Linus Tech Tips issues response to Madison's accusations to – 397 points –

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Oh look your pr and legal team wrote some words that no one gives a fuck about

That sanitized corpspeak just sticks out like a sore thumb, right? It takes deliberate, continuous effort not to start zoning out as soon as I hear it.

Corporate speak sucks, but it's 100x better than Linus digging an ever deeper hole for himself at this time. Dude and his wife just need to take a backseat for a while and let pros fix their shit

I disagree. Linus shooting from the hip and making himself look an even bigger ass is incredibly entertaining.

I prefer the honesty that he's NOT sorry. Tells me to continue to avoid their videos like the plague.

Why is it better? Let him dig his hole and we can leave him in it and go live productive lives without him.

People have been saying constantly that they need to stop having linus respond and instead of proper PR sanitised responses.

Yeah simps would say that. People unconcerned with the real issues who just want the videos to keep coming

ChatGPT: How can I help?

Marketing: Imagine Ned Flanders dipping a piece of white bread into water. Now write an equivalent piece of meaningless corporate drivel.

Embracing the synergy of hydro-imbued sustenance, Ned Flanders artfully engages in a paradigm-shifting experiential interaction, wherein a pristine canvas of gluten-based sustenance seamlessly converges with the aqueous medium, fostering a harmonious union of flavors and textures that exemplifies our commitment to innovative culinary expressions.

This is what I got xD

Dear God. It's perfect.

You know how they say AI is going to take our jobs?

They're wrong. AI is going to take CEOs' jobs.

Of course? Did anyone expect something else? And frankly they would be extremely stupid if they did anything they didn't check with their lawyer first.