If only it was like that

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 808 points –

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Same for c, but at half the scale tbh. (with a bit of a stretch to the imagination)

50 is very hot. 0 is cold. 25c is perfect.

25c is literally cock and ball torture what are ya on about. Then again I'm an Irish guy who hasn't left my country in nearly a decade so I don't even know what more than 25c feels like

I'm Brazilian and, although I'm not in the hottest area, summer easily hits 40°C, so yeah, 25°C is not perfect, that would be 20°C, but is pretty good still

I'm Canadian and I agree. 25 c is the edge of what's bearable but closer to 20 c is better.

Hello, you, who walks the fiery path. I much prefer my 18, thanks.

Move to Saskatchewan if you want hell both ways, summers in the 40s and winters in the -50s. YAY

25C is the point where I start feeling sleepy because it's so warm.

If you think 25C is optimal then I'm curious as to what your "comfy sleeping temperature" is?

15-20 °C is ideal for me. Above 22-23 it starts being too warm. Below 10 I have to start wearing a sweater, which I dislike.