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Joined 1 years ago

Dynamic typing is insane. You have to keep track of the type of absolutely everything, in your head. It's like the assembly of type systems, except it makes your program slower instead of faster.

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Global warming is upon us. If something doesn't drastically change, now, our entire species is going to die.

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  • End-to-end encryption works.
  • The only trustworthy computer is your computer. Don't use cloud storage.
  • The only trustworthy software is open-source software. Proprietary software serves the interests of the proprietor, not the user.

All of this was already well-known, of course, but it's always nice to get confirmation.

An infamously vicious predator walks up and bares its fangs at us, and half of you want to pet it instead of fleeing for your lives.

It's hard to overstate my disappointment right now.

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No. Rejection of extremism does not imply acceptance of some other form of extremism.

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Fascist shutdown of public discourse, step by step:

  1. Find out where public discourse is.
  2. Post child porn on an obscure corner of it.
  3. Take screenshots of the posted porn.
  4. Send law enforcement to seize all the things.
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I have rather serious doubts that this is legit. More likely some joker pretending to be from the Linux Foundation sent Redbubble a takedown request.

They're conscripts. Nobody asked them whether they'd like to die.

Nazis. Reddit has so many Nazis.

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“Pirates? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the gazillion sales we're about to make.” —Bethesda, probably

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They also promise to help you, then send a squad of goons to your house to kidnap you and confine you indefinitely in a mental institution (read: torture chamber).

Suicide prevention organizations have been inhumanly cruel for many years, so there's nothing surprising about their cooperation with Facebook.

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In a sane country, the mere attempt at blocking the establishment of a competitor would have been grounds for a Ma Bell-style dissection of both companies.

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… the founding ideas are promising, and something I dream of.

Hard disagree. The founding idea of cryptocurrency is to trick people out of their real currency. It's an elaborate fake-money scheme. Good riddance.

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Don't care? They know it and they want it. The cruelty is the point.

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I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. Home routers are trivial to compromise, and compromised home routers can also be used to distribute illegal content.

Taking money for a 30-year-old movie is pretty much government-assisted stealing, if I'm honest. Copyright in the USA originally had a term of 14 years.

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Note that humans do not exhibit this property when trained on other humans, so this would seem to prove that “AI” isn't actually intelligent.

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“Oh No, not one of those, now I have to install 7Zip,” said no one ever.

7-Zip is excellent. It's the de facto standard archiving and compression tool on Windows, and for good reason.

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I don't know why I worry. Kids are practically immune to bullshit. It's always adults who repeat their crooked leaders' lies.

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So, let me get this straight. They want to peer into the homes and bedrooms of children all over the world? Gather photographs of them? 😬

And how do they expect this to work on a gaming PC with no camera?

Also, their comment form says not to submit any personally identifiable information, such as your name, and yet it requires you to submit your name, and it says your name will be shown publicly for all to see. To object to a violation of my privacy, I must…allow them to violate my privacy?

How does this person sleep at night?

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Cryptocurrency is a scam. Not just certain coins, but the whole concept. It's nothing more than digital tulips.

JavaScript is a bad language, but what's really bad about it is not the language itself but the ecosystem of libraries and tools. Getting just about anything to work is a huge struggle. Rust is much easier to use.

Having children is a horrible idea.

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You might pay for a subscription-based future, but I will stay on PC where this sort of nonsense is not tolerated.

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The company is also thinking about how to integrate AI into the browser.


Authorship of open-source GPU drivers.

Nobody's going to use it when 90% of the web blocks everything except genuine Chrome on genuine Windows.

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is there ANY self-described “bastion of free speech on the internet” that is not a cesspool full of awful people? Just one?

No, because awful people congregate wherever they are tolerated.

Long Covid isn’t stopped by the vaccine.

Last I checked, the vaccine decreases the chance of all COVID symptoms, including the long-term ones.

High blood pressure and erratic heart. Cardiologist said no more boosters. The risk is to high.

Then you're one of the people that everyone else's herd immunity is supposed to protect. You're one of the few that can't tolerate the vaccine. Everyone else still needs to be vaccinated.

Nope. The cruelty is the point.

People used to be able to afford homes, so yes, it definitely is happening.

Linux: “We're dropping support for this device because we're fairly sure we had the last one in existence and it just died.”

There must be a loophole in the bill. Hopefully people find it and sound the alarm before the bill passes.

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Which makes them no different from the western imperialists they hate so much.

it seemed any article having to do with Ukraine had a lot of pro-Russian posts.

Yes, Lemmy is rather notorious for its tankie problem. Best to avoid instances that allow that behavior.

Part of the reason I ended up here is because one user told me “If you need a safe space, you should go over to beehaw with all the other snowflakes.”

I've noticed that people who call others “snowflakes” are usually projecting.

at the very least reddit was equipped to keep the dumbest of dumbasses out of visibility.

I strongly disagree with this point. On Reddit, running into awful people was a common occurrence, and I was unable to block them for some reason. On Beehaw, I rarely encounter them and am not forced to tolerate their awfulness. It's a major improvement.

Psh. That last one could easily be a scam. Maybe scammers haven't tried the fake class action settlement website angle yet, but they will, and I have no intention of being their first victim.

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None. The opposition to systemd is highly irrational.

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Why is it that the hardest workers are the lowest paid?

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There are alarm clock apps requiring a subscription now? Good heavens.

People being contractually obligated to undergo medically unnecessary surgery is still an intolerable atrocity.

I'm reminded of IBM's dealings with the Nazis.

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