318 Post – 522 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

23 year old Irish non binary satanist

The way you just casually discuss cuckolding people. It's like the banality of evil as they called it or in this case the banality of cucking

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Wtf. Why didn't you mention the cringe lord emperor striker?!

Edit: using my mod powers to get attention.

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To prevent the all powerful cum tsunami from wiping us all out

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Nah. You see I stay in my room 23 and a half hours a day. What I would prefer is if they could be Lured to my room and then I say the thing and then we plow. Like your plan is good but I dunno. At a minimum, how long would this plan require me to be outside of my room for?

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Sir. Let me get this straight. You're sating that that stealing candy from a baby is an easy thing to do like stealing candy from a baby?

But the unprocessed Salami will suck my dick. So

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Your uncle sound like a well cultured man

That's because it was part of a scrapped movie in the franchise. It wad going to be called Shrek's choice with Shrek being played by Meryl Streep

No. She is 15

I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to all of the users here who liked lemmy shit posting. I feel like I let the situation grow too out of control before getting help. Don't worry I am not quitting. I fully intend on staying around. The other two deserted the community but I won't. Dm me If you wish to apply for mod.

Sincerest thanks to the admin team for dealing with this situation. I wish I linked in with you all earlier.

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This isn't mildlyinfuriating, this is terrifying

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I am fine with the place settling for a bit. It would suck if this place was as big as other sites are overnight. I want to watch this place grow over time

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Disconnected 2023 is an American computer animated comedy movie produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. It features the voices of Ryan Reynolds, Nicholas Cage, Jeffery Tambor, Chris Pratt, Danny Devito and Burt Young in his last role.

This flim centers on four men who die during an explosive decompression of a commercial submersible viewing the Titanic. Their souls join those on the Titanic as they learn to adapt to an afterlife with spirts from another century.

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I am pretty sure you can feel when you are about to cum regardless of circumcision status. That's just how dicks Work. Ya know

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This op doesn't specify which time zone. This is terrifying because that means I could sort by new at any time and it would be the cursed 3am that op mentions. Is that the true terror of this meme?

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Yup. It definitely feels like over time the human element of the Internet has been replaced by a corporate one. The most blatant example I can think of is youtube. Nowadays it's so obvious rigged in the favour of already established media and a select few content creators.

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Pretty sure climate change is already here.

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Ever since I quit reddit I have become irrestable to the opposite sex. I've gotten so many bitches.

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Yeah. The fact that so many people are ok with this mask off cruelty is astonishing. No one sees the connection between the cost of living and sky high rents leading to an increase in homelessness. No one sees until they are on the streets themselves.

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I looked at the non Muslim Girl and real Muslim girl and it was a series of pictures featuring women with horses. These pictures were marked with a giant red x. The second half of that video was women in hijabs just staying still, marked with a green tick mark.

Is the message of that video supposed to be women shouldn't be allowed ride horses?

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Anyone that expected Lemmy to instantly get as big as reddit overnight were naive. Overall I think only a small fraction went away but reddit is clearly using tactics like mass inviting to group chats and reopening places to boost activity.

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Yes. It can also trick you into thinking a reactionary opinion is actually a popular one. For example in my country, ireland, there's been a few incidents were people of different nationalities have done unsavoury things caught on camera. This usually results of the comment section of the ireland sub to have a debate about whether there's too many immigrants in the country. Whichever side gets more upvotes is widely perceived to have "won" and bystanders will in turn adopt that position.

I don't think I've ever changed an opinion of mine to go along with the hive mind but the karma system has definitely discouraged me from commenting things because I would been downvoted into oblivion. It's not worth getting into arguments when you can clearly see people not siding with you.

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Laws need to be made against this shit ASAP. No company has a right to lock people out of their homes.

Hey everybody. I am going to say the b word

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He is owning the libs by drinking milk. Don't you know how leftists are trying to get milk banned? As a leftist this post made me so angry that spontaneously combusted and now I am dead/s

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Despite reports I have decided to keep the comments open and the post up. I think removing this will only add fuel to the fire.

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Poverty isn't a joke batman.

Guys like this are the kind of guys that end up shooting kids out of fear.

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I can't really comment atm. It's not my job to do pr for the admins but I am just a mod and I am not on the admin team. I wasn't involved in the decision. I am trying my best to be transparent though because I don't want this to evolve in a bigger issue.

Its about the dangers of getting a tattoo. Scientists estimate that within 100 years most people who have gotten tattoos will be dead. Don't you find that statistic kinda scary.

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Yeah. Shit is really going down on reddit right now. Spez is trying to paint this as "power hungry mods are closing down your favourite subs. Let admins control reddit more and we'll stop the power mods". Sadly, it really seems to be working for a lot of people. Classic tactic of the ruling class turning people against one another to distract while they fuck people over. Its like the iq of the average redditor dropped over night.

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We are all prostitutes in some way, shape or form under capitalism. Tell them that at thanksgiving and example that renting yourself to a company to drive trucks, scan tills,deliver pizza is not that different to renting yourself out for sex. Both involve you doing a service for others in exchange for cash.

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It's nearly impossible for people in their early 20s to have enough privacy to have sexual relationships with each other. Most are living with their parents or in shared apartments that afford little privacy. I don't see why society seems to be so against giving young people enough privacy so they don't have to resort to fucking on the streets. This was a massive reason why my last relationship failed.

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Aww don't be hard on yourself. You are a lemmy shit posting mod. You have any idea how many people your age have that honor?

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Life pro tip: If you are vegan and lactose intolerant get oat milk. Out of all the alternatives that one tastes the closest to the real thing by a country mile.

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To whoever reported it I say this. I know its nudity but its the statue of David. I'm not censoring the statue of David lol.

If you are dating someone and you really feel like this relationship has potential then you should think back to the worst thing you've ever did. Do it again and see how they react. If they can't handle you at your worst then they don't deserve you at your best.

But Idk tho.

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You can always find these people and make them find out. They are actively committing genocide against the human race.

I hate this stance. There's so much good in people as well. Check out and realise you are reading about a giant once in a lifetime terrorist attack rather than an everyday occurrence. Too many terminally online people just get a warped perception of what others are like from constant negative news and end up glorifying isolation as a result. More and more people do that while posting about doing so leads other people to do so as well.

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For some the novelty of lemmy dropped pretty quickly. Most reddit users which make up a huge chunk of lemmy users would go days if not, weeks without commenting or posting. You kinda have to factor in that a lot of people are lemmy lurkers that will comment or post once they find something that interests them.

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