
2 Post – 1021 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

That only works to avoid creeps online. A government would have the resources to track down the paper trail of who bought the burner.

People need to stop stereotyping cities as liberal havens.

What lockdowns? The brief stint where people stayed home for the most contagious variant? That worked, but people decided that hacking in each others faces was more fun then staying home.

Also, The Sun is a rag.

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Having raw data is only useful if you're literate.

But you trust corpos?

Also, all that stuff is standard movie industry prop material and is well documented. Here's one listing from Smooth-on with the Safety Data Sheet right in front. It would be harder to get the toxic stuff. If you're unsure, just ask the maker for the SDS. If they don't know what that is, then run.

Telegram requires a phone number. That's a none starter for me. There's a huge number of services that don't. This might as well be a honey pot for trapping more lgbt people. Russia has used dating services before in their crackdowns.

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Obligatory Fuck EA.

Adam Something is pretty good. Sometimes he gets finer details wrong, but overall, he's worth watching.

I'm unsure about some of the talents at MSM since it was claimed that they may have a blacklist and the CEO, Seth may be power tripping and gaslighting the smaller talents while treating the big ones with kid gloves to keep them in the company.

When the accusations were first brought up, Seth put out a tweet explaining that they don't have a blacklist, but do have a list of other streamers who are considered high risk. Which sounds a hell of a lot like a blacklist and comes across as some logic fallacy I don't know the name up. Basically redefining words to sidestep an accusation. "I haven't done X because that's not what X means."

There's also some problematic tweets the CEO made when he was 21 and probably contributed to f1nn5ter leaving and while he wasn't specific to exactly why, LordAethelstan also left after hearing about the accusations and vetting things on his end. Supposedly Seth was also shit talking Mythic, which his girlfriend works with, so that alone would be enough if he could verify it.

I'm using "safe" language here because this is still an emerging story, but going by the response from MSM supporters, they look guilty as hell of something.

Or Russia can get the fuck out of Ukraine. Your "compromise" is letting the mugger only take half of your wallet.

Giving concessions to Nazi Germany is how the world let WWII happen in the first place. Russia has been allowed to fuck around for far too much. They should have been stopped when they invaded Georgia. Letting them have parts of Ukraine will only give them time to regroup and possibly invade either Ukraine again or some other nation.

before I was comfortable with Crimea or other parts of Eastern Ukraine joining Russia.

Are you currently in Crimea? Other parts of Ukraine? Is this really your call?

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Funny. I have a pretty good idea of what you think imperialism is.

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Someone who supports Imperialism when America/"the West" isn't doing it. Really, that's all it boils down to.

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I’d be comfortable with allowing them to do what they want.

They want more guns and bullets. I wonder why?

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Found it.

Speaking off cooling and piss, I once saw a streamer experiment with cooling a pc with his piss. Well, I'm saying it was his piss. For ToS reasons, he made it clear he couldn't say it was his piss. It was ill-conceived and he couldn't get far enough to actually do a benchmark test.

Years ago, I saw someone run a copper loop through this newly poured basement foundation just to use to cool his pc silently.

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Mini's are fairly durable, but the spring in built into the device. With Micro, the spring is part of the cable and is cheaper to replace.

Now that I'm home, I can find the post I'm remembering.

oh, no. It's much older then reddit. It was an old Slashdot post from 2009.

I didn't see the second movie, but the one with the floating rocks seemed pretty cool.

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The rich only get in trouble for screwing over other rich.

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After a lifetime of committing fraud and other crimes. He should have been prosecuted at least as far back as the 80's.


The Cybiko. Got it for Christmas and my father threw out the box before I could get the rebate for the mp3 player attachment. Didn't know any other kid with one, so the wireless communication was useless. The games all sucked anyway. Gaming on rubber buttons was always a terrible idea

Ah crypto, proving why we regulate banks everyday.

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Giving concessions to Germany as they invaded other countries instead of stamping it out is how we got WWII.

Or the lavish living conditions of a Ukraine POW cell.

They just "encourage" you to do it and if you get bullied for remaining seated, the school will ignore the bullies even more than usual.

Still more regulated than crypto.

Modern social media that demands irl info and dumbasses who can't figure out how to fill in false information into them. If I got into an online dispute like this, I'd just give them the address of some police barracks. Let them have fun with charges on an attemped swat on the cops.

He was British. It was the UK government.

How corporations use advertisements to influence how the media reports on their activities. Prime example is how BP ran all those "We're Sorry" ads when they poisoned the Gulf of Mexico. They weren't apologizing to the public. They were using the ads to pass bribes to the news agencies to make sure to give them soft coverage when they should have been ranking them over the coals.

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Or just have manual doors and locks with an electric actuator if you really want those "smart" features.

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pfft, ok. If the rich want to cook themselves, all the easier to eat.

Just because he does this often, doesn't mean he's good at it. Not wanting to be connected doesn't mean you can't take your phone. Just turn it off. Loose your bearings? Just go downhill and follow streams. You'll have water eventually, it will lead to a road. A canteen is super basic for anything more then a basic walk.

These dumbasses just give out their address even though everyone knows about police swatting at this point. That or had it on some social media that required it and they didn't think to fill in false information.

I thought it was going to be CoD or CS. Years ago, there was a CS dispute that ended in an arson attempt.

Fyi, an alternative interpretation of the Turing Test was an allegory for his homosexuality.

Just to add of awareness, people are underestimating the micro plastics from tires.

Just watch the Seven Spell Blades anime. On its own, it better then mid anime. Good, but nothing special. If you consider it a response to JK Rowling, it's out for blood.

Look up some Darwin Awards if you want to find more literal Ego Deaths.

This is what happens at Harvard when you try to do good. Look at their alumni. Filled with IRL super villains.

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