
7 Post – 364 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For what reason do you think they'd build their HQ there and not far away from the population?

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If you take a look at it, you'd realize it is tall, and far from any habitation. And in a military base. If is was attacked, there would be little risks of civilian collateral damages. Sure, it is in central Tel Aviv on paper, but more because the city grew around it than because it was deliberately put there.

I couldn't find anything about the Greek army HQ, care to provide a link?

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I know I'm a bit late, but here is some more info that may be of use to some.


OpenGL, is a set of "extensions" (currently 160 as of OpenGL 4.6), which is a subset of features that has to be implemented by each vendor/manufacturer driver.
To be considered compliant with OpenGL 4.0, you have to implement all its extensions. This base serves as the first stepping toward the next step, OpenGL 4.1, which is basically 4.0 with some more extensions, and so on untill the current OpenGL 4.6.
But as everything in OpenGL 4.0 is also in OpenGL 4.6, a driver for 4.6 will run any 4.0 games. But if you used an extension found in the 4.3 spec, your game won't work on a 4.2 level driver... Well, most of the time, as it may already have implemented the extension you need, but did not implement yet enough of them to reach the 4.3 specs.
To complicate things even further, you have the cut-to-size versions, aka OpenGL ES, which targets embedded devices with a stripped down version of OpenGL.
As an example of this, you can find here the compatibility matrix for the open-source Mesa collection of drivers : https://mesamatrix.net/


DirectX, in contrary, is a monolithic spécification. You either support DX11, or you don't.
Part of it is implemented in the NT kernel (Linux équivalent in Windows) by MS, through its libraries, and the other is implemented by the GPU manufacturer, in their drivers.
DX version are often tied to Windows versions (DX12 with Windows 11), for multiple reasons. It requires the right features available in the NT kernel, the right hardware to be run, and, lets be honest, it is a great sale argument to try to push users to get the latest Windows version. Same goes with hardware manufacturers, it is a great way to make sure your customers upgrade for a GPU that support the latest DX version.
Subsequent versions are not compatible with each other, that's why, if you play a DX9 game, you have to install the correct driver that (still) supports DX9, and the DX9 libraries.

To convert or not to convert to new API version ?

To convert a game from DX9 to DX10, you have to rewrite part of the underlying engine, which mean putting ressources and money into it.
Most publisher won't bother, as the return on investment isn't good enough to motivate such work. The new features won't be used, and even though it usually give a substantial boost to performance, those games are often old enough to work exceptionally well on the current era hardware anyway.
So, once again, why bother ?

The specific case of DX12 (and Vulkan)

DX12 is to DX11 what Vulkan is to OpenGL. Both are a dramatic philosophical shift in the graphical API world. Previously, graphical APIs where at a higher level in the stack, which reduced their complexity, at the cost of bigger overhead.
Now with those two new beasts, you get a lot lower in the stack, which mean a lot closer to the hardware itself. You loose some of the ease of use in exchange for a lot less overhead, and thus potentially better performances.
But if your game worked on previous APIs, your are out of luck, as the changes are so radical you'd probably have to rewrite the whole engine renderer. It cost a lot, so only very few games goes this way, mostly the very successful ones, and probably mostly to gain experience with those new paradigms before starting to go all DX12/Vulkan for future games.

From the term used I can easily determine you are more conservative than most here, and even if your comment got reported multiple time on the basis of rule 2, I'd like not to overreact and give you the occasion to develop a bit more your arguments by providing examples instead of just "its like that because I feel like it is like that".

So, could you please kindly provide, as other in this thread asked, example of :

  • Games where those "political" topics doesn't belong
  • Review criticizing SpaceMarine 2 for not "pandering to LGBTQ"

I believe this would help open a more open conversation than some politically opposite attacking each other personally.

In my humble opinion, Games being a work of art as much as it is an entertainment, it is up to the creator to chose what kind of story it want to talk about.
Does they want to talk about how the LGBTQ community, which has been oppressed for a long time, in their game ? Fine by me, at lease I can have some insight from the viewpoint of someone of this community, albeit virtual, to better understand said topic.
Those topics where not talked at all previously, so of course it would feel like it becomes a lot more present in the last years, just by contrast with the absence of it in previous titles. It is also a brand new storytelling topic on which game designer have very little experience with, so it is logical for it to be talked about awkwardly at time (thus the need for specialized consulting firm like Sweet Baby Inc), with some very obvious stitches at times. Just give them time to understand how to blend it better in the story and gameplay, and you'll get the fun games you wish for, with a diverse cast you won't even have to complain about.

It was at first, then they became a for profit organization, Xamarin, who was bought by Microsoft.

It's a RISC they are not willing to take.

Tbh, maybe someone should try making an open-source dating app.

You know what, being a dev myself that's something I'll try as a hobby project. We'll see how it work out.

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Problem is distance and autonomy.

You can't really command drones that far, they are programed with the coordinates, then launched. And to go far, you need to have more fuel, thus a heavier drone, which in turn will be easier to detect and target for AA systems.

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Any source for said price?

Edit: Better known source says it is a baseless rumor circulating on social medias

Some accounts on social media are now circulating the claim that Niger has lifted prices from €0.80 per kilogram to €200. So far, there is no evidence for this beyond themselves quoting each other. The claim seems to trace back to a small digital outlet in Nigeria. Embarrassingly, the website has been confused as being from Niger itself.

Sources (as shared by @goo@lemm.ee) : https://www.forbes.com/sites/eliasferrerbreda/2023/09/12/more-rumours-what-is-really-happening-with-nigers-uranium/

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Love thy neighbor. Except this one. And this one. And those over there. And so on.

My own experience with Asus warranty was of utter incompetence.

It was a long time ago, around 10 years or so, and I sent a newly acquired laptop for repairs because of constants BSOD. Waited a month before getting it back... Without sound. Turn out they forgot to reconnect the sound card. I sent it back for repair, waited another month (because even if they are at fault, they won't even fast track that repair), only to get it back with a nonfunctional touchpad. I don't use it, so I didn't send it back a third time, because who know what would have come back damaged that time.

So their repair woes aren't recent. When their stuff works, it works well, but pray that you won't need to RMA it.

They already use that rhetoric for a long time.

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If I agree with some anti-privacy woes, France (and more broadly Europe) is way more privacy friendly than the US. We have to fight for it from time to time, but for now it goes mostly in the right direction.

As for religious stuff, to understand that you have to understand France. We are, due to our history, mostly irreligious (50% of the whole population in 2017), with most religious people being non-practicing. Like every country we have our religious nutjobs, but they are mostly irrevelant compared to the US ones.
As such, we as a whole generally consider that religion should not impact public life and public places nor be displayed in there, with some specific exception (nuns and priests, as it is considered as being an uniform mandated by their trade).

School is a public space, as such public display of religion are forbidden. This is not specifically agains Muslim, the same would apply to a nun when going to school as a student. Other less ostensible religious sign, like crucifixes, are also banned.
All that is (mostly) to fight communitarianism, which is viewed here as a threat to society.

I'll sticky that for the time being to remind everyone to be mindful of spoilers.
You are free to not care about spoilers, but at least respect those who do, thank you.

Too bad it is nVidia only, I only got AMD cards.

If you are not ironic, considering the number of patients and it being present on all continents, yes it is, by definition.

No, thank you.

That article, which is from 2015 btw, explain it well. NPAPI caused crashes, and a lot of security issues, that's why they were removed.

That's to be expected. You can't go to war expecting everything and everyone to come back.

More like "booming" as "exploding", I suppose?

Laugh in Western European (10Gbps)

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Should I send this to Airbus marketing team ? 😂

Already done in France by Emmaüs, they even have their own Ubuntu based distro.

When your neighbor country has a gun problem and drug addiction problem, it is far too easy for drug cartels to smuggle guns from the US to Mexico.

Guns are not the problem by themselves. Who buys them is. That's why we talk about "gun control" advocates and not "gun interdiction" advocates.

Take Switzerland. There are more guns by inhabitants than in the US (including automatic weapons), but close to no gun violence. That's because gun owners face very strict regulations, a tough background and mental screening before being able to buy ammunition, or even a handgun. You get trained on how to properly secure your weapon, and if you get inspected and are found to not respect those rules you lose your right to handle weapons.

In some US states, even someone legally crazy, psychotic, et suicidal can freely buy an automatic weapon, provided he got enough money. No background or mental health check, no training, no inspection.

Cartels use those flaws to easily get weapons from the US, smuggle them into Mexico in exchange for drugs, and terrorise the Mexican population.

A gun is a tool of death, how it is used depends on who uses it. And as long as you freely sell them to those who shouldn't have access to them, you'll get gun violence on both sides of the "wall".

Shouldn't it be a "cluster"?

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In this case it is more selling information about the victim to the perpetrator.

The tribunal task will be to evaluate if they knew what the perpetrator was about to do, in which case their punishment will be harsher, or if they didn't.

That's quite the old game to review. I remember playing to it even before Stellaris launch.

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They did provide good first party Linux support where other printer required the use of hacky reverse engineered drivers. Other than that...

Well, could really have been the wifi that was cut and not the entire box.

Minimal Viable Product. They shiped it with only one coin to avoid having to spend too much time on implementing every possible coin protocol. But they says that they will add more of them in the future, and, maybe, even fiat currencies.

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In the past, maybe. In the modern world I doubt it. But from Russia I'm not surprised, they have a habit of disregarding life for quite a long time.

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We already crossed many times their "red lines". This is just the good old "China's Final Warning".

They are already barely managing to slowly advance against a single foe, which is still transitioning between the old soviet warfare ways toward NATO's one, with far less soldiers, I doubt they would ever hold against the full alliance firepower.

As is my imaginary girlfriend.

Problem is that there is no proof that Niger ever sold at this price.

Just a random news website quoting no source. No document, no testimony.

That looks an awful like a fake news trying badly to push a false narative, at least to me.

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Cassette Beasts is such a good little gem. Concept, Art, everything is excellent, too bad it is so... small. Sure, it is priced accordingly, but I want more of it!

I could have had a worse fate... Like being American.

Crucifixes and yarmulkes (also known as kippas) are also banned, yes.

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Or add the Fortnite servers IP to their Pihole 😇

"Sorry, Fortnite servers don't work at home", and suddenly my younger cousins are a lot less thrilled to visit me for Christmas. 😂

Withings. Small oled display, looks like an analog watch until you use it. Ton of sensors to monitor your health, or none if you don't want that. And a huge battery. Like huge enough to lose the charger between charges 😆

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I agree that OP could make more structured and elaborate threads, but I wouldn't call him a clown or spammer for that much.
Might I remind you that you can just ignore him if you don't want to see his threads? Like that those who wish to engage on those threads still can and you won't be bothered anymore.

If OP break a community rule or a site wide rule, we will ban him, after warning him, but not otherwise.

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