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Joined 12 months ago

The submarine dude that got rid of a few more in one go?

9 more...

I hate that pov so much.

Humanity is fantastic, wonderful, loving and amazing. It's not a shit hole.

I'd argue society is really broken in some places, but not humanity.

As for Social media: it just brings out some dark side in some people. The vast majority of people on social media behave. It's just that the outliers catch the attention.

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Get out of the lemmy Foss bubble and ask again. I don't know anybody that actually gives a fuck about manifest v3 tbh.

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Corporate speak sucks, but it's 100x better than Linus digging an ever deeper hole for himself at this time. Dude and his wife just need to take a backseat for a while and let pros fix their shit

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Awesome! More people in Japan should do that! Show some spine! Don't just constantly accept the status quo that is so pervasive in Japan.

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Fair enough :)

I just don't see how believing the worst in your fellow human can encourage you to improve things.

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I'm not a specialist and I'm just guessing: licensing fees and streaming fees to the actors etc? Every view costs them a tiny bit of money. I guess over time it adds up. And from Disney's pov those shows don't bring in new subs or anything, so they only cost them money?

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Man, every time I see videos like that, my heart breaks. Those are actual human beings with families, loved ones, hopes and dreams... (I know Russia does much worse things to the other side, but that doesn't change the feeling. Most conscripts are just brainwashed cannon fodder :()

Fuck war so much...

38 more...

Would be interesting to see engagement metrics as well.

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I cannot handle the lack of a unified control scheme and app logic in iOS. I don't understand how all apple users just ignore that.

In android back is back. In every single app. It always does what you expect. It goes back.

I iOS sometimes it goes back, sometimes it goes up. Sometimes it's on the bottom, sometimes it's on the upper top left (why the actual f would you place it there...), sometimes it's wherever. It depends on the apps it seems?

App settings are sometimes in the apps themselves and sometimes buried twenty menus deep in the phone settings menu. Where is the logic in that?

Those two points alone hold me back from using an iPhone or iPad. (there's others, but I could live with those). It's frustratingly complex to use compared to the relative simplicity of an Android.

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Because Linux doesn't just work out of the box.

Somehow the Linux evangelists never understand that point.

All your peripherals, no matter how old, and all your (legacy) software just works on windows. Maybe the OS isn't blazing fast and there is more and more so called bloatware (at least according to FOSS people), but if I plug in my 10y old Logitech wireless mouse, it works in 10 sec. In Linux I'd have to start searching for a solution, a driver, a little hack, a script, a controller repository, etc... It will work eventually, but it's not intuitive. Doubly so for people that were raised on windows.

Linux is absolutely not user friendly for non techies that have 20y of windows habits in them.

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Tetris? Any remake they've made was basically just a texture pack?

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No, sex work should be legalized and become a protected trade, just like other work. Only by legalizing it can you get rid of a large chunk of the shady part of it. (never all of it, but legalized sex work is 100% better than Grey zone sex work like it is now in so many places...)

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Pretty shallow and lame reason: I vastly prefer staring at a woman's ass all day over a man's. I'm already a man 24/7 of the day, might as well mix it up.

That, or if I have to follow the internet I don't realize I'm trans?

Being raised as an atheist makes life so much simpler. Never had to spend time with those parts of YouTube, life was simple and clear.

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Yeah, I'll stick to tbh. While I appreciate the effort, I don't see the need.

Gta5 had a shitty single player experience? Did we play the same game? Wtf?or rdr2, another Rockstar game?

Shit on Rockstar all you want, but their game have entertaining stories...

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The fact that Trump never revealed anything about Aliens is all the proof you need. He would never have been able to shut it about it if there was even a grain of truth to it

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My elderly father would probably catch on fire if he steps into a church. But he shares basically all social values with hardcore Christians.

You can be a non believer, that was raised in a certain belief system and as such share their shitty values. I would imagine this is much more common with older atheists/agnostics/don't-care-about-religion,-only-myselfionists

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In so glad climate change is just a ploy by bill gates to inject us with 5g microdrones

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Read the meme until the very bottom, it explains all.

Do you have any proof of that?

Afaik in many European countries with legalized prostitution (eg Holland, Belgium,....) there is certainly no increase in illegal prostitution. But please, prove me wrong.

All research also indicates legalization upsides far outweigh the downsides.

I mean... They're both princesses after all, not queens...

What a bunch of cunts

Same for c, but at half the scale tbh. (with a bit of a stretch to the imagination)

50 is very hot. 0 is cold. 25c is perfect.

9 more...

Just a few dlc/expansion packs that were totally worth their money

All Rimworld expansions.

Diablo 3 reaper of souls/ D2 lord of destruction

The witcher blood and wine (?)

Ballad of gay tony

Star craft ones

Red alert yuris revenge

Horizon zero dawn frozen wilds

Etc... There are good expansions that are totally worth their money and add to the overall game.

That being said, I'm not a huge dlc fan and rarely spend money on them if they don't really add to the game. More partial to spend on dlc for smaller studio games rather than large ones.

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Not refusing, but lately I basically don't pirate games anymore. Steam made it so easy to buy games... + pirating games is always a pita with the required hacks etc. (or at least it was way back when I did it).

Software I don't pirate, I just use foss stuff wherever I can.

I also don't pirate books in general. Just get them on Kindle and support the author (and unfortunately also Jeff bezos)

I pay for Netflix (mainly for kids) and go to the theater for big movies, but aside from that I pirate all screen content.

I also pirate comics, but that's 90% because it's almost impossible to get them legally where I live. I would pay for DC unlimited if it was available in my neck of the woods.

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There's thousands no?

Cars worked fine 20y ago. They work better now.

PCs worked fine 20y ago. They work better now.


If it works, fix it?

Or you mean the other way around? If it doesn't work, fix it? Then the list is endless.

Rimworld with mods can basically turn in whatever game you want. There is no limit

Way to misunderstand federation + legal issues... Go cry foul on reddit, they share your "outrage" mindset

Just make an account on another server that is federated with them.

You don't have a separate 100% anonymous steam account to use in case of having to fake your death? Your loss tbh...

"their country"

I know he's been trying for a few years at least and he still hasn't caught it. I don't have high hopes for him.

Just explain the big bang. I mean, not as if anything else is true. As for the "meaning" of life, my parents were quite blunt. And I'm also blunt to my kids: "there is no meaning. Life is what you make off it. Be excellent to each other and enjoy the ride"

That's exactly what Putin/Russia wants you to think. I mean, cmon...

Musk is an idiot and a tool, but this is just Putin playing with the public opinion :)

WordPad (or at least uses to) opens much faster than word, but still has rich text. Perfect for some short notes.

Or eg to edit an ini file. They display as readable text in WordPad and not just a massive long string like in notepad.

Oh yeah, absolutely. And I'd feel horrible for the human being on the other side of the scope... I'm talking about the actual human being with a life being killed. Not the politics behind it.

That doesn't mean I'm justifying the atrocities Russia commits or even remotely support their unprovoked attack. Russia is the bad guy, no discussion. But they're still humans and I can still feel bad for the needless loss of human life.

Could you share some? I'd be interested to see how they stack up to eg Google, ms or any of the other large tech companies.

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Try it out. It's a sidebar that allows you to put all kinds of websites and tools in small pop-out windows.

A less visually appealing, but much more powerful version of the opera chat sidebar.

I've tried to get something similar in Firefox, but nothing comes even close.

Built-in functions >>> addons any day of the week.

(cfr mouse gestures)

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