). But she didn't bother to retain it in her skillset, so when needing to actually apply that skill, she wasn't even aware this was exactly what she learned a year earlier. Crazy; she can't use a computer.

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That's weird as well, but what I meant is in Europe you pack your groceries yourself

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The more they claim they know about you the more they can charge for ads. I have recently realized that Google, Facebook and such are not only powerful because they aggregate data, but rather because they can sell their product (=your attention) to other companies very, very well. People often claim companies would not pay for advertisements had they didn't work — I claim otherwise; they pay for advertisements because Google falsely claims how effective they are and that's why they need to collect your data and be able to show that to their customers to boost their (Google's) sales. In other words they don't do that to sell the customers product well (the one that has been advertised) but rather sell their own product, which is ad space.

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It's a secret -- otherwise the streaming services in question would immediately patch the vulnerability

Wait, Google Pay still exists? Wasn't it rebranded to Wallet?

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This is a necessary reminder that Ecosia is a scam:

  • they don't "plant trees" but rather contribute very little amounts to existing programmes
  • "Every search plants a tree" is a lie. It's not every search, but rather every couple clicks on an ad
  • They use Bing results making them useless

If you're using Ecosia with an adblocker or knowingly skip over sponsored results then you are NOT in any way contributing to the tree-planting

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The "u" in uTorrent is actually [greek letter mu](\)), which as a SI suffix is pronounced "micro" and means one millionth (10^-6)

When I learned balls have a significant role in child-making my first though was women got pregnant by surgically transfering a man's testicle to their belly. Then I realized balls come in two's and I do in fact have more than one sibling

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Anna's archive is a catalogue which goes through multiple databases including libgen, therefore it's preferable

you in Chinese is not pronounced like "you" in English. totally different vowel sound

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In my defence I use Revanced and not Newpipe only because I like to have my subscriptions and watchlist synced up between devices

  • AdAway -- system-wide ad-blocker, works with and without root, but Adguard DNS work well enough so don't bother if you can't root.
  • Aegis -- clean OTP app
  • AntennaPod -- best podcast player with lots of customisation
  • Breezy Weather (requires IzzyOnDroid repo; fork of the abandoned Geometric Weather) -- brilliant, beautiful, ad-free weather app with Accuweather data
  • CloudStream (IzzyOnDroid) -- 🏴‍☠️ video streaming from all over the web
  • Doodle Live Wallpaper -- FOSS recreation of Google's Pixel wallpapers with some extra customisation
  • Frost for Facebook -- pretty web wrapper for browsing Facebook
  • LibreTorrent -- FOSS, ad-free torrenting app
  • OsmAnd+ -- OpenStreetMap client with navigation, offline maps and loads and loads of customisation
  • Antimine -- infinite minesweeper game
  • Neo Backup -- root-based app data backup
  • SimpleAppDowngrader -- root-based, allows downgrading apps without uninstalling and retains data files
  • -- best tasklist available, self-hosted but also works with Google Tasks
  • ViMusic -- free YouTube Music client, works flawlessly and is very pretty
  • Wave Lines Live Wallpaper -- customisable wave lines live wallpaper

: Also I’m not sure why everyone is championing RCS - it’s yet another proprietary communication standard like iMessage and isn’t open thus can’t be easily implemented in other chat apps.

RCS is an implementation of GSMA Universal Profile and is interoperable with it

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This will get me loads of downvotes, but Windows 10 Mail and Calendar (not Outlook) is simple yet works flawlessly and is miles ahead of Thunderbird by usability, stability and user-friendliness. On the other hand though, Ubuntu Evolution is even better and is open-source.

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I want to, but I can't shake off the feeling that Google does have a point here: it's like requiring Amazon to bargain with DHL's drivers. It's kind of not their issue: they pay DHL for their services and DHL commissions their employees to do particular tasks.

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Perhaps I'm talking from the European perspective but over here every supermarket and convenience store has a battery and light bulb recycling box. Can't imagine it's much different in the US.

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Can someone please explain to me what's the point of Flipper Zero? In what way is it capable to do anything Android phones with custom software aren't?

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And is the place to find them alternatives

Isn't he ChatGPT app merely a front end to an off-site service? Why the fuck would it deserve an award itself? The service, sure; but the app?!

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Not sure where you heard that but the Chinese fully makes sense to me and I can further confirm the English translation is simply due to literal translation of the phrase "小草" (small+grass), which turns out to be a turns out to be a customary name for Microchloa indica.

The Chinese text reads: Microchloa indica is resting, please don't bother it

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If the autonomous car reacted correctly then why wouldn't they release the video which corroborates this?

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There's a reddit archiver instance of lemmy: It's a good solution if you only want to access posts from a subreddit without commenting on them or creating traffic for reddit. You can either look for a particular existing subreddit or request one if it's not being archived at the moment.

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